Docker on Ubuntu
Docker on Ubuntu
Friday, August 4, 2017 1:48 PM
Install and configure Docker, along with deploying and
managing Linux-based containers, on an Ubuntu server.
This is a short workshop to introduce you to Linux-based containers. In this workshop, you will
gain experience in installing and configuring Docker on an Ubuntu server. You'll then deploy a
couple of different images as containers to the server and experiment with managing those
images and containers. Finally, you will configure Azure to allow you to access those containers
from outside of your virtual network.
What You Will Learn
Installing and Configuring Docker on Ubuntu
Downloading and Managing Images
Deploying and Working With Containers
Exposing Docker Services in Azure
Ideal Audience
IT Managers
Developers and Software Architects
Configuration and Change Managers
DevOps Engineers
This is a short workshop to introduce you to Linux-based containers. In this workshop, you will gain
experience in installing and configuring Docker on an Ubuntu server. You'll then deploy a couple of
different images as containers to the server and experiment with managing those images and
containers. Finally, you will configure Azure to allow you to access those containers from outside of
your virtual network.
Time Estimate: 2.5 hours
Setup Requirements
The following workshop will require that you use a Telnet/SSH client in order to connect to a remote
machine. If you do not have a SSH client, then PuTTY will work fine. Depending on your environment,
download the executable in a standalone file (.EXE) or an installable package (.MSI), either in a 32-bit
or 64-bit.
Additional Requirements
For the following workshop, you will need a subscription (trial or paid) to Microsoft Azure. Please see
the next page for how to create a trial subscription, if necessary.
We need an active Azure subscription in order to perform this workshop. There are a few ways to
accomplish this. If you already have an active Azure subscription, you can skip the remainder of this
page. Otherwise, you'll either need to use an Azure Pass or create a trial account. The instructions for
both are below.
Azure Pass
If you've been provided with a voucher, formally known as an Azure Pass, then you can use that to
create a subscription. In order to use the Azure Pass, direct your browser to and, following the prompts, use the code provided to create
your subscription.
Trial Subscription
Direct your browser to and begin by clicking on the green
button that reads Start free.
1 . In the first section, complete the form in its entirety. Make sure you use your real email
address for the important notifications.
2 . In the second section, enter a real mobile phone number to receive a text verification
number. Click send message and re-type the received code.
3 . Enter a valid credit card number. NOTE: You will not be charged. This is for verification of
identity only in order to comply with federal regulations. Your account statement may see a
temporary hold of $1.00 from Microsoft, but, again, this is for verification only and will "fall
off" your account within 2-3 banking days.
4 . Agree to Microsoft's Terms and Conditions and click Sign Up.
This may take a minute or two, but you should see a welcome screen informing you that your
subscription is ready. Like the Office 365 trial above, the Azure subscription is good for up to $200 of
resources for 30 days. After 30 days, your subscription (and resources) will be suspended unless you
convert your trial subscription to a paid one. And, should you choose to do so, you can elect to use a
different credit card than the one you just entered.
Azure Registration
Congratulations! You've now created an Office 365 tenant; an Azure tenant and subscription; and,
have linked the two together.
The first objective is for you to become familiar with connecting to and navigating the Azure portal.
This will not be a difficult exercise, but will nonetheless demonstrate how to work within the Azure
user interface.
Azure Portal Basics
Let's start by connecting to the Azure portal and becoming familiar with navigation.
1 . Open a browser and navigate to
2 . In the top-right corner of your screen, you will see the menu option PORTAL . Click on it.
3 . If you have not already, you will be required to authenticate.
4 . After authentication is successful, you will be directed to your Dashboard . The dashboard is
configurable by adding, removing and resizing tiles . Additionally, you can have multiple
dashboards depending on your preferences. You could have different dashboards for
resources dedicated to different functions, lines of business, or for operations.
5 . On the left will be your primary navigational menu. You should see a list of favorited services
on the menu with descriptions. (NOTE: The number of options listed in your menu may differ
from that of others depending on the number of services you have selected as a favorite.) If
all you see are icons (no descriptions) on your menu, your menu is currently collapsed. Click
the "hamburger" to expand it.
6 . Pretty close to the top of your menu, you should see Resource Groups . Click this
7 . Upon clicking the Resource Groups menu item, a blade will open revealing any created
resource groups. In order to create resources in Azure, you must assign/place it in a resource
This is where we will get started creating our resources.
While this introduction wasn't too technical, it is sufficient for getting us to a point where we can
begin the specifics in the workshop. If you'd like to look around a bit more, click a few of the other
options in the main menu. Then, when you are ready, can you proceed to the next step.
Exploring Azure
Now that we've explored the Azure portal a bit, let's get started with creating some resources. Our
primary resource will be a virtual machine on which we install Docker. Once we create the virtual
machine, we'll see that some additional resources are created for us.
Create a Resource Group
As stated on the previous page, in order to create resources, we need a Resource Group to place
them in.
1 . If you are not there already, go ahead and click on the Resource Groups in the Azure
Portal to open the Resource Groups blade.
2 . At the top of the Resource Groups blade, click on Add . This will open a panel that asks
for some basic configuration settings.
3 . Complete the configuration settings with the following:
Resource group name: azworkshops_docker_ubuntu_demo
Subscription: <choose your subscription>
Resource group location: <choose your location>
4 . <Optional> Check Pin to dashboard at the bottom of the panel.
5 . Click Create.
6 . It should only take a second for the resource group to be created. Once you click create, the
configuration panel closes and returns you to the list of available resource groups. Your
recently created group may not be visible in the list. Clicking on Refresh at the top of
the Resource Groups blade should display your new resource group.
NOTE: When you create a resource group, you are prompted to choose a location. Additionally, as
you create individual resources, you will also be prompted to choose locations. The location of
resource groups and their resources can be different. This is because resource groups store metadata
describing their contained resources; and, due to some types of compliance that your company may
adhere to, you may need to store that metadata in a different location than the resources
themselves. For example, if you are a US-based company, you may choose to keep the metadata
state-side while creating resources in foreign regions to reduce latency for the end-user.
Create a Virtual Machine
Create a Virtual Machine
Now that we have an available resource group, let's create the actual Ubuntu server.
1 . If you are not there already, go ahead and navigate to the
azworkshops_docker_ubuntu_demo resource group.
2 . At the top of the blade for our group, click on Add . This will display the blade for the
Azure Marketplace allowing you to deploy a number of different solutions.
3 . We are interested in deploying an Ubuntu server. Therefore, in the Search Everything box,
type in Ubuntu Server . This will display a couple of different versions. Since we want to
deploy the latest stable version of Ubuntu, from the displayed options, choose Ubuntu
Server 16.04 LTS.
4 . This will display a blade providing more information about the server we have chosen. To
continue creating the server, choose Create.
5 . We are now prompted with some configuration options. There are 3 sections we need to
complete and the last section is a summary of our chosen options.
1 . Basics
Name: docker-ubuntu
VM disk type: SSD
Username: localadmin
Authentication type: Password
(NOTE: You can choose SSH if you are familiar with how to set this up. If you
are not, we will do this in a later workshop. However, for this workshop,
Password authentication is sufficient.)
Password: Pass@word
Confirm password: <same as above>
Subscription: <choose your subscription>
Resource group: Use existing - azworkshops_docker_ubuntu_demo
Location: <choose a location>
2 . Size
3 . Settings
Use managed disks: No
Storage account: (click on it & Create New )
Name: dockerubuntudata <random number> (ex.
dockerubuntudata123456 )
(NOTE: This name must be globally unique, so it cannot already be
Performance: Premium
Replication: Locally-redundant storage (LRS)
Virtual network: <accept default> (e.g. (new)
azworkshops_docker_ubuntu_demo-vnet )
Subnet: <accept default> (e.g. default ( )
Public IP address: <accept default> (e.g. (new) docker-ubuntu-ip )
Network security group (firewall): <accept default> (e.g. (new) docker-
ubuntu-nsg )
Extensions: No extensions
Availability set: None
Boot diagnostics: Enabled
Guest OS diagnostics: Disabled
Diagnostics storage account: (click on it & Create New )
Name: dockerubuntudiags <random number> (ex.
dockerubuntudiags123456 )
Performance: Standard
Replication: Locally-redundant storage (LRS)
4 . Summary (just click OK to continue)
This machine is relatively small, but with containers, it can still deliver some pretty impressive
performance. Once scheduled, it may take a minute or two for the machine to be created by Azure.
Once it has been created, Azure should open the machine's status blade automatically.
Connect to the Virtual Machine
Once your machine has been created, we can remotely connect to it using secure shell (SSH). These
instructions assume that you do not have strong familiarity with SSH and/or that you have no built-in
SSH client in your local OS. For this reason, we will be using the PuTTY client we downloaded earlier
for the workshop. However, if you are more comfortable using another Telnet/SSH client (e.g. MacOS,
Linux, Windows Sub-Layer (WSL)), please feel free to use it.
Get Public IP
1 . If it is not already open, navigate to the Overview blade of your newly created virtual
2 . In the top section of the blade, in the right column, you should see a Public IP address
3 . Copy the IP address.
Connect with SSH
1 . Open PuTTY.
2 . In the configuration window:
Hostname: <IP address from previous step>
Port: 22
Connection type: SSH
3 . Click Open
4 . In the security prompt, click Yes.
5 . You will then connect to the remote Ubuntu server.
6 . Enter the username and password from above (e.g. localadmin and Pass@word1234 ,
7 . You should then see the bash prompt:
Congratulations. You have successfully created and connected to your remote Ubuntu server in
Azure. You are now ready to install the Docker runtime.
We have just created our Ubuntu server. We now need to apply any available system updates along
with installing and configuring Docker to begin working with containers.
Install Updates
Just like any other operating system, updates are periodically released to support new features and
patch any potential security threats. We will apply the updates first.
1 . If you have not already, connect to your remote Ubuntu server and login.
2 . From the login prompt, you may see a status of available updates. (If not, don't be too
alarmed - continue with these steps anyway just to be sure.)
3 . First we need to ensure our list of sources for our system updates are up-to-date. From the
Install Docker
command prompt, type the following:
sudo apt-get update
4 . Now we can install updates. From the command prompt, type the following to automatically
install all available updates:
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
5 . Depending on the number and size of available updates, this process may take a few
minutes. Now would be a good time to take a break.
Install Docker
We now have an updated Ubuntu operating system. We are ready to install Docker.
1 . We need to add the GPG key for the official Docker repository to the system because in the
next step we want to download the Docker 'installer' directly from Docker and not the default
Ubuntu servers to ensure we get the latest version of the engine. From the command
prompt, type the following:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys
Cut & Paste
You can paste this into PuTTY by right-clicking the terminal screen.
2 . Now, we need to tell Ubuntu where the Docker repository is located. From the command
prompt, type (or paste) the following:
sudo apt-add-repository 'deb ubuntu-xenial m
3 . Once again, update the package database with the Docker packages from the newly added
sudo apt-get update
4 . Make sure you are about to install from the Docker repository instead of the default Ubuntu
apt-cache policy docker-engine
5 . You should see output similar to the following (notice that docker-engine is not installed and
the docker-engine version number might be different):
Installed: (none)
Candidate: 1.11.1-0~xenial
Version table:
500 ubuntu-xenial/main amd64 Packages
500 ubuntu-xenial/main amd64 Packages
6 . Finally, install Docker:
sudo apt-get install -y docker-engine
7 . Installing the Docker engine may take an additional minute or two.
Additional Configuration
To simplify running and managing Docker, there's some additional configuration that we need to
implement. While this section is optional, it is recommended to make managing Docker much easier.
Ensure Docker Engine is Running
1 . From the command prompt, type:
sudo systemctl status docker
2 . You should see something similar to the following:
● docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset:
Active: active (running) since Sun 2017-06-04 22:38:16 UTC; 4min 10s ago
Main PID: 32844 (dockerd)
3 . Because the service is running, we can now use the docker command later in this
Enable Docker Engine at Startup
Let's make sure the Docker engine is configured to run on system startup (and reboot).
1 . From the command prompt, type:
sudo systemctl enable docker
2 . You should see something similar to the following:
Synchronizing state of docker.service with SysV init with /lib/systemd/systemd-
Executing /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install enable docker
Elevate Your Privileges
Be default, running the docker command requires root privileges - that is, you have to prefix the
command with sudo. It can also be run by a user in the docker group, which is automatically
created during the install of Docker. If you attempt to run the docker command without prefixing it
with sudo or without being in the docker group, you'll get an output like the following:
docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on th
is host?.
See 'docker run --help'.
To avoid typing sudo whenever you run the docker command, add your username to the docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)
You will then need to log out and back in for the changes to take effect.
If you need to add another user to the docker group (one in which you have not logged in as
currently), simply provide that username explicitly in the command:
sudo usermod -aG docker <username>
You've successfully installed the Docker engine. You have also configured it to run at startup and
have added yourself to the Docker group so that you have sufficient privileges for running Docker.
Now that we have Docker installed, we are able to deploy images as containers. In this short step of
the workshop, we will deploy a couple of small containers as practice.
Hello World
1 . Ensure you have logged in to your remote Ubuntu server and are at the prompt.
2 . From the command prompt, type the following:
docker run hello-world
3 . You should then see something similar to the following:
Hello World
Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/hello-world
78445dd45222: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:c5515758d4c5e1e838e9cd307f6c6a0d620b5e07e6f927b07d05f6d12a1ac8d
Status: Downloaded newer image for hello-world:latest
Hello from Docker!
This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.
To generate this message, Docker took the following steps:
1. The Docker client contacted the Docker daemon.
2. The Docker daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from the Docker Hub.
3. The Docker daemon created a new container from that image which runs the
executable that produces the output you are currently reading.
4. The Docker daemon streamed that output to the Docker client, which sent it
to your terminal.
To try something more ambitious, you can run an Ubuntu container with:
$ docker run -it ubuntu bash
Share images, automate workflows, and more with a free Docker ID:
For more examples and ideas, visit:
I'll explain what the first couple of lines mean later. The important thing here is to see that around
the 7th line, you'll see the message 'Hello from Docker!' followed by a line informing you that the
Docker installation 'appears to be working correctly.'
Now let's run another fun container.
1 . From the command prompt, type:
docker run docker/whalesay cowsay 'Azure Rocks!'
2 . After downloading the dependent images, you should see an ASCII whale with a speech
bubble containing the message 'Azure Rocks!'.
This image is based on the old Unix cowsay game. We're basically running cowsay in a container and
telling the whale to say whatever we provide in single quotes. You can run the command as many
times as you'd like and put whatever you'd like the whale to say in single quotes. Go ahead and give
it a try. Notice, that after the first time running the container, the image is no longer downloaded.
More about this in the next section.
We've successfully deployed a couple of containers into our Docker engine. In this section, we'll dig a
little deeper into working with and interacting with containers.
Listing Images
As we experienced with running the Whalesay container multiple times, the actual image was only
downloaded, uncompressed and built once. On all subsequent executions, a new container was
simply instantiated based on the image. Docker keeps a local repository of images currently in use;
and, those images cannot be deleted until all dependent containers have been deleted.
To view a list of currently downloaded images, type the following in the command prompt:
docker images
The output should look similar to the following:
hello-world latest 48b5124b2768 4 months ago
docker/whalesay latest 6b362a9f73eb 2 years ago
There's a few things that are reported to us here.
First, we see the repository, including the namespace, of the image. The hello-world is what we
would consider a library image. In other words, it's an image that, for lack of a better way to describe
it, is 'built-in' to Docker. For whalesay, we see that the repository is docker. We'll talk more about
repositories below.
The second column shows us the current tag of the image. We look at tagging in the next workshop
Working With Containers
The third column displays a unique id of the image. Just so that you know, we can refer to the image
in our commands throughout the exercise by the full name as it's listed under REPOSITORY, the
image id, or simply use the first 3 characters in the image id (e.g. hello-world could also be
referenced by 48b5124b2768 or 48b). The thing is, the minimum is 3 characters, but if you have
multiple images that have the same first 3 characters, you may need to use a couple of more until
you reach a differentiator.
The created column does not report when you downloaded the image locally. Instead, it reports the
date of when the image was created by its owner/designer. This is a great column for DevOps to use
when quickly trying to determine when a particular image was created.
The size column reports the total size of the image - a sum of all layers comprised to make the
Docker Repositories/Registries
A registry is a service - public or private - from which images can be hosted and pulled by other
users. Images are stored in these repositories under namespaces which are, typically, usernames or
organizational names.
In the above example, the whalesay image is located under the docker namespace. This means
that the image belongs to and is managed by the Docker organization.
Microsoft's public registry is hosted by Docker. You can visit Microsoft's registry at As you view the available images (which are only available for
Windows-based machines), you'll see that each begin with microsoft/. If we were to pull an image
created and maintained by Microsoft into our local Docker instance, we would see the image
prefaced by that namespace.
Inspecting Images
There are a couple of ways we can get some greater details about our images. We can view the
underlying metadata of our image; and, we can see the build history of the image.
Image Inspection (Metadata)
To view the metadata of an image, we'll need to inspect it. From the command prompt, type the
docker image inspect docker/whalesay
You should see something that begins with the following:
"Id": "sha256:6b362a9f73eb8c33b48c95f4fcce1b6637fc25646728cf7fb0679b2da
"RepoTags": [
"RepoDigests": [
"Parent": "",
"Comment": "",
"Created": "2015-05-25T22:04:23.303454458Z",
"Container": "5460b2353ce4e2b3e3e81b4a523a61c5adc238ae21d3ec3a577467465
"ContainerConfig": {
"Hostname": "9ec8c01a6a48",
"Domainname": "",
"User": "",
"AttachStdin": false,
"AttachStdout": false,
"AttachStderr": false,
"Tty": false,
"OpenStdin": false,
"StdinOnce": false,
"Env": [
"Cmd": [
"#(nop) ENV PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:
"Image": "5d5bd9951e26ca0301423625b19764bda914ae39c3f2bfd6f1824bf53
"Volumes": null,
"WorkingDir": "/cowsay",
"Entrypoint": null,
"OnBuild": [],
"Labels": {}
"DockerVersion": "1.6.0",
Take a moment to examine the metadata. As you look through this information, you will find various
attributes that describe the image.
Image History
The last bit of information that the inspect command reported was a set of layers:
"Layers": [
Other than the layer id's, this doesn't really tell you much. To see the actual build history of the
image, type the following command:
docker image history docker/whalesay
You'll will then see something similar to the following:
6b362a9f73eb 2 years ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV PATH=/usr/local/b
in:... 0B
<missing> 2 years ago /bin/sh -c sh
<missing> 2 years ago /bin/sh -c git reset --hard origin/mast
er 43.3kB
<missing> 2 years ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) WORKDIR /cowsay
<missing> 2 years ago /bin/sh -c git clone
/mo... 89.9kB
<missing> 2 years ago /bin/sh -c apt-get -y update && apt-get
in... 58.6MB
<missing> 2 years ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/bash"]
<missing> 2 years ago /bin/sh -c sed -i 's/^#\s*\(deb.*univer
se\... 1.9kB
<missing> 2 years ago /bin/sh -c echo '#!/bin/sh' > /usr/sbin
/po... 195kB
<missing> 2 years ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:f4d7b4b3402b
5c5... 188MB
Keep in mind that these are layers . So the way to read this is from bottom-up, meaning that the last
row is actually the first layer. Then, as you go up the list, additional layers are applied. The bottom
layer is usually a base image, such as an OS and, because it's the OS, is usually larger in size. Then,
actions or commands are applied to that image that make up the additional layers. Some of the last
actions to be applied to this image were running an install script and setting some environment
Let's take a look at another example. Download another image to your local Docker engine by typing
the following command:
docker image pull a11smiles/softcover
This is an image stored under my personal namespace in the public Docker registry. Softcover is a
ruby-based application used to build digital books for various platforms. Running this command will
take a few minutes, but, as you will observe, there's quite a few layers to this image.
Once this image download and reconstruction has completed, check out the history of the image:
docker image history a11smiles/softcover
You will see all of the commands, which include installing multiple dependency libraries for Softcover
(e.g. apt-get install ...), issued to build the image. Some of these dependencies are quite large,
ranging from 815kB to almost 4GB. Image the time it would require to download all of these
requirements manually. This doesn't include the time it would take to properly and consistently
configure them for each developer and/or environment. With the Softcover container, in this case,
simply download the image and run the container with supplying your book's source to create a
digital publication. This can be easily wired up in an automated build process.
Listing Containers
Not only can we list our local images, but we can also list our local, instantiated containers.
Running Containers
Type in the command line:
docker ps
You should see some like the following:
This tells us that no containers are currently running.
Non-running Containers
We can see previously ran containers by typing in the following:
docker ps -a
This will render a report similar to the following:
a883ff18a967 docker/whalesay "cowsay Hola!" 26 hours ago
Exited (0) 26 hours ago sad_goldstine
baa0591c4392 hello-world "/hello" 26 hours ago
Exited (0) 26 hours ago jovial_raman
You may see more depending on how many times you instantiated the whalesay image. The
You may see more depending on how many times you instantiated the whalesay image. The
important thing to see from this report is the Status of containers. All containers, in this report, have
exited and are no longer running.
One thing to note is that even though the containers have finished executing, they have not been
deleted. This allows you to enter into a stopped container. One reason this may be useful is if an
application has thrown an exception and quit, you may want to enter into the container to check out
some log files or something of that nature to debug the application. Once you're done with the
container, you must delete it. We will see how to do this in the next page of the workshop.
Running a Container
We've already instantiated a couple of images. We do this by the following command:
docker run <namespace/image>
There are two primary types of processes - short-running and long-running.
Short-running Processes
Short-running process are just like the images we've already ran - hello-world and whalesay.
Another example is the softcover image. A short-running process typically runs a single command,
performing a single function, then exits. This function could be displaying a message, sending an
email, or building an application or other resource (e.g. a book, help documentation, etc).
Every time we we run a short-running process, using the above command another container is
instantiated. This is why a new container was created ever time you ran whalesay.
Long-running Processes
Long-running processes are typically service-based applications (e.g. web servers, service buses,
queues, etc.). We can also run an OS as a container. Try typing in the following:
docker run -it ubuntu /bin/bash
This command will will download an ubuntu image and run the bash shell in interactive mode (-i)
by opening up a terminal (-t). When this runs, you will be automatically placed inside of the
running Ubuntu container (notice the change in the command prompt (e.g. something similar to
the container, simply type in exit. This will return you to your host machine.
Let's now run Ubuntu in detached mode. Instantiating a container in interactive mode assumes we
are going to interact with the running container. However, typical long-running processes (like web
servers) don't require command line interaction. We'll run a web server later in this workshop.
However, for the moment, let's mimic a long-running process by running Ubuntu in an infinite sleep
mode. Execute the following command:
docker run -d ubuntu sleep inf
Again, this will run an Ubuntu container in detached mode (-d) and set it to sleep infinitely.
Let's see the container running in the background by typing in:
docker ps
You should see something like:
094012b145c8 ubuntu "sleep inf" 2 seconds ago
Up 2 seconds vigorous_yalow
You'll see under the Status column, that it's reporting an up-time for the container. We don't typically
run commands against long-running processes, but just for the practice, issue the following
command (substitute the container id with your id):
docker exec 094 ls
This will run a list command against the current directory inside of the container and return a list
of subfolders.
While the container is running, let's look at one more interesting thing. At the command prompt, type
the following:
ps aux
This will list all of the currently running processes. As you scroll and look at the background
processes, you should see a line similar to the following. The process id, memory consumption, etc.
may be different but try to find the last column.
root 55515 0.0 0.0 4380 664 ? Ss 01:39 0:00 sleep inf
What you see here is that container processes are exposed to the host kernel and have access to
host system resources.
Now let's stop the container. Technically, we could kill the process using traditional Linux (UNIX)
commands, but this would leave our Docker engine in an unclean state and would require us to do
some additional clean up. Let's stop the container using Docker commands.
docker stop 094
(NOTE: Again, 094 is the first 3 characters of my container's id. You'll need to use the id assigned to
your container.)
Running docker ps again should show you that no more containers are currently running.
Re-running a Stopped Container
There will be times when you may need to re-run a stopped container. Find one of the stopped
'whalesay' containers by typing the following:
docker ps -a
My output looks like the following:
094012b145c8 ubuntu "sleep inf" 27 minutes ago
Exited (137) 4 minutes ago vigorous_yalow
a883ff18a967 docker/whalesay "cowsay Hola!" 27 hours ago
Exited (0) 38 minutes ago sad_goldstine
baa0591c4392 hello-world "/hello" 27 hours ago
Exited (0) 27 hours ago jovial_raman
By typing the following command, I can re-run my whalesay container without instantiating a new
container and without having to supply any parameters. Basically, I can re-run the container as it
was originally ran.
docker start -a a88
(NOTE: Again, a88 is the first 3 characters of the stopped whalesay container's id.)
With this command, we are restarting a stopped container and attaching (-a) to the container's
output (STDOUT/STDERR) to view any messages. In our case, the message is a simple whale with a
speech bubble.
Wow, congratulations! You just successfully completed what may seem like a crash course in
managing containers. However, there's really not much more to it than this. As with anything, the
more you play with Docker, the more familiar and confident you become with it.
You've just learned quite a bit in working with containers. As a matter of fact, the majority of
container management has already been covered. We're now going to bring our knowledge of
container and image management around full-circle. This will complete the administration portion of
the workshop.
Tagging Images
There will be instances, like DevOps for instance, where we will need to tag our images. Tags allow us
to apply labels to our images. This is useful for tracking changes, such as in versioning, to our
Let's create a simple derivative of the Ubuntu image we downloaded previously.
Instantiate a new Ubuntu container by typing the following:
docker run -it ubuntu /bin/bash
This will place you at the command prompt inside of the running container. Now, let's interact with
the OS by typing the following commands.
mkdir test
cd test
echo "This is some sample text." > test.txt
We've just created a new directory with a test text file in the user's home directory. If I view my
available containers (docker ps -a), I'll find the id of the container I just exited from (look under the
Status column for the container that was just exited). In my case (see the following output), the
container's id is 335abd61d52d.
Image and Container
335abd61d52d ubuntu "/bin/bash" 3 minutes ago
Exited (0) About a minute ago blissful_wing
094012b145c8 ubuntu "sleep inf" About an hour ago
Exited (137) 27 minutes ago vigorous_yalow
a883ff18a967 docker/whalesay "cowsay Hola!" 27 hours ago
Exited (0) 17 minutes ago sad_goldstine
baa0591c4392 hello-world "/hello" 27 hours ago
Exited (0) 27 hours ago jovial_raman
Let's restart the container and check to make sure our text file is still there (just to confirm). Again,
replace the id below with your container's id.
docker start -i 335
At the prompt type in:
ls ~/test
This should list a file named test.txt. Now, type exit to exit out of the container.
We now have a customized container based on our Ubuntu image. Let's create our own image with
it's tag. We're also going to add a message and an author to the image's metadata. Once again,
replace the 335 below with the id of your stopped container.
docker commit -m "added test.txt" -a "Some User" 335 mynamespace/testtext:v1
With this command, again, I'm added a message (-m) to describe the image and an author (-a) to
inform of the author. The 335 is the first 3 characters of my stopped, modified container. Finally, I've
supplied a namespace (mynamespace/), an image name (testtext), and a tag (v1).
The namespace is optional, but a good practice to differentiate between images that might have the
same name. For example, if you and another developer are working on two separate images and you
have them both locally, it's easier to keep track of who's image belongs to who.
Now execute the following command:
docker images
You should see something similar to the following:
mynamespace/testtext v1 556c25bff4b1 5 minutes ago
ubuntu latest 7b9b13f7b9c0 3 days ago
a11smiles/softcover latest 306f23683872 3 months ago
hello-world latest 48b5124b2768 4 months ago
docker/whalesay latest 6b362a9f73eb 2 years ago
Notice that you now have your custom image with its tag. Also, because our text file isn't very large,
our image has, virtually, the same size as that of the ubuntu image (118MB).
We can then instantiate a container based on our image by running the following:
docker run -it mynamespace/testtext:v1 /bin/bash
(NOTE: In all the previous times we've run this command, we've never had to specify a tag because
the latest tag is implied. In our case, the tag we used is v1 so we have to specify it.)
This will place us, once again, inside the container. Run the following command in the container:
cat ~/test/test.txt
This will show the contents of the file we added earlier.
Now we can exit out of the container by simply typing in exit.
In the host machine, typing in docker ps -a shows us that our custom image instantiated a
container which just exited successfully.
a215acbb7981 mynamespace/testtext:v1 "/bin/bash" 3 minutes ago
Exited (0) 13 seconds ago inspiring_spence
335abd61d52d ubuntu "/bin/bash" 26 minutes ag
o Exited (0) 16 minutes ago blissful_wing
094012b145c8 ubuntu "sleep inf" About an hour
ago Exited (137) About an hour ago vigorous_yalow
a883ff18a967 docker/whalesay "cowsay Hola!" 28 hours ago
Exited (0) 39 minutes ago sad_goldstine
baa0591c4392 hello-world "/hello" 28 hours ago
Exited (0) 28 hours ago jovial_raman
Finally, if we inspect our custom image (docker image inspect mynamespace/testtext:v1), we will
see the comment and author attributes displaying "added test.txt" and "Some User", respectively.
And, the top layer of our history (docker image history mynamespace/testtext:v1) shows us
entering into the bash shell.
Deleting Containers
We can clean up disk space by removing unused containers and images. However, we cannot
remove any images that currently have dependent containers - even containers that have stopped.
Therefore, we must delete dependent containers first.
For our example, let's suppose that we no longer need the ubuntu container anymore because
we've customized it (e.g. added our own text file). We can delete the ubuntu container by typing the
docker rm 335
Let's also delete our hello-world container:
docker rm baa
Remember, for the previous two commands, substitute your respective container ids.
Deleting Images
Deleting images are just as easy. First, let's refresh ourselves on our locally installed images. Running
docker images produces the following output:
mynamespace/testtext v1 556c25bff4b1 19 minutes ago
ubuntu latest 7b9b13f7b9c0 3 days ago
a11smiles/softcover latest 306f23683872 3 months ago
hello-world latest 48b5124b2768 4 months ago
docker/whalesay latest 6b362a9f73eb 2 years ago
Since images, combined with their namespaces and tags, are unique on the local Docker engine, we
can delete images by using the full namespace reference (including the tag) or by using the image
id. Let's practice deleting images.
First, let's delete the hello-world image:
docker rmi hello-world
As a reminder, the latest tag is implied. If we were to delete our custom image, we would be
required to supply the tag because it differs from latest.
Running the docker rmi command will remove any links between the image and shared layers. If
the layer is no longer required by any other image, the layer is also deleted.
Now, let's attempt to delete the ubuntu image:
docker rmi ubuntu
Running this command produces and error - namely, that the image cannot be deleted because
there's still a container that depends on it. Running docker ps -a shows that this, indeed, is the
case (the second container listed below):
a215acbb7981 mynamespace/testtext:v1 "/bin/bash" 20 minutes ag
o Exited (0) 17 minutes ago inspiring_spence
094012b145c8 ubuntu "sleep inf" About an hour
ago Exited (137) About an hour ago vigorous_yalow
a883ff18a967 docker/whalesay "cowsay Hola!" 28 hours ago
Exited (0) About an hour ago sad_goldstine
One of the many reasons for this, is to protect against accidental deletion of our containers and
images. However, if are sure we want to delete the image and all its containers, we can force a
docker rmi -f ubuntu
Besides forcing a delete of the image, notice how the output is different from the previous deletion of
the hello-world image. In this last case, only the reference, or link, was removed from the image.
The underlying layers weren't deleted . Why? Because the custom image that we created earlier still
depends on the underlying Ubuntu OS layer(s). This is one way Docker helps to conserve disk space -
shared and reuse of dependencies. Deleting our custom image (and containers) would perform an
actual delete of the Ubuntu OS layer(s).
The final part of this workshop is to practice exposing a container service outside of Azure. We're
going to create a simple web server and access it from our local machine.
We are going to deploy a container hosting NGINX (pronounced "engine X"), a simple, but powerful
web server. NGINX is typically used in containerized deployments because it supports autoscaling,
service discovery and other capabilities often leveraged in microservice architecture.
Run NGINX by typing the following command:
docker run -d -p 8080:80 nginx
This will download and run NGINX in the background. As stated earlier in this workshop, we often run
services in detached mode (-d). As new parameter that you see here is mapping, or publishing (-
p), ports - very similar to a NAT, if you are familiar with the concept. There are two ports specified
here separated by a colon. The first number is the host's port while the second number is the
container's port. So, in essence, we are mapping the host's port 8080 to the container's port 80. If
our container runs multiple services or a service requiring multiple ports, we can also specify a port
range. We could have used the default HTTP port 80 for the host, but for the workshop I chose port
8080 for differentiation between the two environments in pursuit of clarity.
Let's make sure that NGINX is running successfully.
curl http://localhost:8080
Running the previous command, should display some html source code.
Exposing Services In Azure
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
body {
width: 35em;
margin: 0 auto;
font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
<h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1>
<p>If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and
working. Further configuration is required.</p>
<p>For online documentation and support please refer to
<a href=""></a>.<br/>
Commercial support is available at
<a href=""></a>.</p>
<p><em>Thank you for using nginx.</em></p>
Network Security Group (NSG)
Now that our web server is running, let's make it available outside of Azure.
When we created our Ubuntu virtual machine, we accepted the defaults, including the default
settings for our NSG. The default settings only allowed SSH (port 22) access. We need to add a rule
to our NSG to allow HTTP traffic over port 8080.
1 . If you are not still there, go back to the Azure portal and navigate to the settings of your
Ubuntu virtual machine.
2 . In the left menu, click on Network interfaces.
3 . This will open the Network Interfaces blade for your Ubuntu virtual machine. Click on the
singular, listed interface.
4 . In the left menu, click on Network security group.
5 . This will list the currently active NSG. In our case, it should be the NSG that was created with
our virtual machine - docker-ubuntu-nsg . Click on the NSG ( NOTE: Click on the actual NSG
link, NOT on Edit ).
6 . In the left menu, click on Inbound security roles.
7 . At the top of the blade, click Add.
8 . Enter the following configuration:
Name: allow-http
Priority: 1010
Source: Any
Service: Custom
Protocol: Any
Port range: 8080
Action: Allow
9 . Click OK.
This should only take a couple of seconds. Once you see the rule added, open a new browser and
navigate to the IP address of your Ubuntu virtual machine, including the port number. The IP address
used in this workshop's screen shots is (your IP address will be different). Using the
aforementioned IP address, I would direct my browser to . Doing so, you
should see the NGINX landing page.
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