python技巧 之 while 跳出三层循环
定义break变量在最里层修改 break_fllag为True
x='Hello {renming},您最喜欢在{nali},您的爱好是{shiqing} ' break_flag=False while not break_flag: name=input('你好,请问如何称呼您?:') if name is not None and len(name)!=0 and not break_flag: while not break_flag: where=input(name+'您最喜欢哪里:') if where is not None and len(where)!=0 : while not break_flag: things=input(name+'您的爱好是什么:') if things is not None and len(things)!=0 : print(x.format(renming=name,nali=where,shiqing=things)) break_flag=True break else: if break_flag: break else: continue else: if break_flag: break else: continue else: if break_flag: break else: continue