
[BizTalk]如何在有 IIS7.5 的 WINDOWS 2008 R2 上配置 FTP Adapter

2013-10-21 23:50  Ross Wang  阅读(385)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报



FTP is integrated in to IIS7.5 as web sites, and the configuration for it is very different from the one for the former FTP version on former OS platforms.

Main differences:

  • AppPool is involved.
  • SSL support enhancement.
  • Privilege control.

FTP site create and configuration

1. Open IIS7.5 manager.

2. Expand the root node and right click “sites”, select “Add FTP Site…”.

3. Input the site name and physical path like below:

4. Click “Next”.

5. Configure FTP site like below picture shows:


Port should be unique, or the site will not able to be started.

Select “No SSL” if you do not want to use SSL on this site. I will write another article to explain how to create a FTP site with SSL later.

6. Click “Next”.

7. Configure this page as below:


In production ENV, we usually use basic authentication.

Write privilege should be granted if you want to create new files in this site.

8. Click “Finish”.

Now we get a FTP site created.

9. Right click “FTP Site” we just created above, click “Add Virtual Directory…”.

10. Input proper values for “Alias” and “physical path” as below.

11. Click “OK” to finish.

12. Following the step9 to step 11 to create another virtual directory “ftpout”.

Now we need to create a proper AppPool for this FTP site to make sure we can access to the related folders

13. Right click “Application Pools” and select “Add Application Pool…”.

14. Configure this AppPool in Classic mode.

15. Set it to use the proper .Net Framework.

16. Select this new created AppPool and click “Advanced settings…” in the right panel.

17. Modify “Identity” with a proper account in the “Process Model” section.

18. Change the FTP site to use this AppPool.

Now, we finally have a proper FTP site to use.

BizTalk Server 2009 FTP Adapter configuration

1. Launch BizTalk Admin MMC.

2. Create a new RP, with a RL configured like below:


The items in red should be modified properly; other items can be left by default.

The account used here should be the same as the account for the AppPool we used for the FTP site.

3. Create a new SP to subscribe above RP by receive port name with below configuration:


The items in red should be modified properly; other items can be left by default.

The account used here should be the same as the account for the AppPool we used for the FTP site.

Now we have BizTalk FTP Adapter properly configured. We can send a message to the RL and then check out the SP to see whether the message will pass through.