XunRuiCMS 文件上传(File Upload)
一、代码审计 (Code audit)
As can be seen from the above code, the uploaded file is processed in black + white. Prohibited suffixes must not be uploaded, then you can construct some other suffixes that can be resolved to php, such as php5, pht, etc., to bypass.
总体来说,XunRuiCMS 对于文件上传的验证不严谨,导致攻击者可以构造黑名单中没有过滤的后缀进行绕过,从而进行利用。
The above code verifies the suffix and content of the uploaded file, and it can be seen that the inspection is relatively strict, but the system can choose the attachment verification mode, which can be easily bypassed.
In general, XunRuiCMS has lax verification of file uploads, allowing an attacker to bypass unfiltered suffixes in the blacklist and exploit them.
二、攻击思路 (Attack idea)
Look for function points that can control the suffix of uploaded files, add suffixes, find the corresponding upload point, and upload files.
三、验证利用 (Verification and utilization)
XunRuiCMS 后台内容设置---->模块管理---->模块内容字段---->缩略图 可以填加后缀
XunRuiCMS Background content Settings ----> Module Administration ----> Module Content field ----> Thumbnail can be suffixed
Click ----> Publish to successfully add php5
Upload phpinfo, capture the package to modify the suffix php5, successfully uploaded and returned to the picture path
phpinfo was successfully parsed
Note: This vulnerability is a blacklist flaw, php version greater than 7.2 default does not parse php5, pht and other suffixes for php files. A vulnerability occurs if the other party configures the parsing Settings