Data Block -- Uncompressed

Overview of Data Blocks
  Oracle Database manages the logical storage space in the data files of a database in units called data blocks, also called Oracle blocks or pages. A data block is the minimum unit of database I/O.

Data Blocks and Operating System Blocks
  At the physical level, database data is stored in disk files made up of operating system blocks. An operating system block is the minimum unit of data that the operating system can read or write. In contrast, an Oracle block is a logical storage structure whose size and structure are not known to the operating system.








  Figure 12–5 shows that operating system blocks may differ in size from data blocks. The database requests data in multiples of data blocks, not operating system blocks.



  When the database requests a data block, the operating system translates this operation into a requests for data in permanent storage. The logical separation of data blocks from operating system blocks has the following implications:
  ■Applications do not need to determine the physical addresses of data on disk.
  ■Database data can be striped or mirrored on multiple physical disks.





Database Block Size
  Every database has a database block size. The DB_BLOCK_SIZE initialization parameter sets the data block size for a database when it is created. The size is set for the SYSTEM and SYSAUX tablespaces and is the default for all other tablespaces.

  The database block size cannot be changed except by re-creating the database.
  If DB_BLOCK_SIZE is not set, then the default data block size is operating system-specific. The standard data block size for a database is 4 KB or 8 KB. If the size differs for data blocks and operating system blocks, then the data block size must be a multiple of the operating system block size.








Tablespace Block Size
  You can create individual tablespaces whose block size differs from the DB_BLOCK_SIZE setting. A nonstandard block size can be useful when moving a transportable tablespace to a different platform.




Data Block Format
  Every data block has a format or internal structure that enables the database to track the data and free space in the block. This format is similar whether the data block contains table, index, or table cluster data.

Figure 12–6 shows the format of an uncompressed data block -- 非压缩数据块格式

Figure 12–6 Data Block Format



Data Block Overhead
  Oracle Database uses the block overhead to manage the block itself. The block overhead is not available to store user data.

block overhead
  Space in a data block that stores metadata required for managing the block. The overhead includes the block header, table directory, and row directory.




As shown in Figure 12–6, the block overhead includes the following parts:

■Block header
  This part contains general information about the block, including disk address and segment type. For blocks that are transaction-managed, the block header contains active and historical transaction information.
  A transaction entry is required for every transaction that updates the block. Oracle Database initially reserves space in the block header for transaction entries.

  In data blocks allocated to segments that support transactional changes, free space can also hold transaction entries when the header space is depleted.

  The space required for transaction entries is operating system dependent. However, transaction entries in most operating systems require approximately 23 bytes.





  事务记录请求的空间是依赖于操作系统的。不过,事务记录在大多数操作系统上大约请求23byte 的空间。


■Table directory
  For a heap-organized table, this directory contains metadata about tables whose rows are stored in this block. Multiple tables can store rows in the same block.



 Note:堆组织表是指表里的数据没有按特殊顺序存储在磁盘中的表,默认下CREATE TABLE创建的就是堆组织表。

■Row directory
  For a heap-organized table, this directory describes the location of rows in the data portion of the block.
  After space has been allocated in the row directory, the database does not reclaim this space after row deletion.

  Thus, a block that is currently empty but formerly had up to 50 rows continues to have 100 bytes allocated for the row directory. The database reuses this space only when new rows are inserted in the block.





Some parts of the block overhead are fixed in size, but the total size is variable. On average, the block overhead totals 84 to 107 bytes.



Row Format
  The row data part of the block contains the actual data, such as table rows or index key entries.Just as every data block has an internal format, every row has a row format that enables the database to track the data in the row.
  Oracle Database stores rows as variable-length records. A row is contained in one or more row pieces. Each row piece has a row header and column data.




Figure 12–7 shows the format of a row.

 Row Header
Oracle Database uses the row header to manage the row piece stored in the block. The row header contains information such as the following:
■Columns in the row piece
■Pieces of the row located in other data blocks
If an entire row can be inserted into a single data block, then Oracle Database stores the row as one row piece. However, if all of the row data cannot be inserted into a single block or an update causes an existing row to outgrow its block, then the database stores the row in multiple row pieces.A data block usually contains only one row piece per row.


  Oracle 数据库使用行头部来管理存储在块中的行片段。行头部包含以下信息:




A row fully contained in one block has at least 3 bytes of row header.


Column Data
  After the row header, the column data section stores the actual data in the row. The row piece usually stores columns in the order listed in the CREATE TABLE statement, but this order is not guaranteed. For example, columns of type LONG are created last.
  As shown in Figure 12–7, for each column in a row piece, Oracle Database stores the column length and data separately. The space required depends on the data type. If the data type of a column is variable length, then the space required to hold a value can grow and shrink with updates to the data.
  Each row has a slot in the row directory of the data block header. The slot points to the beginning of the row.






Rowid Format

Oracle Database uses a rowid to uniquely identify a row. Internally, the rowid is a structure that holds information that the database needs to access a row. A rowid is not physically stored in the database, but is inferred from the file and block onwhich the data is stored.
An extended rowid includes a data object number. This rowid type uses a base 64 encoding of the physical address for each row. The encoding characters are  A-Z ,  a-z ,
0-9 ,  + , and  / .




Example 12–1 queries the  ROWID pseudocolumn to show the extended rowid of the row in the  employees table for employee 100.

Example 12–1 ROWID Pseudocolumn
SQL> SELECT ROWID FROM employees WHERE employee_id = 100;

Figure 12–8 illustrates the format of an extended rowid.


 An extended rowid is displayed in a four-piece format,  OOOOOOFFFBBBBBBRRR , with the
format divided into the following components:
The data object number identifies the segment (data object  AAAPec in
Example 12–1). A data object number is assigned to every database segment.
Schema objects in the same segment, such as a table cluster, have the same data
object number.


The tablespace-relative data file number identifies the data file that contains the
row (file  AAF in Example 12–1).


The data block number identifies the block that contains the row (block  AAAABS in
Example 12–1). Block numbers are relative to their data file, not their tablespace.
Thus, two rows with identical block numbers could reside in different data files of
the same tablespace.


The row number identifies the row in the block (row  AAA in Example 12–1).


After a rowid is assigned to a row piece, the rowid can change in special circumstances.

For example, if row movement is enabled, then the rowid can change because of partition key updates, Flashback Table operations, shrink table operations, and so on. If row movement is disabled, then a rowid can change if the row is exported and imported using Oracle Database utilities.






posted @ 2018-03-03 12:41  Ryan_Wo  阅读(291)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报