6.828 - lab2
* 分页
* 地址空间 Address space
pde_t entrypgdir[NPDENTRIES] = {
// Map VA's [0, 4MB) to PA's [0, 4MB)
[0] = (0) | PTE_P | PTE_W | PTE_PS,
// Map VA's [KERNBASE, KERNBASE+4MB) to PA's [0, 4MB)
这里的映射用到了super page(PTE_PS),大页直接映射4MB空间,无需二级页表。
mov $main, %eax
jmp *%eax
这里是从低地址跳到高地址,必须这样。如果直接jmp main的话,汇编过后,它实际上是相对当前位置的偏称跳转,跳完过后仍然在低地址。
* 创建第一个进程
xv6每个进程都用一个struct proc结构来表示,最多支持64个进程。而所有的进程都预分配好了。
struct {
struct spinlock lock;
struct proc proc[NPROC];
} ptable;
lab 2
1. 分配和释放内存。实现这个功能,需要一些数据结构来记录物理页的使用情况。
2. 虚拟内存。将虚拟地址转换成物理地址。
1. 收集内存信息,知道当前总共可用的物理内存大小,按页来计算的话总共有npages个PGSIZE大小的页。
2. JOS此时需要映射自己的内存布局。那么先分配一页做为页目录表kern_pgdir。内核本身占用掉的空间是[KERNBASE, end)。所以就从end后面取一页内存,注意PGSIZE对齐。
3. 按页管理所有的物理内存,每页用一个struct Page表示,那么总共有npages个struct Page结构。紧接着kern_pgdir后面为这些Page结构分配足够的空间。
4. 注意上面2,3两步分配内存都是直接在内存空间向后取,而现在我们有pages来表示每个物理页,就将所有空闲的物理页page链成一个单向链表,表头为page_free_list。这之后,每当我们需要分配内存时,就到链表中去拿page_alloc,用完了再page_free释放回链表。
* 虚拟地址、线性地址、物理地址
SEG_NULL # null seg
SEG(STA_X|STA_R, 0x0, 0xffffffff) # code seg
SEG(STA_W, 0x0, 0xffffffff) # data seg
1. Assuming that the following JOS kernel code is correct, what type should variable x have, uintptr_t or physaddr_t?
mystery_t x;
char* value = return_a_pointer();
*value = 10;
x = (mystery_t) value;
2. What entries (rows) in the page directory have been filled in at this point? What addresses do they map and where do they point? In other words, fill out this table as much as possible:
3. (From Lecture 3) We have placed the kernel and user environment in the same address space. Why will user programs not be able to read or write the kernel's memory? What specific mechanisms protect the kernel memory?
4. What is the maximum amount of physical memory that this operating system can support? Why?
5. How much space overhead is there for managing memory, if we actually had the maximum amount of physical memory? How is this overhead broken down?
每个物理页用一个struct Page结构来管理。一个Page结构占8字节。256MB有65536页,要花掉512KB空间来管理。如果有4GB物理内存,则要花掉8MB空间来管理。
6. Revisit the page table setup in kern/entry.S and kern/entrypgdir.c. Immediately after we turn on paging, EIP is still a low number (a little over 1MB). At what point do we transition to running at an EIP above KERNBASE? What
makes it possible for us to continue executing at a low EIP between when we enable paging and when we begin running at an EIP above KERNBASE? Why is this transition necessary?
mov $relocated, %eax
jmp *%eax
kern_pgdir[]页目录中设置映射关系,有两块虚拟地址[0, 0x0040,0000)和[0xf000,0000, 0xffff,ffff)映射到同一物理地址[0, 4MB)。所以在低地址和高地址都能正确执行。
如果只映射[0xf000,0000, 0xffff,ffff),那么开启分页转换后eip仍是低地址,此时经过MMU转换无法找到正确的数据(指令)。
6.828 2011 Lecture 4: Process Creation big picture getting xv6 as far as the first process load kernel temporary page table real page table create process switch to process exec /init why do we care about VM? implements address spaces: force each process to only r/w its own memory (bugs, security) user code at predictable addresses big contiguous user address space where we were on Wednesday setting up a page table for xv6 kernel diagram of virtual address space 0x80000000 0x00000000 each process has its own page table plus one for when not running a process (e.g. early in boot) quick review of x86 page directory / page table [diagram: cr3, 1024 PDEs, 1024 page table pages] see last week's handout PTE: 22 bits phys addr, 12 flag bits translation: 10, 10, 12 we were early in main(), in kvmalloc(), after setupkvm() sheet 17 let's look at the page table (kpgdir) that setupkvm produces (gdb) break kvmalloc (gdb) next (gdb) print/x kpgdir[0] why is is zero? let's look up a virtual address how about the first instruction of kvmalloc (gdb) x/i kvmalloc 0x80107990 <kvmalloc>: push %ebp how would we translate 0x80107990 to a physical address? 这里可以看到kvmalloc第一条指令,位于虚拟地址0x80107990处,那么这个虚拟地址是如何被转换成物理地址的呢?下面的步骤一步一步转换
(gdb) print/x 0x80107990 >> 22 $4 = 0x200 (gdb) print/x kpgdir[0x200] $6 = 0x114007 Q: what is this?
根据虚拟地址可以算出PDX,再到页目录中找对应页目录项,这个目录项的值指定了页表的位置 Q: what is the PPN?
PPN就是页表位置,0x114000 Q: what does the 7 mean?
7是页目录项的权限位,由于页目录项和页表项都有权限位。内核设计使用页表的权限位,那么页目录项中的权限全部打开。7意味着PTE_P|PTE_W|PTE_U. (gdb) print/x (0x80107990 >> 12) & 0xfff $6 = 0x107 (gdb) print/x ((int*)0x114000)[0x107] $12 = 0x107001 Q: what is this?
0x107是PTX,在页表中的索引。0x107001就是该页表项的值。 Q: why 1 in the low bits?
1表示该页表项映射的物理页只置了PTE_P标志 (gdb) print/x 0x107000 + 0x990 $13 = 0x107990 (gdb) x/i 0x107990 wait!!! why did the physical address work in gdb? 此时已经打开了分页模式,gdb当然无法直接查看物理地址中的数据。所有的地址都是虚拟地址。只是XV6最初也将虚拟地址的低4MB直接映射到物理地址的低4MB,所以这里的操作是没有问题的。
最后x/i 0x107990与之前的x/i 0x80107990 输出都是相同的。因为两个虚拟地址都映射到同一个物理地址。
back to kvmalloc it called setupkvm to create a page table now it calls switchkvm to start using it switchkvm loads kpgdir into %cr3 new page table much like the previous one maps more phys mem above the kernel does not have temporary mapping for low 4 MB and now 0x170990 won't work: (gdb) x/i 0x107990 0x107990: Cannot access memory at address 0x107990 切换到新的页目录kpgdir,kpgdir中没有映射最低4MB的虚拟地址,所以这里无法访问了。