Realsense 人脸识别
下面的代码是博主参考了Intel realsense官方SDK和官方例程后写的一段较为简单的代码,实现了简单的多人脸实时检测及跟踪功能。官方的人脸检测例程功能较多,但代码量很大,阅读起来也较困难,所以博主写了一段较为精简的人脸检测代码。
- #include <pxcsensemanager.h>
- #include <pxcsession.h>
- #include "util_render.h"
- #include <iostream>
- #include <string>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <opencv2\opencv.hpp>
- #include <windows.h>
- #define WIDTH 640
- #define HEIGHT 480
- using namespace cv;
- using namespace std;
- void DrawRectangle(Mat &img, Rect box)
- {
- rectangle(img, box, Scalar(255, 255, 0),2);
- }
- int main(int argc, char** argv)
- {
- PXCSenseManager *psm = 0;
- psm = PXCSenseManager::CreateInstance();
- if (!psm)
- {
- wprintf_s(L"Unabel to create the PXCSenseManager\n");
- return 1;
- }
- //使能人脸跟踪
- psm->EnableFace();
- // 初始化管道
- psm->Init();
- //得到一个人脸模块的实例
- PXCFaceModule *faceModule = psm->QueryFace();
- if (faceModule == NULL)
- {
- wprintf_s(L"Unabel to query FaceModule\n");
- return 3;
- }
- //创建一个人脸追踪模块动态配置的实例
- PXCFaceConfiguration *cfg = faceModule->CreateActiveConfiguration();
- if (cfg == NULL)
- {
- wprintf_s(L"Unabel to create FaceConfiguration\n");
- return 4;
- }
- cfg->detection.isEnabled = TRUE; //这句也可注释掉,不影响检测结果
- //使能所有警告
- cfg->EnableAllAlerts();
- //将任何参数的改变反馈给faceModule
- cfg->ApplyChanges();
- //创建人脸数据的实例
- PXCFaceData *facedata = faceModule->CreateOutput();
- PXCImage *colorIm;
- PXCImage::ImageData color_data;
- PXCImage::ImageInfo color_info;
- while (psm->AcquireFrame(true) >= PXC_STATUS_NO_ERROR)
- {
- if (psm->AcquireFrame(true) < PXC_STATUS_NO_ERROR) break;
- //获取最新的人脸追踪配置参数
- facedata->Update();
- PXCCapture::Sample *sample = psm->QuerySample();
- colorIm = sample->color;
- if (colorIm->AcquireAccess(PXCImage::ACCESS_READ, PXCImage::PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB24, &color_data) < PXC_STATUS_NO_ERROR)
- wprintf_s(L"未正常获取彩色图\n");
- color_info = sample->color->QueryInfo();
- Mat color(Size(color_info.width, color_info.height), CV_8UC3, (void*)color_data.planes[0], color_data.pitches[0] / sizeof(uchar));
- //取出检测到的人脸数目
- pxcI32 nfaces = facedata->QueryNumberOfDetectedFaces();
- //对视野内每一张人脸追踪处理
- for (pxcI32 i = 0; i < nfaces; i++) {
- //按序号获取一个人脸的数据实例
- PXCFaceData::Face *trackedface = facedata->QueryFaceByIndex(i);
- PXCFaceData::DetectionData *detectiondata = trackedface->QueryDetection();
- if (detectiondata == NULL)
- {
- wprintf_s(L"Unabel to get detection data\n");
- return 5;
- }
- //将当前人脸的位置数据存在rect中
- PXCRectI32 rect;
- detectiondata->QueryBoundingRect(&rect);
- //PXCRectI32到opencv中Rect类的转化
- Rect cvrect = Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h);
- DrawRectangle(color, cvrect);
- //给当前人脸加上识别序号的文字
- stringstream ss;
- ss << i;
- string id = ss.str();
- id = "ID:" + id;
- putText(color,id, Point(rect.x+rect.w/2, rect.y-rect.h/20), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.4, Scalar(255, 255, 0));
- }
- colorIm->ReleaseAccess(&color_data);
- stringstream ss;
- ss << nfaces;
- string num_faces= ss.str();
- num_faces =num_faces + " faces in the field of view.";
- putText(color, num_faces, Point(color.rows/20,color.cols/40), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, Scalar(153, 51, 250));
- psm->ReleaseFrame();
- imshow("face_detection", color);
- waitKey(1);
- }
- facedata->Release();
- cfg->Release();
- psm->Close();
- psm->Release();
- }
#include <pxcsensemanager.h> #include <pxcsession.h> #include "util_render.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <stdio.h> #include <opencv2\opencv.hpp> #include <windows.h> #define WIDTH 640 #define HEIGHT 480 using namespace cv; using namespace std; void DrawRectangle(Mat &img, Rect box) { rectangle(img, box, Scalar(255, 255, 0),2); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { PXCSenseManager *psm = 0; psm = PXCSenseManager::CreateInstance(); if (!psm) { wprintf_s(L"Unabel to create the PXCSenseManager\n"); return 1; } //使能人脸跟踪 psm->EnableFace(); // 初始化管道 psm->Init(); //得到一个人脸模块的实例 PXCFaceModule *faceModule = psm->QueryFace(); if (faceModule == NULL) { wprintf_s(L"Unabel to query FaceModule\n"); return 3; } //创建一个人脸追踪模块动态配置的实例 PXCFaceConfiguration *cfg = faceModule->CreateActiveConfiguration(); if (cfg == NULL) { wprintf_s(L"Unabel to create FaceConfiguration\n"); return 4; } cfg->detection.isEnabled = TRUE; //这句也可注释掉,不影响检测结果 //使能所有警告 cfg->EnableAllAlerts(); //将任何参数的改变反馈给faceModule cfg->ApplyChanges(); //创建人脸数据的实例 PXCFaceData *facedata = faceModule->CreateOutput(); PXCImage *colorIm; PXCImage::ImageData color_data; PXCImage::ImageInfo color_info; while (psm->AcquireFrame(true) >= PXC_STATUS_NO_ERROR) { if (psm->AcquireFrame(true) < PXC_STATUS_NO_ERROR) break; //获取最新的人脸追踪配置参数 facedata->Update(); PXCCapture::Sample *sample = psm->QuerySample(); colorIm = sample->color; if (colorIm->AcquireAccess(PXCImage::ACCESS_READ, PXCImage::PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB24, &color_data) < PXC_STATUS_NO_ERROR) wprintf_s(L"未正常获取彩色图\n"); color_info = sample->color->QueryInfo(); Mat color(Size(color_info.width, color_info.height), CV_8UC3, (void*)color_data.planes[0], color_data.pitches[0] / sizeof(uchar)); //取出检测到的人脸数目 pxcI32 nfaces = facedata->QueryNumberOfDetectedFaces(); //对视野内每一张人脸追踪处理 for (pxcI32 i = 0; i < nfaces; i++) { //按序号获取一个人脸的数据实例 PXCFaceData::Face *trackedface = facedata->QueryFaceByIndex(i); PXCFaceData::DetectionData *detectiondata = trackedface->QueryDetection(); if (detectiondata == NULL) { wprintf_s(L"Unabel to get detection data\n"); return 5; } //将当前人脸的位置数据存在rect中 PXCRectI32 rect; detectiondata->QueryBoundingRect(&rect); //PXCRectI32到opencv中Rect类的转化 Rect cvrect = Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h); DrawRectangle(color, cvrect); //给当前人脸加上识别序号的文字 stringstream ss; ss << i; string id = ss.str(); id = "ID:" + id; putText(color,id, Point(rect.x+rect.w/2, rect.y-rect.h/20), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.4, Scalar(255, 255, 0)); } colorIm->ReleaseAccess(&color_data); stringstream ss; ss << nfaces; string num_faces= ss.str(); num_faces =num_faces + " faces in the field of view."; putText(color, num_faces, Point(color.rows/20,color.cols/40), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, Scalar(153, 51, 250)); psm->ReleaseFrame(); imshow("face_detection", color); waitKey(1); } facedata->Release(); cfg->Release(); psm->Close(); psm->Release(); }
看久了也就能看出一些门道了,比如ApplyChanges到底有什么用, 原来FaceConfiguration这个接口一旦创建了,就和FaceModule独立了,使用ApplyChanges是为了在模块配置参数发生变化时能通过update来将最新的配置参数传递给FaceModule。然而一开始,我并有理解这些,所以代码里连update都没有,结果只能是gg。