


ReentrantLock VS ReentrantReadWriteLock VS StampedLock

特性 是否支持重入 是否支持锁升级 是否支持Condition 适合场景
ReentrantLock 独占可重入 纯写入
ReentrantReadWriteLock 非独占可重读,读写锁,悲观锁 读写均衡
StampedLock 非独占不可重入,多模式锁,乐观锁 读多写少



  ReentrantLock引入两个概念:公平锁与非公平锁。锁的实现方式是基于如下几点:表结点Node和状态state的volatile关键字;sum.misc.Unsafe.compareAndSet的原子操作。公平和非公平锁的队列都基于锁内部维护的一个双向链表,表结点Node的值就是每一个请求当前锁的线程。公平锁则在于每次都是依次从队首取值。而非公平锁在等待锁的过程中, 如果有任意新的线程妄图获取锁,都是有很大的几率直接获取到锁的如果被加入了等待队列后则跟公平锁没有区别。


  • 一个Lock里面可以创建多个Condition实例,实现多路通知
  • notify()方法进行通知时,被通知的线程时Java虚拟机随机选择的,但是ReentrantLock结合Condition可以实现有选择性地通知


public class TestReentrantLock {
    private Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
    private Condition condition = lock.newCondition();
    private Queue<String> queue = new LinkedList<>();

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        TestReentrantLock rl = new TestReentrantLock();

        new Thread() {
            public void run() {
                for (Integer i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        new Thread() {
            public void run() {
                for (Integer i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                    rl.addTask(Math.random() + "");

    public void addTask(String s) {
        try {
            System.out.println("addTask:" + s);
        } finally {

    public String getTask() {
        try {
            while (queue.isEmpty()) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            String result = queue.remove();
            System.out.println("getTask:" + result);
            return result;
        } finally {
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public class ReentrantLock implements Lock, java.io.Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 7373984872572414699L;
    /** Synchronizer providing all implementation mechanics */
    private final Sync sync;

     * Base of synchronization control for this lock. Subclassed into fair and nonfair versions below. Uses AQS state to
     * represent the number of holds on the lock.
    abstract static class Sync extends AbstractQueuedSynchronizer {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -5179523762034025860L;

         * Performs {@link Lock#lock}. The main reason for subclassing is to allow fast path for nonfair version.
        abstract void lock();

         * 尝试获取非公平锁
        final boolean nonfairTryAcquire(int acquires) {
            final Thread current = Thread.currentThread();
            int c = getState();
            if (c == 0) {
                if (compareAndSetState(0, acquires)) {
                    setExclusiveOwnerThread(current); // 占用锁成功,设置独占线程为当前线程
                    return true;
            else if (current == getExclusiveOwnerThread()) {//当前线程已占用该锁
                int nextc = c + acquires;
                if (nextc < 0) // overflow
                    throw new Error("Maximum lock count exceeded");
                setState(nextc);// 更新state值为新的重入次数
                return true;
            return false;

        protected final boolean tryRelease(int releases) {
            int c = getState() - releases;
            if (Thread.currentThread() != getExclusiveOwnerThread())
                throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
            boolean free = false;
            if (c == 0) {
                free = true;
            return free;

        protected final boolean isHeldExclusively() {
            return getExclusiveOwnerThread() == Thread.currentThread();

        final ConditionObject newCondition() {
            return new ConditionObject();

        // Methods relayed from outer class
        final Thread getOwner() {
            return getState() == 0 ? null : getExclusiveOwnerThread();

        final int getHoldCount() {
            return isHeldExclusively() ? getState() : 0;

        final boolean isLocked() {
            return getState() != 0;

         * Reconstitutes the instance from a stream (that is, deserializes it).
        private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream s)
            throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
            setState(0); // reset to unlocked state

     * Sync object for non-fair locks 非公平锁
    static final class NonfairSync extends Sync {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 7316153563782823691L;

         * Performs lock.  Try immediate barge, backing up to normal acquire on failure.
        final void lock() {
            if (compareAndSetState(0, 1))  //cas设置state状态,如果原值为0,置为1
                acquire(1); // 调用的是tryAcquire方法

        protected final boolean tryAcquire(int acquires) {
            return nonfairTryAcquire(acquires);

     * Sync object for fair locks
    static final class FairSync extends Sync {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -3000897897090466540L;

        final void lock() {
            acquire(1); //调用的是tryAcquire

         * Fair version of tryAcquire.  Don't grant access unless recursive call or no waiters or is first.
        protected final boolean tryAcquire(int acquires) {
            final Thread current = Thread.currentThread();
            int c = getState();
            if (c == 0) {
                if (!hasQueuedPredecessors() && compareAndSetState(0, acquires)) { //相比非公平锁,增加了同步队列中当前节点是否有前驱节点的判断
                    return true;
            else if (current == getExclusiveOwnerThread()) {
                int nextc = c + acquires;
                if (nextc < 0)
                    throw new Error("Maximum lock count exceeded");
                return true;
            return false;

     * Creates an instance of {@code ReentrantLock}. This is equivalent to using {@code ReentrantLock(false)}.  默认是非公平锁
    public ReentrantLock() {
        sync = new NonfairSync();

     * Creates an instance of {@code ReentrantLock} with the given fairness policy.  参数true是公平锁
     * @param fair {@code true} if this lock should use a fair ordering policy
    public ReentrantLock(boolean fair) {
        sync = fair ? new FairSync() : new NonfairSync();

     * Acquires the lock.
    public void lock() {

     * Acquires the lock unless the current thread is {@linkplain Thread#interrupt interrupted}.
     * @throws InterruptedException if the current thread is interrupted
    public void lockInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException {

     * Acquires the lock only if it is not held by another thread at the time of invocation.
    public boolean tryLock() {
        return sync.nonfairTryAcquire(1);

     * Acquires the lock if it is not held by another thread within the given waiting time and the current thread has not been
     * {@linkplain Thread#interrupt interrupted}.
    public boolean tryLock(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException {
        return sync.tryAcquireNanos(1, unit.toNanos(timeout));

     * Attempts to release this lock.
     * @throws IllegalMonitorStateException if the current thread does not hold this lock
    public void unlock() {

     * Returns a {@link Condition} instance for use with this {@link Lock} instance.
     * @return the Condition object
    public Condition newCondition() {
        return sync.newCondition();

     * Queries the number of holds on this lock by the current thread.
     * @return the number of holds on this lock by the current thread,or zero if this lock is not held by the current thread
    public int getHoldCount() {
        return sync.getHoldCount();

     * Queries if this lock is held by the current thread.
     * @return {@code true} if current thread holds this lock and {@code false} otherwise
    public boolean isHeldByCurrentThread() {
        return sync.isHeldExclusively();

     * Queries if this lock is held by any thread. This method is designed for use in monitoring of the system state,not for synchronization control.
     * @return {@code true} if any thread holds this lock and {@code false} otherwise
    public boolean isLocked() {
        return sync.isLocked();

     * Returns {@code true} if this lock has fairness set true.
     * @return {@code true} if this lock has fairness set true
    public final boolean isFair() {
        return sync instanceof FairSync;

     * Returns the thread that currently owns this lock, or {@code null} if not owned. 
     * @return the owner, or {@code null} if not owned
    protected Thread getOwner() {
        return sync.getOwner();

     * Queries whether any threads are waiting to acquire this lock.查询是否有线程正在等待获取此锁
     * @return {@code true} if there may be other threads waiting to acquire the lock
    public final boolean hasQueuedThreads() {
        return sync.hasQueuedThreads();

     * Queries whether the given thread is waiting to acquire this lock. 查询是否有指定线程正在获取此锁
     * @param thread the thread
     * @return {@code true} if the given thread is queued waiting for this lock
     * @throws NullPointerException if the thread is null
    public final boolean hasQueuedThread(Thread thread) {
        return sync.isQueued(thread);

     * Returns an estimate of the number of threads waiting to acquire this lock. 
     * @return the estimated number of threads waiting for this lock
    public final int getQueueLength() {
        return sync.getQueueLength();

     * Returns a collection containing threads that may be waiting to acquire this lock. 
     * @return the collection of threads
    protected Collection<Thread> getQueuedThreads() {
        return sync.getQueuedThreads();

     * Queries whether any threads are waiting on the given condition associated with this lock. 
     * @param condition the condition
    public boolean hasWaiters(Condition condition) {
        if (condition == null)
            throw new NullPointerException();
        if (!(condition instanceof AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.ConditionObject))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("not owner");
        return sync.hasWaiters((AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.ConditionObject)condition);

     * Returns an estimate of the number of threads waiting on the given condition associated with this lock.
    public int getWaitQueueLength(Condition condition) {
        if (condition == null)
            throw new NullPointerException();
        if (!(condition instanceof AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.ConditionObject))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("not owner");
        return sync.getWaitQueueLength((AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.ConditionObject)condition);

     * Returns a collection containing those threads that may be waiting on the given condition associated with this lock.
    protected Collection<Thread> getWaitingThreads(Condition condition) {
        if (condition == null)
            throw new NullPointerException();
        if (!(condition instanceof AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.ConditionObject))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("not owner");
        return sync.getWaitingThreads((AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.ConditionObject)condition);

     * Returns a string identifying this lock, as well as its lock state.*/
    public String toString() {
        Thread o = sync.getOwner();
        return super.toString() + ((o == null) ? "[Unlocked]" : "[Locked by thread " + o.getName() + "]");
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  • 每一个ReentrantLock自身维护一个AQS队列记录申请锁的线程信息;
  • 通过大量CAS保证多个线程竞争锁的时候的并发安全;
  • 可重入的功能是通过维护state变量来记录重入次数实现的。
  • 公平锁需要维护队列,通过AQS队列的先后顺序获取锁,缺点是会造成大量线程上下文切换;
  • 非公平锁可以直接抢占,所以效率更高;
  • AbstractQueuedSynchronizer简称AQS,是一个用于构建锁和同步容器的框架。AQS解决了在实现同步容器时设计的大量细节问题。AQS使用一个FIFO的队列表示排队等待锁的线程,队列头节点称作“哨兵节点”或者“哑节点”,它不与任何线程关联。其他的节点与等待线程关联,每个节点维护一个等待状态waitStatus。AQS中还有一个表示状态的字段state,例如ReentrantLocky用它表示线程重入锁的次数,Semaphore用它表示剩余的许可数量,FutureTask用它表示任务的状态。对state变量值的更新都采用CAS操作保证更新操作的原子性。





public class TestReadWriteLock {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        PricesInfo pricesInfo = new PricesInfo();
        for (Integer i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            new Thread(new Reader(pricesInfo), "ReadLock" + i).start();
        new Thread(new Writer(pricesInfo), "WriterLock").start();


class PricesInfo {
    private double price;

    private ReadWriteLock lock;

    public PricesInfo() {
        this.price = 1.0;
        this.lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();

    public double getPrice() {
        System.out.printf("%s : Price 开始读了!\n", Thread.currentThread().getName());
        double value = price;
        System.out.printf("%s : Price 读取完毕 : %f\n", Thread.currentThread().getName(), value);
        return value;

    public void setPrices(double price) {
        System.out.printf("Writer:Attempt to modify the price.\n");
        this.price = price;
        for (Integer i = 0; i < Integer.MAX_VALUE; i++) {

        System.out.printf("Writer:Prices have been modified.%s \n", price);



class Reader implements Runnable {
    private PricesInfo priceInfo;

    public Reader(PricesInfo priceInfo) {
        this.priceInfo = priceInfo;

    public void run() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

class Writer implements Runnable {
    private PricesInfo pricesInfo;

    public Writer(PricesInfo pricesInfo) {
        this.pricesInfo = pricesInfo;

    public void run() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            pricesInfo.setPrices((i + 1) * 10);
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
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ReadLock1 : Price 开始读了!
ReadLock1 : Price 读取完毕 : 1.000000
ReadLock2 : Price 开始读了!
ReadLock0 : Price 开始读了!
ReadLock0 : Price 读取完毕 : 1.000000
ReadLock2 : Price 读取完毕 : 1.000000
Writer:Attempt to modify the price.
Writer:Prices have been modified.10.0 
ReadLock1 : Price 开始读了!
ReadLock1 : Price 读取完毕 : 10.000000
ReadLock0 : Price 开始读了!
ReadLock0 : Price 读取完毕 : 10.000000
ReadLock2 : Price 开始读了!
ReadLock2 : Price 读取完毕 : 10.000000
Writer:Attempt to modify the price.
Writer:Prices have been modified.20.0 
ReadLock2 : Price 开始读了!
ReadLock1 : Price 开始读了!
ReadLock1 : Price 读取完毕 : 20.000000
ReadLock0 : Price 开始读了!
ReadLock0 : Price 读取完毕 : 20.000000
ReadLock2 : Price 读取完毕 : 20.000000
ReadLock2 : Price 开始读了!
ReadLock2 : Price 读取完毕 : 20.000000
Writer:Attempt to modify the price.
Writer:Prices have been modified.30.0 
ReadLock0 : Price 开始读了!
ReadLock1 : Price 开始读了!
ReadLock1 : Price 读取完毕 : 30.000000
ReadLock2 : Price 开始读了!
ReadLock2 : Price 读取完毕 : 30.000000
ReadLock0 : Price 读取完毕 : 30.000000
ReadLock1 : Price 开始读了!
ReadLock1 : Price 读取完毕 : 30.000000
ReadLock0 : Price 开始读了!
ReadLock0 : Price 读取完毕 : 30.000000


  • Java并发库中ReetrantReadWriteLock实现了ReadWriteLock接口并添加了可重入的特性
  • ReetrantReadWriteLock读写锁的效率明显高于synchronized关键字
  • ReetrantReadWriteLock读写锁的实现中,读锁使用共享模式;写锁使用独占模式,换句话说,读锁可以在没有写锁的时候被多个线程同时持有,写锁是独占的
  • ReetrantReadWriteLock读写锁的实现中,需要注意的,当有读锁时,写锁就不能获得;而当有写锁时,除了获得写锁的这个线程可以获得读锁外,其他线程不能获得读锁



  ReadWriteLock可以解决多线程同时读,但只有一个线程能写的问题。但是它有个潜在的问题:如果有线程正在读,写线程需要等待读线程释放锁后才能获取写锁,即读的过程中不允许写,这是一种悲观的读锁。要进一步提升并发执行效率,Java 8引入了新的读写锁:StampedLockStampedLockReadWriteLock相比,改进之处在于:读的过程中也允许获取写锁后写入!这样一来,我们读的数据就可能不一致,所以,需要一点额外的代码来判断读的过程中是否有写入,这种读锁是一种乐观锁。乐观锁的意思就是乐观地估计读的过程中大概率不会有写入,因此被称为乐观锁。反过来,悲观锁则是读的过程中拒绝有写入,也就是写入必须等待。显然乐观锁的并发效率更高,但一旦有小概率的写入导致读取的数据不一致,需要能检测出来,再读一遍就行。StampedLock是不可重入锁。


public class TestStampedLock {
    private double x, y;
    private final StampedLock stampedLock = new StampedLock();
    void move(double deltaX, double deltaY){
        long stamp = stampedLock.writeLock(); //获取写锁
        try {
            x += deltaX;
            y += deltaY;
        } finally {
            stampedLock.unlockWrite(stamp); //释放写锁
    double distanceFromOrigin() {
        long stamp = stampedLock.tryOptimisticRead(); //获得一个乐观读锁
        double currentX = x;
        double currentY = y;
        if (!stampedLock.validate(stamp)) { //检查乐观读锁后是否有其他写锁发生,有则返回false
            stamp = stampedLock.readLock(); //获取一个悲观读锁
            try {
                currentX = x;
            } finally {
                stampedLock.unlockRead(stamp); //释放悲观读锁
        return Math.sqrt(currentX*currentX + currentY*currentY);
    void moveIfAtOrigin(double newX,double newY) {
        long stamp = stampedLock.readLock(); //悲观读锁
        try {
            while (x == 0.0 && y == 0.0) {
                long ws = stampedLock.tryConvertToWriteLock(stamp); //读锁转换为写锁
                if (ws != 0L) { //转换成功
                    stamp = ws; //票据更新
                    x = newX;
                    y = newY;
                } else {
                    stampedLock.unlockRead(stamp); //转换失败释放读锁
                    stamp = stampedLock.writeLock(); //强制获取写锁
        } finally {
            stampedLock.unlock(stamp); //释放所有锁
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  1. 所有获取锁的方法,都返回一个邮戳(stamp),stamp为0表示获取失败,其余都表示成功;
  2. 所有释放锁的方法,都需要一个邮戳(stamp),这个stamp必须是和成功获取锁时得到的stamp一致;
  3. StampedLock是不可重入的;(如果一个线程已经持有了写锁,再去获取写锁的话就会造成死锁)
  4. StampedLock有三种访问模式:
    • Reading(读模式):功能和ReentrantReadWriteLock的读锁类似
    • Writing(写模式):功能和ReentrantReadWriteLock的写锁类似
    • Optimistic reading(乐观读模式):这是一种优化的读模式。
  5. StampedLock支持读锁和写锁的相互转换
  6. 无论写锁还是读锁,都不支持Conditon等待

posted @ 2021-02-16 17:47  鄙人取个名字好难  阅读(52)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报