
Begin VB.Form Form1 
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      Begin VB.Image p 
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      Begin VB.Image p 
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   Begin VB.Menu menuFile 
      Caption         =   "文件(&F)"
      Begin VB.Menu menuNew 
         Caption         =   "新建"
         Shortcut        =   ^N
      Begin VB.Menu menuOpen 
         Caption         =   "打开"
         Shortcut        =   ^O
      Begin VB.Menu menuSave 
         Caption         =   "保存"
         Shortcut        =   ^S
      Begin VB.Menu Separator1 
         Caption         =   "-"
      Begin VB.Menu menuExit 
         Caption         =   "退出"
   Begin VB.Menu menuOption 
      Caption         =   "选项(&O)"
      Begin VB.Menu menuCopyFEN 
         Caption         =   "复制局面"
         Shortcut        =   {F7}
      Begin VB.Menu menuPasteFEN 
         Caption         =   "粘贴局面"
         Shortcut        =   {F8}
      Begin VB.Menu Separator3 
         Caption         =   "-"
      Begin VB.Menu menuChangeColor 
         Caption         =   "更改颜色"
      Begin VB.Menu menuRotate 
         Caption         =   "旋转棋盘"
         Shortcut        =   ^R
      Begin VB.Menu menuMoveControl 
         Caption         =   "显示移动路径"
         Checked         =   -1  'True
   Begin VB.Menu menuAI 
      Caption         =   "人工智能(&A)"
      Begin VB.Menu menuShowRed 
         Caption         =   "显示白方招法"
         Shortcut        =   ^W
      Begin VB.Menu menuShowBlack 
         Caption         =   "显示黑方招法"
         Shortcut        =   ^B
      Begin VB.Menu menuAutoGo 
         Caption         =   "电脑自动走棋"
         Shortcut        =   ^{F5}
      Begin VB.Menu menuShowDetails 
         Caption         =   "显示局面信息"
      Begin VB.Menu Separator2 
         Caption         =   "-"
      Begin VB.Menu menuUseEngine 
         Caption         =   "使用引擎"
         Shortcut        =   {F9}
      Begin VB.Menu menuEngineSetting 
         Caption         =   "引擎设置"
         Shortcut        =   ^{F9}
   Begin VB.Menu menuHelp 
      Caption         =   "帮助(&H)"
      Begin VB.Menu menuChessDB 
         Caption         =   "国际象棋云库查询"
      Begin VB.Menu menuStockfish 
         Caption         =   "Stockfish引擎协议"
      Begin VB.Menu Separator4 
         Caption         =   "-"
      Begin VB.Menu menuAbout 
         Caption         =   "关于"
Attribute VB_Name = "Form1"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function PlaySound Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "PlaySoundA" (lpszName As Any, ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function timeGetTime Lib "winmm.dll" () As Long
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

Private Const SND_SYNC = &H0         '  play synchronously (default)
Private Const SND_ASYNC = &H1         '  play asynchronously
Private Const SND_NODEFAULT = &H2         '  silence not default, if sound not found
Private Const SND_MEMORY = &H4         '  lpszSoundName points to a memory file
Private Const SND_ALIAS = &H10000     '  name is a WIN.INI [sounds] entry
Private Const SND_FILENAME = &H20000     '  name is a file name
Private Const SND_RESOURCE = &H40004     '  name is a resource name or atom
Private Const SND_ALIAS_ID = &H110000    '  name is a WIN.INI [sounds] entry identifier
Private Const SND_ALIAS_START = 0  '  must be > 4096 to keep strings in same section of resource file
Private Const SND_LOOP = &H8         '  loop the sound until next sndPlaySound
Private Const SND_NOSTOP = &H10
    lStructSize As Long
    hwndOwner As Long
    hInstance As Long
    rgbResult As Long
    lpCustColors As String
    Flags As Long
    lCustData As Long
    lpfnHook As Long
    lpTemplateName As String
End Type
Private Declare Function CHOOSECOLOR Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "ChooseColorA" (pChoosecolor As CHOOSECOLOR) As Long
Private Const GridWidth As Integer = 60
Private QiziSize As Integer
Private color1 As Long, color2 As Long

Private Reg As RegExp, All As MatchCollection, Every As Match
Private FSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Private txt As Scripting.TextStream
Private jscode As String
Private IHDoc1 As MSHTML.IHTMLDocument
Private pW1 As MSHTML.IHTMLWindow2
Private IHDoc2 As MSHTML.IHTMLDocument
Private pW2 As MSHTML.IHTMLWindow2
Private steps As Integer
Private FEN As String
Private FEN0 As String
Private FenCol() As Variant
Private Matrix(1 To 8, 1 To 8) As String
Private Indexes(1 To 8, 1 To 8) As Integer
Private MoveListCol() As String
Private KQkqCol() As String
Private enpassantCol() As String
Private Flag As Boolean
Private Rotated As Boolean
Private 红先 As Boolean
Private wb As String
Private KQkq As String
Private enpassant As String
Private Const QiZi As String = "rnbqkpRNBQKP"
Private images(1 To 12) As stdole.IPictureDisp
Private NewGame() As Byte
Private Draw() As Byte
Private Click() As Byte
Private Move2() As Byte
Private Capture() As Byte
Private Illegal() As Byte
Private First As image
Private Second As image
Private Promote As String
Private r1 As Integer, c1 As Integer, r2 As Integer, c2 As Integer

Private WS As WshShell
Private WE As WshExec
Private SI As IWshRuntimeLibrary.TextStream
Private SO As IWshRuntimeLibrary.TextStream

Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Err1:
    Dim b() As Byte
    Dim S1 As ADODB.Stream
    color1 = vbYellow
    QiziSize = 56
    NewGame = VB.LoadResData(301, "CUSTOM") 'NewGame.wav
    Draw = VB.LoadResData(302, "CUSTOM") 'Draw.wav
    Click = VB.LoadResData(303, "CUSTOM") 'Click.wav
    Move2 = VB.LoadResData(304, "CUSTOM") 'Move2.wav
    Capture = VB.LoadResData(305, "CUSTOM") 'Capture.wav
    Illegal = VB.LoadResData(306, "CUSTOM") 'Illegal.wav
    'b = VB.LoadResData(201, "CUSTOM") 'UTF-8
    b = VB.LoadResData(202, "CUSTOM") 'ANSI
'    Set S1 = New ADODB.Stream
'    With S1
'        .Type = adTypeBinary
'        .Mode = adModeReadWrite
'        .open
'        .Write b
'        .position = 0
'        .Type = adTypeText
'        .Charset = "utf-8"
'        jscode = .ReadText
'        .Close
'    End With
'    Set S1 = Nothing
    jscode = StrConv(b, vbUnicode, &H804)
    Set IHDoc1 = New MSHTML.HTMLDocument
    Set pW1 = IHDoc1.parentWindow
    IHDoc1.Write "<script>" & jscode & "</script>"
    EnginePath = GetSetting(App.ProductName, "Engine", "EnginePath", "")
    Protocol = GetSetting(App.ProductName, "Engine", "Protocol", "uci")
    Options = GetSetting(App.ProductName, "Engine", "Options", "")
    GoCommand = GetSetting(App.ProductName, "Engine", "Go", "go depth 18")
    Wait = CSng(GetSetting(App.ProductName, "Engine", "Wait", "3"))
    MatchString = GetSetting(App.ProductName, "Engine", "MatchString", "info depth * multipv 1 * pv *")
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
End Sub

Private Sub DrawQipan()
    Dim r As Integer
    Dim c As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Me.Picture1.BackColor = color1
    color2 = OppColor(color1)
    For i = 1 To 8 Step 2
        Me.Picture1.Line (i * GridWidth + 20, 20)-(i * GridWidth + GridWidth + 20, 8 * GridWidth + 20), color2, BF
    Next i
    Me.Picture1.DrawMode = vbInvert
    For i = 1 To 8 Step 2
        Me.Picture1.Line (20, i * GridWidth + 20)-(8 * GridWidth + 20, i * GridWidth + GridWidth + 20), color2, BF
    Me.Picture1.DrawMode = vbCopyPen
    Me.Picture1.DrawWidth = 2
    Me.Picture1.Line (20, 20)-(8 * GridWidth + 20, 20), vbBlack
    Me.Picture1.Line (20, 8 * GridWidth + 20)-(8 * GridWidth + 20, 8 * GridWidth + 20), vbBlack
    Me.Picture1.Line (20, 20)-(20, 8 * GridWidth + 20), vbBlack
    Me.Picture1.Line (8 * GridWidth + 20, 20)-(8 * GridWidth + 20, 8 * GridWidth + 20), vbBlack
    Me.Picture1.DrawWidth = 1
    If Rotated Then
        For c = 1 To 8
            Me.Picture1.CurrentX = GridWidth * c - 10: Me.Picture1.CurrentY = 4: Me.Picture1.Print Chr(Asc("h") - c + 1)
        Next c
        For r = 1 To 8
            Me.Picture1.CurrentX = 8 * GridWidth + 20: Me.Picture1.CurrentY = r * GridWidth - 16: Me.Picture1.Print r
        Next r
        For c = 1 To 8
            Me.Picture1.CurrentX = GridWidth * c - 10: Me.Picture1.CurrentY = 8 * GridWidth + 20: Me.Picture1.Print Chr(Asc("a") + c - 1)
        Next c
        For r = 1 To 8
            Me.Picture1.CurrentX = 4: Me.Picture1.CurrentY = r * GridWidth - 16: Me.Picture1.Print 9 - r
        Next r
    End If
End Sub

Private Function OppColor(ByVal Color As Long) As Long
    Dim Red As Integer, Green As Integer, Blue As Integer
    Red = Color And &HFF '拆分颜色
    Green = (Color And 65280) \ 256
    Blue = (Color And &HFF0000) \ 65536
    Red = 255 - Red
    Green = 255 - Green
    Blue = 255 - Blue
    If Red < 0 Then Red = 0
    If Red > 255 Then Red = 255
    If Green < 0 Then Green = 0
    If Green > 255 Then Green = 255
    If Blue < 0 Then Blue = 0
    If Blue > 255 Then Blue = 255
    OppColor = RGB(Red, Green, Blue) '得到反色
End Function

Private Sub Form_Terminate()
    PlaySound Draw(0), 0&, SND_MEMORY Or SND_ASYNC
End Sub

Private Sub List2_Click()
    On Error GoTo Err1:
    Dim Move As String
    If Me.List2.ListIndex >= 1 Then
        Move = Split(Me.List2.Text, vbTab)(0)
        r1 = 9 - CInt(Mid(Move, 2, 1))
        c1 = Asc(Mid(Move, 1, 1)) - Asc("a") + 1
        r2 = 9 - CInt(Mid(Move, 4, 1))
        c2 = Asc(Mid(Move, 3, 1)) - Asc("a") + 1
        If Len(Move) = 5 Then
            Promote = Right(Move, 1)
        End If
        Call Go(r1, c1, r2, c2)
    End If
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
End Sub

Private Sub menuAbout_Click()
    On Error GoTo Err1:
    Dim v As Variant
    v = Array("作者:刘永富【ryueifu】", "邮箱:32669315@qq.com", "抖音号:ryueifu", "中国象棋棋谱浏览器QQ群:291644972", "", "产品名称:" & App.ProductName, "更新日期:2024年1月3日")
    MsgBox Join(v, vbNewLine), vbInformation, "产品信息 & 联系方式"
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
End Sub

Private Sub menuChangeColor_Click()
    Dim Result As Long
    Dim pChoosecolor As CHOOSECOLOR
    Dim CustomColor() As Byte
    With pChoosecolor
        .hwndOwner = Me.hWnd
        .lpCustColors = StrConv(CustomColor, vbUnicode)
        .Flags = 0
        .lStructSize = Len(pChoosecolor)
    End With
    Result = CHOOSECOLOR(pChoosecolor)
    If Result > 0 Then
      color1 = pChoosecolor.rgbResult
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub LoadImage()
    On Error GoTo Err1
    Dim b() As Byte
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 1 To 12
        b = VB.LoadResData(100 + i, "CUSTOM")
        Open App.Path & "\temp.gif" For Binary Access Write As #1
            Put #1, , b
        Close #1
        Set images(i) = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\temp.gif")
    Next i
    Kill App.Path & "\temp.gif"
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
End Sub

Private Sub menuChessDB_Click()
    OpenUrl "http://www.chessdb.cn/cloudbookc_api.html"
End Sub

Private Sub menuCopyFEN_Click()
    With Clipboard
        .SetText FEN & " " & wb & " " & KQkq & " " & enpassant & " 0 1", VBRUN.ClipBoardConstants.vbCFText
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub menuExit_Click()
    Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub menuMoveControl_Click()
    Me.menuMoveControl.Checked = Not Me.menuMoveControl.Checked
End Sub

Private Sub menuNew_Click()
    On Error GoTo Err1
    FEN = "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR"
    红先 = True
    wb = "w"
    KQkq = "KQkq"
    enpassant = "-"
    PlaySound NewGame(0), 0&, SND_MEMORY Or SND_ASYNC
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
End Sub

Private Sub PasteFEN()
    On Error GoTo Err1
    Set First = Nothing
    ReDim FenCol(0 To 0)
    FenCol(0) = Matrix
    ReDim MoveListCol(1 To 1)
    ReDim KQkqCol(0 To 0)
    ReDim enpassantCol(0 To 0)
    KQkqCol(0) = KQkq
    enpassantCol(0) = enpassant
    Me.List1.AddItem "回合." & vbTab & "棋  谱"
    Me.List1.ListIndex = 0
    FEN0 = FEN & " " & wb & " " & KQkq & " " & enpassant & " 0 1"
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
End Sub

Private Sub FenToLayout()
    On Error GoTo Err1
    Dim r As Integer
    Dim c As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim p As String
    Dim img As image
    For i = 1 To 32
        Set img = Me.p.Item(i)
        img.Move -100, -100
        img.BorderStyle = VBRUN.BorderStyleConstants.vbTransparent
    Next i
    Erase Indexes
    i = 1
    For r = 1 To 8
        For c = 1 To 8
             p = Matrix(r, c)
             If p = "o" Then
                Set img = Me.p.Item(i)
                Indexes(r, c) = i
                UpdateImage img, p
                If Rotated Then
                   img.Move 20 + GridWidth * (9 - c) - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2, 20 + GridWidth * (9 - r) - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2
                   img.Move 20 + GridWidth * c - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2, 20 + GridWidth * r - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2
                End If
                i = i + 1
            End If
        Next c
    Next r
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
End Sub

Private Sub UpdateImage(image As VB.image, p As String)
    Dim i As Integer
    i = InStr(QiZi, p)
    Set image.Picture = images(i)
    If i <= 6 Then
        image.Tag = "b"
        image.Tag = "w"
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub FenToArray()
    Dim r As Integer
    Dim c As Integer
    Dim f As String
    f = 加空(FEN)
    Erase Matrix
    For r = 1 To 8
        For c = 1 To 8
            Matrix(r, c) = Mid(f, (r - 1) * 9 + c, 1)
        Next c
    Next r
End Sub

Private Sub ArrayToFen()
    Dim r As Integer
    Dim c As Integer
    FEN = String(71, "/")
    For r = 1 To 8
        For c = 1 To 8
             Mid(FEN, (r - 1) * 9 + c, 1) = Matrix(r, c)
        Next c
    Next r
    FEN = 去空(FEN)
End Sub

Private Sub menuOpen_Click()
    On Error GoTo Err1:
    Dim FileName As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim s As String
    Dim MoveListCol() As String
    FileName = OpenDialog(Me.hWnd, Replace("棋谱文件(*.txt)|*.txt|所有文件(*.*)|*.*|", "|", Chr(0)))
    If FileName = "" Then
        Open FileName For Input As #1
            Line Input #1, s
        Close #1
        Me.menuAutoGo.Checked = False
        Me.menuShowRed.Checked = False
        Me.menuShowBlack.Checked = False
        Me.menuShowDetails.Checked = False
        FEN = Split(s, " ")(0)
        wb = Split(s, " ")(1)
        If wb = "w" Then
            红先 = True
        ElseIf wb = "b" Then
            红先 = False
        End If
        KQkq = Split(s, " ")(2)
        enpassant = Split(s, " ")(3)
        If InStr(s, "moves") > 0 Then
            MoveListCol = Split(Split(s, "moves")(1), " ")
            steps = UBound(MoveListCol)
            For i = 1 To steps
                ExecuteMove MoveListCol(i)
            Next i
        End If
        Me.List1.ListIndex = 0
    End If
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
End Sub

Private Sub menuPasteFEN_Click()
    On Error GoTo Err1:
    Dim s As String
    With Clipboard
        s = .GetText(Format:=VBRUN.ClipBoardConstants.vbCFText)
    End With
    FEN = Split(s, " ")(0)
    wb = Split(s, " ")(1)
    If wb = "w" Then
        红先 = True
    ElseIf wb = "b" Then
        红先 = False
    End If
    KQkq = Split(s, " ")(2)
    enpassant = Split(s, " ")(3)
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
End Sub

Private Sub menuRotate_Click()
    Me.menuRotate.Checked = Not Me.menuRotate.Checked
    Rotated = Me.menuRotate.Checked
End Sub

Private Sub menuSave_Click()
    On Error GoTo Err1
    Dim FileName As String
    Dim s As String
    FileName = SaveDialog(Me.hWnd, Replace("棋谱文件(*.txt)|*.txt|所有文件(*.*)|*.*|", "|", Chr(0)))
    If FileName = "" Then
        If UBound(MoveListCol) = 0 Then
            s = FEN0
            s = FEN0 & " moves " & Join(MoveListCol, " ")
        End If
        Open FileName For Output As #1
            Print #1, s
        Close #1
    End If
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
End Sub

Private Sub menuShowDetails_Click()
    Me.menuShowDetails.Checked = Not Me.menuShowDetails.Checked
    If Me.menuShowDetails.Checked Then
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub menuShowRed_Click()
    Me.menuShowRed.Checked = Not Me.menuShowRed.Checked
    If wb = "w" And Me.menuShowRed.Checked Then
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub menuShowBlack_Click()
    Me.menuShowBlack.Checked = Not Me.menuShowBlack.Checked
    If wb = "b" And Me.menuShowBlack.Checked Then
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub menuAutoGo_Click()
    Me.menuAutoGo.Checked = Not Me.menuAutoGo.Checked
    If wb = "w" And Me.menuShowRed.Checked Or wb = "b" And Me.menuShowBlack.Checked Then
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub menuStockfish_Click()
    OpenUrl "https://github.com/official-stockfish/Stockfish/wiki/UCI-&-Commands"
End Sub

Private Sub p_Click(index As Integer)
    On Error GoTo Err1:
    If First Is Nothing Then
        If Me.p.Item(index).Tag = wb Then
            Set First = Me.p.Item(index)
            c1 = (First.Left - 20 + QiziSize / 2 + GridWidth / 2) / GridWidth
            r1 = (First.Top - 20 + QiziSize / 2 + GridWidth / 2) / GridWidth
            If Rotated Then
                c1 = 9 - c1
                r1 = 9 - r1
            End If
            First.BorderStyle = VBRUN.BorderStyleConstants.vbBSSolid
            PlaySound Click(0), 0&, SND_MEMORY Or SND_ASYNC
        End If
        If Me.p.Item(index).Tag = wb Then
            First.BorderStyle = VBRUN.BorderStyleConstants.vbTransparent
            Set First = Nothing
            Set Second = Me.p.Item(index)
            c2 = (Second.Left - 20 + QiziSize / 2 + GridWidth / 2) / GridWidth
            r2 = (Second.Top - 20 + QiziSize / 2 + GridWidth / 2) / GridWidth
            If Rotated Then
                c2 = 9 - c2
                r2 = 9 - r2
            End If
            If Movable(FEN, wb, KQkq, enpassant, r1, c1, r2, c2) Then
                Call Go(r1, c1, r2, c2)
                First.BorderStyle = VBRUN.BorderStyleConstants.vbTransparent
                Set First = Nothing
                PlaySound Illegal(0), 0&, SND_MEMORY Or SND_ASYNC
            End If
        End If
    End If
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
End Sub

Private Sub Picture1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
    On Error GoTo Err1
    c2 = Int((X - 20) / GridWidth) + 1: r2 = Int((Y - 20) / GridWidth) + 1
    If First Is Nothing Then
    ElseIf c2 < 1 Or c2 > 8 Or r2 < 1 Or r2 > 8 Then
        If Rotated Then
            c2 = 9 - c2
            r2 = 9 - r2
        End If
        If Movable(FEN, wb, KQkq, enpassant, r1, c1, r2, c2) Then
            Call Go(r1, c1, r2, c2)
            First.BorderStyle = VBRUN.BorderStyleConstants.vbTransparent
            Set First = Nothing
            PlaySound Illegal(0), 0&, SND_MEMORY Or SND_ASYNC
        End If
    End If
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
End Sub

Private Sub ExecuteMove(m5 As String)
    On Error GoTo Err1:
    Dim r1 As Integer, c1 As Integer, r2 As Integer, c2 As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim qipu As String
    i = Me.List1.ListIndex + 1
    ReDim Preserve FenCol(0 To i)
    ReDim Preserve MoveListCol(1 To i)
    ReDim Preserve KQkqCol(0 To i)
    ReDim Preserve enpassantCol(0 To i)
    MoveListCol(i) = m5
    r1 = 9 - CInt(Mid(m5, 2, 1)): c1 = Asc(Mid(m5, 1, 1)) - Asc("a") + 1: r2 = 9 - CInt(Mid(m5, 4, 1)): c2 = Asc(Mid(m5, 3, 1)) - Asc("a") + 1
    enpassant = "-"
    If Matrix(r1, c1) Like "[pP]" And Abs(r1 - r2) = 2 Then '兵进两步
        enpassant = Mid(m5, 1, 1) & CStr((CInt(Mid(m5, 2, 1)) + CInt(Mid(m5, 4, 1))) / 2) 'movelist的平均值
    End If
    If Matrix(r1, c1) Like "[pP]" And Matrix(r2, c2) = "o" And Abs(c1 - c2) = 1 Then '吃过路兵
        Me.p.Item(Indexes(r1, c2)).Move -100, -100
        Matrix(r1, c2) = "o"
        Indexes(r1, c2) = 0
    End If
    Matrix(r2, c2) = Matrix(r1, c1)
    Matrix(r1, c1) = "o"
    Indexes(r2, c2) = Indexes(r1, c1)
    Indexes(r1, c1) = 0
    If Len(m5) = 5 Then '底兵升变
        Promote = Right(m5, 1)
        Matrix(r2, c2) = Promote
        UpdateImage Me.p.Item(Indexes(r2, c2)), Promote
        Promote = ""
    End If
    If Matrix(r2, c2) = "k" And r1 = 1 And c1 = 5 And r2 = r1 And c2 = c1 + 2 Then '王车易位
        Matrix(1, 6) = Matrix(1, 8): Matrix(1, 8) = "o"
        Indexes(1, 6) = Indexes(1, 8): Indexes(1, 8) = 0
        If Rotated Then
            Me.p.Item(Indexes(1, 6)).Move 20 + GridWidth * (9 - 6) - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2, 20 + GridWidth * (9 - 1) - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2
            Me.p.Item(Indexes(1, 6)).Move 20 + GridWidth * 6 - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2, 20 + GridWidth * 1 - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2
        End If
    ElseIf Matrix(r2, c2) = "k" And r1 = 1 And c1 = 5 And r2 = r1 And c2 = c1 - 2 Then
        Matrix(1, 4) = Matrix(1, 1): Matrix(1, 1) = "o"
        Indexes(1, 4) = Indexes(1, 1): Indexes(1, 1) = 0
        If Rotated Then
            Me.p.Item(Indexes(1, 4)).Move 20 + GridWidth * (9 - 4) - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2, 20 + GridWidth * (9 - 1) - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2
            Me.p.Item(Indexes(1, 4)).Move 20 + GridWidth * 4 - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2, 20 + GridWidth * 1 - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2
        End If
    ElseIf Matrix(r2, c2) = "K" And r1 = 8 And c1 = 5 And r2 = r1 And c2 = c1 + 2 Then
        Matrix(8, 6) = Matrix(8, 8): Matrix(8, 8) = "o"
        Indexes(8, 6) = Indexes(8, 8): Indexes(8, 8) = 0
        If Rotated Then
            Me.p.Item(Indexes(8, 6)).Move 20 + GridWidth * (9 - 6) - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2, 20 + GridWidth * (9 - 8) - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2
            Me.p.Item(Indexes(8, 6)).Move 20 + GridWidth * 6 - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2, 20 + GridWidth * 8 - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2
        End If
    ElseIf Matrix(r2, c2) = "K" And r1 = 8 And c1 = 5 And r2 = r1 And c2 = c1 - 2 Then
        Matrix(8, 4) = Matrix(8, 1): Matrix(8, 1) = "o"
        Indexes(8, 4) = Indexes(8, 1): Indexes(8, 1) = 0
        If Rotated Then
            Me.p.Item(Indexes(8, 4)).Move 20 + GridWidth * (9 - 4) - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2, 20 + GridWidth * (9 - 8) - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2
            Me.p.Item(Indexes(8, 4)).Move 20 + GridWidth * 4 - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2, 20 + GridWidth * 8 - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2
        End If
    End If
    If InStr(m5, "e8") > 0 Then
        KQkq = Replace(KQkq, "k", ""): KQkq = Replace(KQkq, "q", "")
    End If
    If InStr(m5, "h8") > 0 Then
        KQkq = Replace(KQkq, "k", "")
    End If
    If InStr(m5, "a8") > 0 Then
        KQkq = Replace(KQkq, "q", "")
    End If
    If InStr(m5, "e1") > 0 Then
        KQkq = Replace(KQkq, "K", ""): KQkq = Replace(KQkq, "Q", "")
    End If
    If InStr(m5, "h1") > 0 Then
        KQkq = Replace(KQkq, "K", "")
    End If
    If InStr(m5, "a1") > 0 Then
        KQkq = Replace(KQkq, "Q", "")
    End If
    If KQkq = "" Then
        KQkq = "-"
    End If
    FenCol(i) = Matrix
    KQkqCol(i) = KQkq
    enpassantCol(i) = enpassant
    If i = Me.List1.ListCount Then
        For j = i To Me.List1.ListCount - 1
            Me.List1.RemoveItem i
        Next j
    End If
    qipu = m5
    If 红先 And (i Mod 2 = 1) Or 红先 = False And (i Mod 2 = 0) Then
        Me.List1.AddItem i \ 2 + 1 & "." & vbTab & qipu
        Me.List1.AddItem " " & vbTab & qipu
    End If
    Flag = True
    Me.List1.ListIndex = i '只更新FEN,不更新画面
    Flag = False
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
End Sub

Private Sub Go(r1 As Integer, c1 As Integer, r2 As Integer, c2 As Integer)
    On Error GoTo Err1:
    Dim i As Integer
    Set First = Me.p.Item(Indexes(r1, c1))
    If Matrix(r2, c2) = "o" Then
        Set Second = Nothing
        Set Second = Me.p.Item(Indexes(r2, c2))
    End If
    First.BorderStyle = VBRUN.BorderStyleConstants.vbTransparent
    If Matrix(r1, c1) = "p" And r2 = 8 Then '升变
        If Promote = "" Then
            Promote = InputBox("选择升变棋子[qrnb]", "升变", "q")
            If Promote Like "[qrnb]" Then
                Set First = Nothing
                Promote = ""
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If
    ElseIf Matrix(r1, c1) = "P" And r2 = 1 Then '升变
        If Promote = "" Then
            Promote = InputBox("选择升变棋子[QRNB]", "升变", "Q")
            If Promote Like "[QRNB]" Then
                Set First = Nothing
                Promote = ""
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If
    End If
    If Rotated Then
        If Me.menuMoveControl.Checked Then
            MoveControl First, 20 + GridWidth * (9 - c2) - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2, 20 + GridWidth * (9 - r2) - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2
        End If
        First.Move 20 + GridWidth * (9 - c2) - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2, 20 + GridWidth * (9 - r2) - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2
        If Me.menuMoveControl.Checked Then
            MoveControl First, 20 + GridWidth * c2 - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2, 20 + GridWidth * r2 - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2
        End If
        First.Move 20 + GridWidth * c2 - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2, 20 + GridWidth * r2 - GridWidth / 2 - QiziSize / 2
    End If
    If Second Is Nothing Then
        PlaySound Move2(0), 0&, SND_MEMORY Or SND_ASYNC
        Second.Move -100, -100
        PlaySound Capture(0), 0&, SND_MEMORY Or SND_ASYNC
    End If
    Set First = Nothing
    Set Second = Nothing
    ExecuteMove Chr((c1 - 1) + Asc("a")) & (9 - r1) & Chr((c2 - 1) + Asc("a")) & (9 - r2) & Promote
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
End Sub

Private Sub MoveControl(img As VB.image, x2 As Double, y2 As Double)
    Dim x1 As Double, y1 As Double
    Dim i As Double
    Dim s As Double
    Dim v As Double
    Dim count As Double
    img.ZOrder 0
    x1 = img.Left: y1 = img.Top
    s = Sqr((x1 - x2) ^ 2 + (y1 - y2) ^ 2)
    v = 10
    count = s / v
    For i = 1 To count
        Delay 10
        img.Move x1 + i * v * (x2 - x1) / s, y1 + i * v * (y2 - y1) / s
    Next i
End Sub
Private Sub Delay(Interval As Long)
    Dim Savetime As Long
    Savetime = timeGetTime()
    While timeGetTime < Savetime + Interval
End Sub

Private Sub List1_Click()
    On Error GoTo Err1:
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim r As Integer
    Dim c As Integer
    Dim v As Variant
    i = Me.List1.ListIndex
    v = FenCol(i)
    For r = 1 To 8
        For c = 1 To 8
            Matrix(r, c) = v(r, c)
        Next c
    Next r
    If Flag = False Then
    End If
    If i Mod 2 = 0 And 红先 Or i Mod 2 = 1 And 红先 = False Then
        wb = "w"
        wb = "b"
    End If
    KQkq = KQkqCol(i)
    enpassant = enpassantCol(i)
    Me.Text1.Text = FEN & " " & wb & " " & KQkq & " " & enpassant & " 0 1"
    If Me.menuShowDetails.Checked Then
    End If
    If wb = "w" And Me.menuShowRed.Checked Or wb = "b" And Me.menuShowBlack.Checked Then
        Delay 1000
    End If
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
End Sub

Private Function GetSource(url As String) As String
    On Error GoTo Err1:
    Set X = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
    With X
        .open "GET", url, False
        GetSource = .ResponseText
    End With
    Exit Function
    GetSource = Err.Description
End Function

Private Sub AI()
    Me.Picture1.Enabled = False
    Me.List1.Enabled = False
    Me.List2.Enabled = False
    If Me.menuUseEngine.Checked Then
    End If
     Me.Picture1.Enabled = True
     Me.List1.Enabled = True
     Me.List2.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub ShowDetails()
    On Error GoTo Err1:
    Dim FEN1 As String
    Dim ResponseText As String
    Dim Msg As String
    FEN1 = FEN & " " & wb & " " & KQkq & " " & enpassant & " 0 1"
    ResponseText = GetSource("http://www.chessdb.cn/cdb.php?action=queryall&learn=1&showall=0&board=" & FEN1)
    If ResponseText Like "move:*" Then

    ElseIf ResponseText Like "invalid board*" Then
        Msg = Msg & "非法局面 "
    ElseIf ResponseText Like "checkmate*" Then
        Msg = Msg & "绝杀 "
    ElseIf ResponseText Like "stalemate*" Then
        Msg = Msg & "逼和 "
    ElseIf ResponseText Like "unknown*" Then
    End If
    ResponseText = GetSource("http://www.chessdb.cn/cdb.php?action=querypv&learn=1&board=" & FEN1)
    If InStr(ResponseText, "pv:") > 0 Then
        Msg = Msg & " " & ResponseText
    End If
    If Msg = "" Then
        Me.Text1.Text = Msg
    End If
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
End Sub

Private Sub queryall()
    On Error GoTo Err1
    Dim FEN1 As String
    Dim movelist As String
    Dim ResponseText As String
    Dim moves As Variant
    Dim v As Variant
    Dim token As Long
    FEN1 = FEN & " " & wb & " " & KQkq & " " & enpassant & " 0 1"
    If wb = "w" Then
        Me.List2.ForeColor = vbRed
        Me.List2.ForeColor = vbBlack
    End If

    ResponseText = GetSource("http://www.chessdb.cn/cdb.php?action=queryall&learn=1&showall=0&board=" & FEN1)
    If ResponseText Like "move:*" Then
        moves = Split(ResponseText, "|")
        Set Reg = New RegExp
        With Reg
            .Global = False
            .IgnoreCase = True
            .Pattern = "move:([a-z1-8]+),score:(.+),rank:(.+),note:(.+)"
            Me.List2.AddItem "move" & vbTab & "score" & vbTab & "rank" & vbTab & "note"
            For Each v In moves
                Set All = .Execute(CStr(v))
                Set Every = All.Item(0)
                Me.List2.AddItem Every.SubMatches(0) & vbTab & Every.SubMatches(1) & vbTab & Every.SubMatches(2) & vbTab & Every.SubMatches(3)
            Next v
            If Me.menuAutoGo.Checked Then
                Me.List2.ListIndex = 1
            End If
        End With
    ElseIf ResponseText Like "unknown*" Then '"unknown" & Chr(0)
        token = CLng(pW1.get_token(FEN1))
        ResponseText = GetSource("http://www.chessdb.cn/cdb.php?action=queryengine&board=" & FEN1 & "&movelist=&token=" & token)
        Set Reg = New RegExp
        With Reg
            .Global = False
            .IgnoreCase = True
            .Pattern = "move:([a-z1-8]+)"
            Set All = .Execute(ResponseText)
            Set Every = All.Item(0)
        End With
        Me.List2.AddItem "move"
        Me.List2.AddItem Every.SubMatches(0)
        If Me.menuAutoGo.Checked Then
            Me.List2.ListIndex = 1
        End If
    End If
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
End Sub

Private Sub menuUseEngine_Click()
    On Error GoTo Err1
    Dim L As String
    Me.menuUseEngine.Checked = Not Me.menuUseEngine.Checked
    If Me.menuUseEngine.Checked Then
        If EnginePath = "" Then
            Me.menuUseEngine.Checked = False
            Set WS = New WshShell
            Set WE = WS.Exec(EnginePath)
            Set SI = WE.StdIn
            SI.WriteLine Protocol
            Set SO = WE.StdOut
                L = SO.ReadLine
                If L Like "uciok*" Then
                    Exit Do
                End If
            If Options = "" Then
                SI.WriteLine Options
            End If
        End If
    End If
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
End Sub
Private Sub menuEngineSetting_Click()
    Form2.Show vbModal, Me
End Sub

Private Sub QuitEngine()
    On Error GoTo Err1
    If WE Is Nothing Then
        If WE.Status = WshRunning Then
            SI.WriteLine "quit"
        End If
    End If
    Set WE = Nothing
    Set WS = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
End Sub


posted @ 2024-01-31 19:43  ryueifu  阅读(93)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报