
元组和列表十分类似,只不过元组和字符串一样是 不可变的 即你不能修改元组。元组通过圆括号中用逗号分割的项目定义。元组通常用在使语句或用户定义的函数能够安全地采用一组值的时候,即被使用的元组的值不会改变。

zoo = ('wolf','elephant','penguin')
print 'number of animals in the zoo is' , len(zoo)

new_zoo = ('monkey','dolphin',zoo)
print 'number of animals in the new zoo is ',len(new_zoo)
print 'all animals is new zoo are',new_zoo
print 'animals brought from old zoo are ',new_zoo[2]
print 'last animal brought from old zoo is ',new_zoo[2][2]


number of animals in the zoo is 3
number of animals in the new zoo is 3
all animals is new zoo are ('monkey', 'dolphin', ('wolf', 'elephant', 'penguin'))
animals brought from old zoo are ('wolf', 'elephant', 'penguin')
last animal brought from old zoo is penguin


可以通过一对方括号来指明某个项目的位置从而来访问元组中的项目,就像我们对列表的用法一样。这被称作 索引 运算符。我们使用new_zoo[2]来访问new_zoo中的第三个项目。我们使用new_zoo[2][2]来访问new_zoo元组的第三个项目的第三个项目。

age = 22
name= 'swaroop'

print '%s is %d years old' % (name,age)
print 'why is %s playing with that python?' % name





字典:顾名思义 ,就是键 对应值。键应该是唯一的切不可变。 字典中的键 值,是没有顺序的。想要一个特定的顺序应该对它进行排序。

ab = {  'swaroop':'swaroopch@byteofpython.info',

print "swaroop's address is %s" % ab ['swaroop']

ab['guido']= 'guido@pyrhon.org'

del ab['spammer']

print '\nthere are %d contacts in the address-book\n' % len(ab)
for name , address in ab.items():
    print 'contact %s at %s' % (name,address)

if 'guido' in ab:
    print "\nguido's address is %s" % ab['guido']



posted @ 2018-01-29 16:34  Sakura_柏  阅读(167)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报