sublime text3不能安装包

近日想在sublime text上安装包,command+shift+P后选取package install,结果半天不出来菜单,很长时间后报错:There are no packages for installation.

打开view -> show console后,发现连接不上 的原因。我本地有网络代理,浏览器都能上网,但是sublime确不行。所以我打算修改添加proxy。


a) lick the Preferences > Browse Packages… menu

b) Enter the User directory

c) Open Package Control.sublime-settings

d) Add the following JSON entries to the file:

http_proxy - your proxy address/port (x.x.x.x:port)
proxy_username - the user name for authentication
proxy_password - the password

注意是Package Control.sublime-settings 文件。(修改:Preferences.sublime-settings 不起作用的。)



参考:Install and Use Package Control Behind Proxy (

posted @ 2023-07-08 19:10  saaspeter  阅读(32)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报