TrueType 或是 OpenType 字体
(* This can be used for Streams OR files. Set AStream parameter to nil if passing a FileName. Usage: Scan a Stream: ScanIt('texttofind', False, MyMemoryStream); Scan a File: ScanIt('texttofind', False, nil, 'c:\mytextfile.txt'); *) function ScanIt(const forString: String; caseSensitive: Boolean; AStream: TStream; AFilename: TFileName = ''): LongInt; { returns position of string in stream or file, returns -1 if not found } const BufferSize= $8001; { 32K+1 bytes } var pBuf, pend, pScan, pPos : Pchar; bytesRemaining: Integer; bytesToRead: Integer; SearchFor: Pchar; filesize: LongInt; fsTemp: TFileStream; begin Result := -1; { assume failure } if (Length(forString) = 0) or ((AStream <> nil) and (AStream.Size = 0)) and ((AStream = nil) and (Length(AFilename) = 0)) then Exit; SearchFor := nil; pBuf := nil; { open file as binary, 1 byte recordsize } if not Assigned(AStream) then begin fsTemp := TFileStream.Create(AFilename, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite); try Result := ScanIt(forString, caseSensitive, fsTemp); finally; end; end else begin try { allocate memory for buffer and pchar search string } SearchFor := StrAlloc(Length(forString)+1); StrPCopy(SearchFor, forString); if not caseSensitive then { convert to upper case } AnsiUpper(SearchFor); GetMem(pBuf, BufferSize); filesize := AStream.Size; bytesRemaining := filesize; pPos := nil; while bytesRemaining > 0 do begin { calc how many bytes to read this round } if bytesRemaining >= BufferSize then bytesToRead := Pred(BufferSize) else bytesToRead := bytesRemaining; AStream.ReadBuffer(pBuf^, bytesToRead); { read a buffer full and zero-terminate the buffer } pend := @pBuf[ bytesToRead ]; pend^:= #0; { scan the buffer. Problem: buffer may contain #0 chars! So we treat it as a concatenation of zero-terminated strings. } pScan := pBuf; while pScan < pend do begin if not caseSensitive then { convert to upper case } AnsiUpper(pScan); pPos := StrPos(pScan, SearchFor); { search for substring } if pPos <> nil then { Found it! } begin Result := fileSize - bytesRemaining + LongInt(pPos) - LongInt(pBuf); break; end; pScan := Strend(pScan); Inc(pScan); end; if pPos <> nil then break; bytesRemaining := bytesRemaining - bytesToRead; if bytesRemaining > 0 then begin { no luck in this buffers load. We need to handle the case of the search string spanning two chunks of file now. We simply go back a bit in the file and read from there, thus inspecting some characters twice } AStream.Seek(-Length(forString), soFromCurrent); bytesRemaining := bytesRemaining + Length(forString); end; end; { while } finally if SearchFor <> nil then StrDispose(SearchFor); if pBuf <> nil then FreeMem(pBuf, BufferSize); end; end; end; { ScanIt } type TFontType = (tftOpenType, tftTrueType, tftRaster); function GetFontType(AFontFileName: String): TFontType; var fs: TFileStream; begin Result := tftRaster; fs := TFileStream.Create(AFontFileName, fmOpenRead); try fs.Position := 0; // OpenType fonts have this signature in them if ScanIt('DSIG', False, fs) > 0 then begin Result := tftOpenType; end else begin Result := tftTrueType; end; finally fs.Free; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin case GetFontType('c:\Windows\Fonts\Amerigo Bold BT.TTF') of tftOpenType: begin ShowMessage('OpenType'); end; tftTrueType: begin ShowMessage('TrueType'); end; end; end;