Use SandCastle to generate help document automatically.

The first thing to know about Sand Castle is it’s not enough to do the job.  You need some tools to help Sand Castle generate the help documentation.

The key steps I used to generate documentation with Sand Castle:

  1. Mark all public classes with XML comments, i.e. ///<summary>Describe the class.</summary>
  2. Download and Install Sand Castle via the MSI.
  3. Download and Install the Sand Castle Help File Builder (SHFB) MSI by Eric Woodruff
  4. Download and Install / Patch the Sand Castle Styles
  5. Run SHFB
  6. Add documentation sources (csproj or dll)
  7. Add references (csproj or dll)
  8. Set the help file format and other SHFB options (I recommend using the MemberName naming method to get html links with names instead of Guids)
  9. Run SHFB build, wait, wait, done
posted @ 2013-03-14 16:30  iEden  阅读(132)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报