openh264 在 osx 上的 nasm 问题
先在 pc 上编译,熟悉一下。
nasm -DUNIX64 -DPREFIX -f macho64 -I./codec/common/x86/ -o codec/common/x86/cpuid.o codec/common/x86/cpuid.asm
nasm: fatal: unrecognised output format `macho64' - use -hf for a list
type `nasm -h' for help
NASM needed to be installed for assembly code: workable version 2.07 or above, nasm can downloaded from For Mac OSX 64-bit NASM needed to be below version 2.11.08 as nasm 2.11.08 will introduce error when using RIP-relative addresses in Mac OSX 64-bit
brew install homebrew/versions/nasm21106