ERROR 1820 (HY000): You must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.

今天在MySql5.6操作时报错:You must SET PASSWORD before executing this statement解决方法,需要的朋友可以参考下

ERROR 1820 (HY000): You must SET PASSWORD before executing this statement 
mysql> SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD('123456'); 
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec) 

也就是用mysql> SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD('123456');这句话重新设置一次密码!大爷的,真费劲啊。 


# /etc/init.d/mysql stop 
# mysqld_safe --user=mysql --skip-grant-tables --skip-networking & 
# mysql -u root mysql 
mysql> UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('newpassword') where USER='root' and host='root' or host='localhost';//把空的用户密码都修改成非空的密码就行了。 
mysql> quit # /etc/init.d/mysqld restart 
# mysql -uroot -p 
Enter password: <输入新设的密码newpassword> 
mysql> SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD('123456'); 
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec) 
mysql> create database roger; 
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) 
也就是用mysql> SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD('123456');这句话重新设置一次密码!

如果 MySQL 正在运行,首先杀之: killall -TERM mysqld。 

运行mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables & 

如果此时不想被远程连接:mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables --skip-networking &



更改密码: update mysql.user set authentication_string=password('123qwe') where user='root' and Host = 'localhost';



mysql> flush privileges;

mysql> quit;



killall -TERM mysqld。 

mysqld_safe &



但是此时操作似乎功能不完全,还要alter user...

alter user 'root'@'localhost' identified by '123';

网文说酱紫也可以:set password for 'root'@'localhost'=password('123');




chkconfig --add mysql


=========================== ALTER USER Syntax

ALTER USER user_specification [, user_specification] ...


The ALTER USER statement modifies MySQL accounts. An error occurs if you try to modify a nonexistent account.

To use ALTER USER, you must have the global CREATE USER privilege or the UPDATE privilege for the mysql database. When the read_only system variable is enabled, ALTER USER additionally requires the SUPER privilege.


ALTER USER was added in MySQL 5.6.6. However, in 5.6.6, ALTER USER also sets the Password column to the empty string, so do not use this statement until 5.6.7.

Each account name uses the format described in Section 6.2.3, “Specifying Account Names”. If you specify only the user name part of the account name, a host name part of '%' is used. It is also possible to specify CURRENT_USER or CURRENT_USER() to refer to the account associated with the current session.

For each account, ALTER USER expires its password. For example:

ALTER USER 'jeffrey'@'localhost' PASSWORD EXPIRE;

Password expiration for an account affects the corresponding row of the mysql.user table: The server sets the password_expired column to 'Y'.

A client session operates in restricted mode if the account password has been expired. In restricted mode, operations performed within the session result in an error until the user establishes a new account password:

mysql> SELECT 1;

ERROR 1820 (HY000): You must SET PASSWORD before executing this statement

 mysql> SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD('new_password');

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> SELECT 1;
+---+ | 1 | +---+ | 1 | +---+

1 row in set (0.00 sec)

As of MySQL 5.6.8, this restricted mode of operation permits SET statements, which is useful if the account password has a hashing format that requires old_passwords to be set to a value different from its default before using SET PASSWORD.

It is possible for an administrative user to reset the account password, but any existing sessions for the account remain restricted. A client using the account must disconnect and reconnect before statements can be executed successfully.


It is possible to “reset” a password by setting it to its current value. As a matter of good policy, it is preferable to choose a different password.

posted on 2017-04-14 16:46  sakura798  阅读(913)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
