

MIS Quarterly(EBSCO)    SCIE SSCI (全文,EndNotes)
Information Systems Research(EBSCO) SSCI 延迟一年,例如08年的论文要到2010年才可以下载  (全文,EndNotes)
Communications of the ACM(EBSCO)   SCI  (全文,EndNotes)
Management Science(EBSCO)延迟一年   SCIE SSCI  (全文,EndNotes)
Journal of Management Information Systems  (EBSCO)  SCIE SSCI    (全文,EndNotes)
Harvard Business Review(EBSCO)    SSCI (全文,EndNotes)
IEEE Transactions on Engineering management(IEEE) SCI SSCI  没有全文,在IEEE数据库  EndNotes
European Journal of Information Systems  SCIE 没有最新的全文  EndNotes
Decision Support Systems(elsevier)    SCIE  (全文,EndNotes)
Information & Management(elsevier)    SCIE SSCI (全文,EndNotes)
Communications of the Association for Information Systems(EBSCO)   无检索  (全文,EndNotes)
Academy of Management Journal (EBSCO)    SSCI (全文,EndNotes)
International Journal of Electronic Commerce(EBSCO)   SCIE SSCI  (全文,EndNotes)
Journal of the Association for Information Systems (EBSCO)   SSCI  (全文,EndNotes)
Organization Science(EBSCO)  ISSN:10477039 SSCI   延迟两年  (全文,EndNotes)
Information Systems Journal(EBSCO,blackwel)   ISSN:13501917     SSCI (全文,EndNotes)
Academy of Management Review (EBSCO)   SSCI (全文,EndNotes)
Journal of strategic information systems (elsevier) SCIE  SSCI  (全文,EndNotes)
Information Systems Management(EBSCO)     SCIE  2010年可以下载09年的论文  (全文,EndNotes)
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce(EBSCO)   SCIE (全文,EndNotes)
International Journal of Information Management(elsevier)       SSCI  (全文,EndNotes)
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications(elsevier)        SCIE SSCI  (全文,EndNotes)
Journal of Information Technology (EndNotes)
Strategic Management Journal (Wiley-Blackwell )      SSCI (全文,EndNotes)

+IEEE Transactions on Data and Knowledge Systems(IEEE)没有全文  SCIE  EndNotes
+IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering(IEEE)没有全文        SCI   EndNotes
+ACM Transactions on Information Systems (ACM)   没有全文         SCI   EndNotes
+Information Systems(elsevier)    SCI  EndNotes)
+Information Sciences(elsevier)   SCI  (EndNotes)

Journal of Operations Management(elsevier)    SCIE SSCI (全文,EndNotes)
Decision Sciences (Wiley-Blackwell) SSCI (全文,EndNotes)
Production and Operations Management (EBSCO) SCIE   [ISSN:10591478] (全文,EndNotes)
Operations Research       SCIE      [ISSN: 0030364X]   延迟l两年(全文,EndNotes)
International Journal of Production Economics(elsevier)    SCIE SSCI  好  多  (全文,EndNotes)
Supply chain management: An International Journal (Emerald)   SCIE

Industrial Marketing Management  (elsevier)    SSCI   好  多 (全文,EndNotes)

International Journal of Service Industry Management(Emerald)   SSCI(全文,EndNotes)


MIS Quarterly
Information Systems Research
Journal of MIS
European Journal of Information Systems (EndNotes)
Journal of AIS
Information Systems Journal

Journal of Strategic Information Systems

posted @ 2017-11-10 18:55  米店先生  阅读(4611)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报