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[转] OpenStack neutron floatingips 与 iptables 深入分析

转自 http://blog.csdn.net/starean/article/details/16860819

1. 简介neutron-l3-agent

OpenStack neutron-l3-agent 主要负责实现网络三层协议,为虚拟机完成SNAT,DNAT等地址的转换与伪装,提供安全弹性隔离的云网络环境,

下面详细叙述了OpenStack如何使用iptables链与规则完成复杂的neutron-l3-agent 的网络地址转换(NAT)功能,虚拟机floating ip与fixed ip绑定的工作原理。

2. iptables 简介

    2.1 iptables 链拓扑结构

  2.2 iptables 表结构

           Table filter: 

                Chain INPUT

                Chain FORWARD

                Chain OUTPUT

            filter 表用于一般的信息包过滤,它包含 INPUT 、 OUTPUT 和 FORWARD 链。

          Table nat:

                Chain PREROUTING

                Chain OUTPUT

                Chain POSTROUTING

           PREROUTING 链由指定信息包一到达防火墙就改变它们的规则所组成,而 POSTROUTING 链由指定正当信息包打算离开防火墙时改变它们的规则所组成。 

3. iptables command

# 添加一条规则到 INPUT 链的末尾,ACCEPT 来自源地址 的包


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  1. [root@xianghui-10-9-1-141 ~]# iptables -A INPUT -s  -j ACCEPT  


#允许protocol为TCP 、 UDP 、 ICMP 的包通过


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  1. [root@xianghui-10-9-1-141 ~]# iptables -A INPUT -p TCP, UDP  


# 从INPUT链中删除掉规则“Drop 到端口80的包”
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  1. [root@xianghui-10-9-1-141 ~]# iptables -D INPUT --dport 80 -j DROP  
# 将 INPUT 链的缺省规则指定为 DROP 
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  1. [root@xianghui-10-9-1-141 ~]# iptables -P INPUT DROP  

# 创建一个新链new-chain


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  1. [root@xianghui-10-9-1-141 ~]# iptables -N new-chain  


# 删除Table filter 中的所有规则


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  1. [root@xianghui-10-9-1-141 ~]# iptables -F  


# 列出INPUT链中的所有规则

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  1. [root@xianghui-10-9-1-141 ~]# iptables -L INPUT  

# 删除链


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  1. [root@xianghui-10-9-1-141 ~]# iptables -X  

4. 配置neutron-l3-agent 



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  1. [root@xianghui-10-9-1-141 ~]# neutron router-create router1  
  2. +--------------------------------------+---------+-----------------------+  
  3. | id                                   | name    | external_gateway_info |  
  4. +--------------------------------------+---------+-----------------------+  
  5. |c36b384e-b1f5-45e5-bb4f-c3ed32885142 | router1 | null |  
  6. +--------------------------------------+---------+-----------------------+  
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  1. [root@xianghui-10-9-1-141 ~]# vi /etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini  
  2. interface_driver = neutron.agent.linux.interface.OVSInterfaceDriver   
  3. # OS is RHEL6.4, not support namespace  
  4. use_namespaces = False  
  5. # This is done by setting the specific router_id.  
  6. router_id = c36b384e-b1f5-45e5-bb4f-c3ed32885142  
  7. # Name of bridge used for external network traffic. This should be set to  
  8. # empty value for the linux bridge  
  9. external_network_bridge = br-eth1  



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  1. [root@xianghui-10-9-1-141 ~]# service neutron-l3-agent restart  



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  1. [root@xianghui-10-9-1-141 ~]#  echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward  


5. neutron 利用iptables 实现 NAT 原理

iptables 中neutron l3 agent自定义的链:




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  1. [root@xianghui-10-9-1-141 ~]#  neutron net-create ext_net --router:external=True  
  2. +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+  
  3. | Field                     | Value                                |  
  4. +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+  
  5. | admin_state_up            | True                                 |  
  6. | id                        | 2d72d81b-cf09-459e-87fb-a50fa0e8730a |  
  7. | name                      | ext_net                              |  
  8. | provider:network_type     | vlan                                 |  
  9. | provider:physical_network | physnet1                             |  
  10. | provider:segmentation_id  | 1000                                 |  
  11. | router:external           | True                                 |  
  12. | shared                    | False                                |  
  13. | status                    | ACTIVE                               |  
  14. | subnets                   | e1932e73-1e4b-4f87-9ebf-758a757e20ef |  
  15. | tenant_id                 | b21a96e16c3c438caab4a27a1f58a5b8     |  
  16. +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+  
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  1. [root@oc2603148815 cfn]# subnet-create ext_net --allocation-pool start=,end= --gateway --enable_dhcp=False  
  2. +------------------+----------------------------------------------------+  
  3. | Field            | Value                                              |  
  4. +------------------+----------------------------------------------------+  
  5. | allocation_pools | {"start": "", "end": ""} |  
  6. | cidr             |                                    |  
  7. | dns_nameservers  |                                                    |  
  8. | enable_dhcp      | False                                              |  
  9. | gateway_ip       |                                       |  
  10. | host_routes      |                                                    |  
  11. | id               | e1932e73-1e4b-4f87-9ebf-758a757e20ef               |  
  12. | ip_version       | 4                                                  |  
  13. | name             |                                                    |  
  14. | network_id       | 2d72d81b-cf09-459e-87fb-a50fa0e8730a               |  
  15. | tenant_id        | b21a96e16c3c438caab4a27a1f58a5b8                   |  
  16. +------------------+----------------------------------------------------+  



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  1. [root@oc2603148815 cfn]# neutron net-create vlan-70 --provider:network_type vlan --provider:physical_network physnet1 --provider:segmentation_id 16  
  2. +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+  
  3. | Field                     | Value                                |  
  4. +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+  
  5. | admin_state_up            | True                                 |  
  6. | id                        | 793a95b7-cf1f-4bde-b7b8-5a9a2e552fae |  
  7. | name                      | vlan-70                              |  
  8. | provider:network_type     | vlan                                 |  
  9. | provider:physical_network | physnet1                             |  
  10. | provider:segmentation_id  | 16                                   |  
  11. | router:external           | False                                |  
  12. | shared                    | False                                |  
  13. | status                    | ACTIVE                               |  
  14. | subnets                   | f542941d-5d53-45e4-85d0-944e030c2bcc |  
  15. | tenant_id                 | b21a96e16c3c438caab4a27a1f58a5b8     |  
  16. +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+  
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  1. [root@oc2603148815 cfn]# neutron subnet-create vlan-70  
  2. +------------------+--------------------------------------------+  
  3. | Field            | Value                                      |  
  4. +------------------+--------------------------------------------+  
  5. | allocation_pools | {"start": "", "end": ""} |  
  6. | cidr             |                                |  
  7. | dns_nameservers  |                                            |  
  8. | enable_dhcp      | True                                       |  
  9. | gateway_ip       |                                   |  
  10. | host_routes      |                                            |  
  11. | id               | f542941d-5d53-45e4-85d0-944e030c2bcc       |  
  12. | ip_version       | 4                                          |  
  13. | name             |                                            |  
  14. | network_id       | 793a95b7-cf1f-4bde-b7b8-5a9a2e552fae       |  
  15. | tenant_id        | b21a96e16c3c438caab4a27a1f58a5b8           |  
  16. +------------------+--------------------------------------------+  



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  1. [root@oc2603148815 cfn]# neutron net-list  
  2. +--------------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------------+  
  3. | id                                   | name    | subnets                                              |  
  4. +--------------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------------+  
  5. | 2d72d81b-cf09-459e-87fb-a50fa0e8730a | ext_net | e1932e73-1e4b-4f87-9ebf-758a757e20ef |  
  6. | 793a95b7-cf1f-4bde-b7b8-5a9a2e552fae | vlan-70 | f542941d-5d53-45e4-85d0-944e030c2bcc     |  
  7. +--------------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------------+  
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  1. # neutron router-gateway-set $ROUTER_ID $EXTERNAL_NETWORK_ID  
  2. [root@oc2603148815 cfn]# neutron router-gateway-set 06d85a01-fc42-4cde-a0f1-377f2f394a64 2d72d81b-cf09-459e-87fb-a50fa0e8730a  
  4. # neutron router-interface-add $ROUTER_ID $SUBNET_ID  
  5. [root@oc2603148815 cfn]# neutron router-interface-add 06d85a01-fc42-4cde-a0f1-377f2f394a64 f542941d-5d53-45e4-85d0-944e030c2bcc  





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  1. -A PREROUTING -j neutron-l3-agent-PREROUTING  
  2. -A POSTROUTING -j neutron-l3-agent-POSTROUTING  
  3. -A POSTROUTING -j neutron-postrouting-bottom  
  4. -A OUTPUT -j neutron-l3-agent-OUTPUT  
  5. -A neutron-l3-agent-snat -j neutron-l3-agent-float-snat  
  6. -A neutron-l3-agent-snat -s -j SNAT --to-source  
  7. -A neutron-postrouting-bottom -j neutron-l3-agent-snat  


创建floating ip(并绑定到vm的fixed ip(选择70.0.0.3):


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  1. [root@xianghui-10-9-1-141 ~]# neutron floatingip-create 2d72d81b-cf09-459e-87fb-a50fa0e8730a  
  2. Created a new floatingip:  
  3. +---------------------+--------------------------------------+  
  4. | Field               | Value                                |  
  5. +---------------------+--------------------------------------+  
  6. | fixed_ip_address    |                                      |  
  7. | floating_ip_address |                        |  
  8. | floating_network_id | 2d72d81b-cf09-459e-87fb-a50fa0e8730a |  
  9. | id                  | f8b48ab7-ea51-4f29-bc84-0ab179808dbb |  
  10. | port_id             |                                      |  
  11. | router_id           |                                      |  
  12. | tenant_id           | adc4e7a4effa44ffa3c6e48dd5a8555a     |  
  13. +---------------------+--------------------------------------+  


找出想要被绑定的fixed ip 的port id

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  1. [root@xianghui-10-9-1-141 ~]# neutron port-list  
  2. +--------------------------------------+------+-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  
  3. | id                                   | name | mac_address       | fixed_ips                                                                            |  
  4. +--------------------------------------+------+-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  
  5. | 0d06055b-2f31-4d8e-b8da-e048d76a07cc |      | fa:16:3e:d7:f4:19 | {"subnet_id": "5c62752f-27ba-4d38-9702-2ca17ec2741d", "ip_address": ""}      |  
  6. +--------------------------------------+------+-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  
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  1. [root@xianghui-10-9-1-141 ~]# neutron floatingip-associate f8b48ab7-ea51-4f29-bc84-0ab179808dbb0d06055b-2f31-4d8e-b8da-e048d76a07cc  
  2. Associated floatingip f8b48ab7-ea51-4f29-bc84-0ab179808dbb  
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  1. [root@xianghui-10-9-1-141 ~]# neutron floatingip-list  
  2. +--------------------------------------+------------------+---------------------+--------------------------------------+  
  3. | id                                   | fixed_ip_address | floating_ip_address | port_id                              |  
  4. +--------------------------------------+------------------+---------------------+--------------------------------------+  
  5. | f8b48ab7-ea51-4f29-bc84-0ab179808dbb |         |       | b0797fe6-b799-41ea-86d0-9d9bfa0b2eb9 |  
  6. +--------------------------------------+------------------+---------------------+--------------------------------------+  

经过前面步骤后,iptables会多出下面的规则, 所有目标ip是192.168.12.11的包都会被转发到ip的guest上

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  1. -A neutron-l3-agent-OUTPUT -d -j DNAT --to-destination  
  2. -A neutron-l3-agent-PREROUTING -d -j DNAT --to-destination  
  3. -A neutron-l3-agent-float-snat -s -j SNAT --to-source  


6. neutron floating ip 与 fixed ip 的转换
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  1. [root@xianghui-10-9-1-141 ~]#  iptables -t nat -Aneutron-l3-agent-float-snat -s SNAT --to-source  


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  1. [root@xianghui-10-9-1-141 ~]#  iptables -t nat -Aneutron-l3-agent-PREROUTING -d DNAT --to-destination  


测试:(从guest上ping, 结果被转发到70.0.0.6的guest上)

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  1. [root@xianghui-10-9-1-141 ~]#  ssh ec2-user@  
  2. [ec2-user@wordpress-test-wikidatabase-jevfsmkbakch ~]$ ping  
  3. PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.  
  4. 64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=3.09 ms  
  5. 64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.281 ms  
  6. 64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=64 time=0.151 ms  
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  1. [root@xianghui-10-9-1-141 ~]#  iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j neutron-l3-agent-float-snat  
  3. [ec2-user@wordpress-test-wikidatabase-jevfsmkbakch ~]$ ping  
  4. PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.  
  5. 64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=63 time=2.47 ms  
  6. 64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=63 time=0.199 ms  
  7. 64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=63 time=0.251 ms  

7. 实例分析(ALL-IN-ONE)

7.1 虚拟机的网络拓扑

7.2 虚拟机之间用floating ip ping通

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  1. # ping from  
  2. # s: d:  
  3. # prerouting -> forward -> postrouting  
  4. [root@xianghui-10-9-1-141 ~]#  iptables -A neutron-l3-agent-FORWARD -d -j ACCEPT  
  5. [root@xianghui-10-9-1-141 ~]#  iptables -A neutron-l3-agent-FORWARD -d -j ACCEPT  
  6. [root@xianghui-10-9-1-141 ~]#  iptables -t nat -A neutron-l3-agent-PREROUTING -d -j DNAT --to-destination  

7.3 虚拟机主机ping通虚拟机的floating ip

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  1. -A OUTPUT -j neutron-l3-agent-OUTPUT  
  2. [root@xianghui-10-9-1-141 ~]#  iptables -A neutron-l3-agent-OUTPUT -d -j DNAT --to-destination  
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