

// catmee.com 添加HTML编辑器自定义标签按钮
function eg_quicktags() {
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
QTags.addButton( 'eg_pre', 'pre', '<pre>代码代码代码\n</pre>', '', 'q' );
// 添加HTML编辑器自定义标签按钮结束




QTags.addButton('eg_pre','pre','<pre class="prettyprint linenums">','</pre>','q');





function add_editor_buttons($buttons) {
$buttons[] = 'fontselect';
$buttons[] = 'fontsizeselect';
$buttons[] = 'cleanup';
$buttons[] = 'styleselect';
$buttons[] = 'hr';
$buttons[] = 'del';
$buttons[] = 'sub';
$buttons[] = 'sup';
$buttons[] = 'copy';
$buttons[] = 'paste';
$buttons[] = 'cut';
$buttons[] = 'undo';
$buttons[] = 'image';
$buttons[] = 'anchor';
$buttons[] = 'backcolor';
$buttons[] = 'wp_page';
$buttons[] = 'charmap';
return $buttons;
add_filter("mce_buttons", "add_editor_buttons");






//向文章编辑器的Visual区添加自定义按钮,js文件存放在wp-content/themes/Twenty Fifteen/js/文件夹下
add_action('admin_head', 'my_custom_mce_button');
function my_custom_mce_button() {
    if ( !current_user_can( 'edit_posts' ) && !current_user_can( 'edit_pages' ) ) {
    if ( 'true' == get_user_option( 'rich_editing' ) ) {
        add_filter( 'mce_external_plugins', 'my_custom_tinymce_plugin' );
        add_filter( 'mce_buttons', 'my_register_mce_button' );
function my_custom_tinymce_plugin( $plugin_array ) {
    $plugin_array['my_mce_button'] = get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/mce-button.js';    //js文件存放路径
    return $plugin_array;
function my_register_mce_button( $buttons ) {
    array_push( $buttons, 'my_mce_button' );
    return $buttons;



(function() {
tinymce.PluginManager.add('my_mce_button', function( editor, url ) {
editor.addButton( 'my_mce_button', {
icon: 'wp_code',
type: 'menubutton',
menu: [
            text: 'H',
            onclick: function() {
                editor.windowManager.open( {
                    title: 'H',
                    minWidth : 700,
                    body: [
                            type: 'listbox',
                            name: 'titlewrap',
                            label: 'Choose a H type',
                            values: [
                                {text: 'h2', value: 'h2'},
                                {text: 'h3', value: 'h3'},
                                {text: 'h4', value: 'h4'},
                                {text: 'h5', value: 'h5'},
                                {text: 'h6', value: 'h6'}
                            type: 'textbox',
                            name: 'titlecontent',
                            label: 'Enter the content',
                            value: tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getContent({format : 'text'}),    //??????
                            multiline: true,
                            minWidth: 300,
                            minHeight: 100
                            type: 'textbox',
                            name: 'title_description',
                            label: 'Enter the description',
                            multiline: true,
                            minWidth: 300,
                            minHeight: 100
                    onsubmit: function( e ) {
                        var title_description = e.data.title_description.replace(/\r\n/gmi, '\n');
                        var titlecontent = e.data.titlecontent.replace(/\r\n/gmi, '\n');
                        titlecontent =  tinymce.html.Entities.encodeAllRaw(titlecontent);
                        title_description =  tinymce.html.Entities.encodeAllRaw(title_description);
                        var sp = (e.data.addspaces ? '&nbsp;' : '');
                        editor.insertContent(sp + '<' + e.data.titlewrap + ' data-animal-type='+ title_description +' >' + e.data.titlecontent + '</'+e.data.titlewrap+'>' );
            text: 'Note type',
            onclick: function() {
                editor.windowManager.open( {
                    title: 'Note type',
                    minWidth : 700,
                    body: [
                            type: 'listbox',
                            name: 'titlewrap',
                            label: 'Choose a type',
                            values: [
                                {text: 'Infomation', value: 'note info'},
                                {text: 'Question', value: 'note question'},
                                {text: 'Notification', value: 'note notification'},
                                {text: 'Warning', value: 'note warning'},
                                {text: 'Error', value: 'note error'},
                                {text: 'Success', value: 'note success'}
                            type: 'textbox',
                            name: 'titlecontent',
                            label: 'Enter the content',
                            value: tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getContent({format : 'text'}),    //??????
                            multiline: true,
                            minWidth: 300,
                            minHeight: 100
                    onsubmit: function( e ) {
                        var titlecontent = e.data.titlecontent.replace(/\r\n/gmi, '\n'),
                        titlecontent =  tinymce.html.Entities.encodeAllRaw(titlecontent);
                        var sp = (e.data.addspaces ? '&nbsp;' : '');
                        editor.insertContent(sp + '<div class="'+ e.data.titlewrap +'"><span>' + e.data.titlecontent + '</span></div>' + sp + '<p></p>' );

            text: 'Download URL',
                onclick: function() {
                editor.windowManager.open( {
                    title: 'Download URL',
                    minWidth : 700,
                    body: [
                            type: 'textbox',
                            name: 'links',
                            label: 'Link address',
                            value: 'https://www.drivereasy.com/DriverEasy_Setup.exe'
                            type: 'textbox',
                            name: 'custom_js_code',
                            label: 'Google tracking code',
                            value: '',
                            multiline: true,
                            minWidth: 300,
                            minHeight: 100
                            type: 'textbox',
                            name: 'code',
                            label: 'Link text',
                            value: tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getContent({format : 'text'}),   //??????
                            multiline: true,
                            minWidth: 300,
                            minHeight: 100
                    onsubmit: function( e ) {
                        var code = e.data.code.replace(/\r\n/gmi, '\n'),
                        code =  tinymce.html.Entities.encodeAllRaw(code);
                        var sp = (e.data.addspaces ? '&nbsp;' : '');
                        editor.insertContent(sp + '<a href="' + e.data.links  rel="nofollow">' + code + '</a>');
            text: 'Buy URL',
                onclick: function() {
                editor.windowManager.open( {
                    title: 'Buy URL',
                    minWidth : 700,
                    body: [
                            type: 'textbox',
                            name: 'links',
                            label: 'Link address',
                            value: 'https://www.drivereasy.com/buy.php?comeid=kbde'
                            type: 'textbox',
                            name: 'custom_js_code',
                            label: 'Google tracking code',
                            value: '',
                            multiline: true,
                            minWidth: 300,
                            minHeight: 100
                            type: 'textbox',
                            name: 'code',
                            label: 'Link text',
                            value: tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getContent({format : 'text'}),   //??????
                            multiline: true,
                            minWidth: 300,
                            minHeight: 100
                    onsubmit: function( e ) {
                        var code = e.data.code.replace(/\r\n/gmi, '\n'),
                        code =  tinymce.html.Entities.encodeAllRaw(code);
                        var sp = (e.data.addspaces ? '&nbsp;' : '');
                        editor.insertContent(sp + '<a href="' + e.data.links  rel="nofollow">' + code + '</a>');
            text: 'External URL',
                onclick: function() {
                editor.windowManager.open( {
                    title: 'External URL',
                    minWidth : 700,
                    body: [
                            type: 'textbox',
                            name: 'links',
                            label: 'Link address',
                            value: 'https://'
                            type: 'textbox',
                            name: 'custom_js_code',
                            label: 'Google tracking code',
                            value: '',
                            multiline: true,
                            minWidth: 300,
                            minHeight: 100
                            type: 'textbox',
                            name: 'code',
                            label: 'Link text',
                            value: tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getContent({format : 'text'}),   //??????
                            multiline: true,
                            minWidth: 300,
                            minHeight: 100
                    onsubmit: function( e ) {
                        var code = e.data.code.replace(/\r\n/gmi, '\n'),
                        code =  tinymce.html.Entities.encodeAllRaw(code);
                        var sp = (e.data.addspaces ? '&nbsp;' : '');
                        editor.insertContent(sp + '<a href="' + e.data.links  rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">' + code + '</a>');
            text: 'Internal URL',
                onclick: function() {
                editor.windowManager.open( {
                    title: 'Internal URL',
                    minWidth : 700,
                    body: [
                            type: 'textbox',
                            name: 'links',
                            label: 'Link address',
                            value: 'https://www.drivereasy.com/'
                            type: 'textbox',
                            name: 'custom_js_code',
                            label: 'Google tracking code',
                            value: '',
                            multiline: true,
                            minWidth: 300,
                            minHeight: 100
                            type: 'textbox',
                            name: 'code',
                            label: 'Link text',
                            value: tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getContent({format : 'text'}),   //??????
                            multiline: true,
                            minWidth: 300,
                            minHeight: 100
                    onsubmit: function( e ) {
                        var code = e.data.code.replace(/\r\n/gmi, '\n'),
                        code =  tinymce.html.Entities.encodeAllRaw(code);
                        var sp = (e.data.addspaces ? '&nbsp;' : '');
                        editor.insertContent(sp + '<a href="' + e.data.links  rel="noopener" target="_blank">' + code + '</a>');



posted @ 2017-12-12 14:12  Ryan_zheng  阅读(1452)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报