





Fusion of Infrared and Visible Sensor Images Based on Anisotropic Diffusion and Karhunen-Loeve Transform
Durga Prasad Bavirisetti and Ravindra Dhuli

         文章使用各向异性扩散算法对两幅原始图像做模糊,得到两幅图像对应的base layers,然后将两幅原始图像与其对应的base layers图像相减,得到detail layers,分别将base layers和detail layers做融合,分别得到base layers fusion和detail layers fusion,最后将base layers fusion和detail layers fusion做线性叠加(linear combination),即可得到最终的融合结果,算法流程图如下图所示:


        设原始两幅待融合图像为,n=1,2,分别对两幅图像做高斯模糊,得到两幅图像对应的base layers为,将两者相减,可以得到两幅图像对应的detail layers为:

        Base Layer Fusion Using Weighted Superposition:对于每一幅base layer图像,其前面均放置一个系数,然后将加权的base layer图像相加,即可得到base layer的融合图像:








           Detail Layer Fusion Based on KL-Transform:不同于base layers融合的系数是两者都是0.5的简单加权平均,使用KL变换确定detail layers融合时的加权系数:(1)将两幅图像的细节层detail layers变为m*n(m和n分别为图像的长和宽方向上的像素个数)行,两列的矩阵;(2)计算矩阵的协方差矩阵;(3)计算协方差矩阵的两个特征值,并得到这两个特征值对应的特征向量;(4)取特征值两者之间的较大值作为,且其对应的特征向量为;(5)中有两个元素,分别两个元素数值与两者数值之和相除,即可得到detail layers融合时的加权系数;(6)将两个系数分别与两个细节层相乘并相加,即可得到细节层的融合结果。



           使用C/ C++实线本文算法的代码如下(为了计算矩阵的特征值和特征向量,需要配置Eigen库;为了显示融合图像效果,需要配置OpenCV库):

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <Eigen/Eigenvalues>

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
using namespace Eigen;

#define PI 3.14159265358979323846

/********************************************* the functions for gaussian filtering *************************************************/
float gaussian(float x, float sigma);
void gaussian_kernel(float* kernel, int size, float sigma);
void gaussian_filter(float* input, float* output, int width, int height, int mask_size, float sigma);
/********************************************* the functions for gaussian filtering *************************************************/

/*********************************************** the functions for KL-transform ***************************************************/
float mean(float* arr, int size);
float* covariance(float** data, int rows, int cols, float* means);
/*********************************************** the functions for KL-transform ***************************************************/

/******************************************** the functions for calculating layers ************************************************/
void array_add(float* a_array, float* b_array, float* output, int width, int height);
void array_add_weighted(float* a_array, float* b_array, float* output, int width, int height, float a_weight, float b_weight);
void array_sub(float* a_array, float* b_array, float* output, int width, int height);
void array_sub_abs(float* a_array, float* b_array, float* output, int width, int height);
/******************************************** the functions for calculating layers ************************************************/

float gaussian(float x, float sigma) {
    return exp(-x * x / (2 * sigma * sigma)) / (sigma * sqrt(2 * PI));

void gaussian_kernel(float* kernel, int size, float sigma) {
    int center = size / 2; float sum = 0.0;

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        kernel[i] = gaussian(i - center, sigma);
        sum += kernel[i];

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        kernel[i] /= sum;

void gaussian_filter(float* input, float* output, int width, int height, int mask_size, float sigma)
    /* ensure the mask_size be odd number greater than 3 */
    if (mask_size < 3 || mask_size % 2 == 0) {
        std::cout << "invalid mask size!" << std::endl;

    int radius = (mask_size - 1) / 2; int center_pos = mask_size / 2;

    float* kernel = (float*)malloc(mask_size * sizeof(float));
    gaussian_kernel(kernel, mask_size, sigma); //生成高斯模板

    float* temp = (float*)malloc(width * height * sizeof(float)); //临时数组

    for (int h = 0; h < height; h++)
        for (int w = 0; w < width; w++)
            float row_sum = 0.0;
            for (int i = -radius; i <= radius; i++) {
                int w_shift = w + i;
                if (w_shift < 0) w_shift = 0;
                if (w_shift > width - 1) w_shift = width - 1;
                row_sum += kernel[center_pos + i] * input[h * width + w_shift];
            temp[h * width + w] = row_sum;

    for (int h = 0; h < height; h++)
        for (int w = 0; w < width; w++)
            float col_sum = 0.0;
            for (int i = -radius; i <= radius; i++) {
                int h_shift = h + i;
                if (h_shift < 0) h_shift = 0;
                if (h_shift > height - 1) h_shift = height - 1;
                col_sum += kernel[center_pos + i] * temp[h_shift * width + w];
            output[h * width + w] = col_sum;


void array_add(float* a_array, float* b_array, float* output, int width, int height)
    for (int h = 0; h < height; h++)
        float* a_arrayPtr = a_array + h * width;
        float* b_arrayPtr = b_array + h * width;
        float* outputPtr = output + h * width;

        for (int w = 0; w < width; w++) {
            *outputPtr = (*a_arrayPtr) + (*b_arrayPtr);
            a_arrayPtr++; b_arrayPtr++; outputPtr++;

void array_add_weighted(float* a_array, float* b_array, float* output, int width, int height, float a_weight, float b_weight)
    for (int h = 0; h < height; h++)
        float* a_arrayPtr = a_array + h * width;
        float* b_arrayPtr = b_array + h * width;
        float* outputPtr = output + h * width;

        for (int w = 0; w < width; w++) {
            *outputPtr = (*a_arrayPtr) * a_weight + (*b_arrayPtr) * b_weight;
            a_arrayPtr++; b_arrayPtr++; outputPtr++;

void array_sub(float* a_array, float* b_array, float* output, int width, int height)
    for (int h = 0; h < height; h++)
        float* a_arrayPtr = a_array + h * width;
        float* b_arrayPtr = b_array + h * width;
        float* outputPtr = output + h * width;

        for (int w = 0; w < width; w++) {
            *outputPtr = (*a_arrayPtr) - (*b_arrayPtr);
            a_arrayPtr++; b_arrayPtr++; outputPtr++;

void array_sub_abs(float* a_array, float* b_array, float* output, int width, int height)
    for (int h = 0; h < height; h++)
        float* a_arrayPtr = a_array + h * width;
        float* b_arrayPtr = b_array + h * width;
        float* outputPtr = output + h * width;

        for (int w = 0; w < width; w++) {
            *outputPtr = fabs((*a_arrayPtr) - (*b_arrayPtr));
            a_arrayPtr++; b_arrayPtr++;


float mean(float* arr, int size)
    float sum = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        sum += arr[i];
    return sum / size;

float* covariance(float** data, int rows, int cols, float* means)
    float* cov = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * cols * cols);
    for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
            float sum = 0.0;
            for (int k = 0; k < rows; k++) {
                sum += (data[k][i] - means[i]) * (data[k][j] - means[j]);
            cov[i * cols + j] = sum / rows;
    return cov;

int main()
    // 读取红外灰度图像和可见光灰度图像
    cv::Mat image_IR = cv::imread("Marne_IR.png", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
    cv::Mat image_Vis = cv::imread("Marne_Vis.png", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);

    // 检查图像是否成功读取
    if (image_IR.empty() || image_Vis.empty()) {
        return -1;

    // 检查红外图像和可见光图像的尺寸是否一致
    if ((image_IR.cols != image_Vis.cols) || (image_IR.rows != image_Vis.rows)) {
        return -1;

    // 获取图像宽度和高度
    int width = image_IR.cols; int height = image_IR.rows;

    /******************************* convert the image data into float type ********************************/
    cv::Mat image_IR_float(height, width, CV_32FC1);
    image_IR.convertTo(image_IR_float, CV_32FC1, 1 / 255.0);

    cv::Mat image_Vis_float(height, width, CV_32FC1);
    image_Vis.convertTo(image_Vis_float, CV_32FC1, 1 / 255.0);

    float* image_IR_data = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];
    float* image_Vis_data = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];

    std::memcpy(image_IR_data, image_IR_float.data, width * height * sizeof(float));
    std::memcpy(image_Vis_data, image_Vis_float.data, width * height * sizeof(float));
    /******************************* convert the image data into float type ********************************/

    /*************************** the gaussian-blur for infrared and visible images **************************/
    float* image_IR_base = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];
    float* image_Vis_base = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];

    int64 st = cv::getTickCount();

    float sigma = 2.4; int mask_size = 6 * sigma + 1;
    gaussian_filter(image_IR_data, image_IR_base, width, height, mask_size, sigma);
    gaussian_filter(image_Vis_data, image_Vis_base, width, height, mask_size, sigma);

    double duration = (cv::getTickCount() - st) / cv::getTickFrequency() * 1000;
    std::cout << "gaussian filtering time delay: " << duration << "ms;" << std::endl;

    cv::Mat IR_anis_blur(height, width, CV_32FC1, image_IR_base);
    IR_anis_blur.convertTo(IR_anis_blur, CV_8UC1, 255.0);
    cv::imwrite("IR_anis_blur.png", IR_anis_blur);

    cv::Mat Vis_anis_blur(height, width, CV_32FC1, image_Vis_base);
    Vis_anis_blur.convertTo(Vis_anis_blur, CV_8UC1, 255.0);
    cv::imwrite("Vis_anis_blur.png", Vis_anis_blur);
    /*************************** the gaussian-blur for infrared and visible images **************************/

    /********************************* define the original detail layers **********************************/
    float* image_IR_detail = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];
    float* image_Vis_detail = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];

    // 此处只能是array_sub,而不能是array_sub_abs,否则融合结果不自然
    array_sub(image_IR_data, image_IR_base, image_IR_detail, width, height);
    array_sub(image_Vis_data, image_Vis_base, image_Vis_detail, width, height);

    cv::Mat IR_detail(height, width, CV_32FC1, image_IR_detail);
    IR_detail.convertTo(IR_detail, CV_8UC1, 255.0);
    cv::imwrite("IR_detail.png", IR_detail);

    cv::Mat Vis_detail(height, width, CV_32FC1, image_Vis_detail);
    Vis_detail.convertTo(Vis_detail, CV_8UC1, 255.0);
    cv::imwrite("Vis_detail.png", Vis_detail);
    /********************************* define the original detail layers **********************************/

    /******************************* calculate the coefficients kl1 and kl2 ********************************/
    //将两幅detail图像转换为行数为width* height,列数为2的矩阵
    float** detail_data = (float**)malloc(sizeof(float*) * width * height);
    for (int h = 0; h < height; h++)
        for (int w = 0; w < width; w++)
            detail_data[h * width + w] = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * 2); 
            detail_data[h * width + w][0] = image_IR_detail[h * width + w];
            detail_data[h * width + w][1] = image_Vis_detail[h * width + w];

    float detail_IR_mean = mean(image_IR_detail, width * height);
    float detail_Vis_mean = mean(image_Vis_detail, width * height);

    float* means = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * 2);
    means[0] = detail_IR_mean; means[1] = detail_Vis_mean;

    float* cov_data = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * 2 * 2);
    cov_data = covariance(detail_data, width * height, 2, means);

    //std::cout << cov_data[0] << "---" << cov_data[1] << "---" << cov_data[2] << "---" << cov_data[3] << std::endl;

    Eigen::Matrix2f cov_matrix(2, 2);
    cov_matrix << cov_data[0], cov_data[1], cov_data[2], cov_data[3];

    Eigen::EigenSolver<Eigen::Matrix2f> solver(cov_matrix);

    Eigen::Matrix2f D = solver.pseudoEigenvalueMatrix();
    Eigen::Matrix2f V = solver.pseudoEigenvectors();

    std::cout << "The covariance matrix is: " << std::endl << cov_matrix << std::endl;
    std::cout << "The pseudo-eigenvalue matrix D is:" << std::endl << D << std::endl;
    std::cout << "The pseudo-eigenvector matrix V is:" << std::endl << V << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Finally, V * D * V^(-1) = " << std::endl << V * D * V.inverse() << std::endl;

    int col_index, row_index;
    D.maxCoeff(&row_index, &col_index);

    std::cout << "the row_index for the max-eigenvalue is: "<< std::endl << row_index << std::endl \
        << "the col_index for the max-eigenvalue is: " << col_index << std::endl;

    Eigen::Vector2f vec_max = V.col(col_index);
    cout << "the max eigenvalue's vector is: " << std::endl << vec_max << std::endl;

    float kl1 = vec_max[0] / vec_max.sum();
    float kl2 = vec_max[1] / vec_max.sum();

    std::cout << "the number for kl1 is: " << kl1 << std::endl << "the number for kl2 is: " << kl2 << std::endl;
    /******************************* calculate the coefficients kl1 and kl2 ********************************/
    /******************* calculate the fusion map for both base layer and detail layer ********************/
    //计算base layers的fusion map
    float* base_layer = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];
    array_add_weighted(image_IR_base, image_Vis_base, base_layer, width, height, 0.5, 0.5);
    //计算detail layers的fusion map
    float* detail_layer = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];
    array_add_weighted(image_IR_detail, image_Vis_detail, detail_layer, width, height, kl1, kl2);
    /******************* calculate the fusion map for both base layer and detail layer ********************/

    /********************************** calculate the fusion map finally **********************************/
    float* fusion_map = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];
    array_add(base_layer, detail_layer, fusion_map, width, height);
    /********************************** calculate the fusion map finally **********************************/

    cv::Mat fusion_result(height, width, CV_32FC1, fusion_map);
    fusion_result.convertTo(fusion_result, CV_8UC1, 255.0);
    cv::imwrite("fusion_result.png", fusion_result);

    float* simple_fusion_data = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];
    array_add_weighted(image_IR_data, image_Vis_data, simple_fusion_data, width, height, 0.5, 0.5);

    cv::Mat simple_fusion(height, width, CV_32FC1, simple_fusion_data);
    simple_fusion.convertTo(simple_fusion, CV_8UC1, 255.0);
    cv::imwrite("simple_fusion.png", simple_fusion);

    return 0;


Two-scale image fusion of visible and infrared images using saliency detection
Durga Prasad Bavirisetti,Ravindra Dhuli
School of Electronics Engineering, VIT University, India
         1,图像分解/分析:图像分解使用的是均值滤波(盒子滤波)以获取图像的基础层(base layer)和细节层(detail layer)

            考虑到原始的同样大小的(宽和高)的两幅图像,将这两幅图像分解成基础层(base layer)和细节层(detail layer)。作者在文中使用均值滤波器来对原始图像进行模糊处理,来生成基础层:











__m128    包含4个float类型数字的向量
__m128d    包含2个double类型数字的向量
__m128i    包含若干个整型数字的向量
__m256    包含8个float类型数字的向量
__m256d    包含4个double类型数字的向量
__m256i    包含若干个整型数字的向量

ps 包含float类型的向量 s--single
pd 包含double类型的向量 d--double
epi8/epi16/epi32/epi64 包含8位/16位/32位/64位的有符号整数
epu8/epu16/epu32/epu64 包含8位/16位/32位/64位的无符号整数
si128/si256 未指定的128位或者256位向量

//// 整型变量运算指令集:

//// __m128i _mm_sub_epi32 (__m128i a, __m128i b); Subtracts the 4 signed or unsigned 32-bit integers of b from the 4 signed or unsigned 32-bit integers of a. r0 := a0 - b0 r1 := a1 - b1 r2 := a2 - b2 r3 := a3 - b3
//// __m128i _mm_set1_epi32 (int i); Sets the 4 signed 32-bit integer values to i. r0 := i r1 := i r2 := i r3 := i

////__m128i _mm_mullo_epi16 (__m128i a, __m128i b); Multiplies the 8 signed or unsigned 16-bit integers from a by the 8 signed or unsigned 16-bit integers from b. r0 := (a0 * b0)[15:0] r1 := (a1 * b1)[15:0] ... r7 := (a7 * b7)[15:0] 2个16bit数据相乘,取低16位

//// __m128i _mm_srli_epi16 (__m128i a, int count); Shifts the 8 signed or unsigned 16-bit integers in a right by count bits while shifting in zeros. r0 := srl(a0, count) r1 := srl(a1, count) ... r7 := srl(a7, count)

//// __m128i _mm_packus_epi16 (__m128i a, __m128i b); Packs the 16 signed 16-bit integers from a and b into 8-bit unsigned integers and saturates. 
r0 := UnsignedSaturate(a0)   ////UnsignedSaturate表示将16bit截断至8bit,即取16bit的低8位为止
r1 := UnsignedSaturate(a1)
r7 := UnsignedSaturate(a7)
r8 := UnsignedSaturate(b0)
r9 := UnsignedSaturate(b1)
r15 := UnsignedSaturate(b7)

//// __m128i _mm_shuffle_epi8(__m128i a, __m128i mask); This instruction shuffles 16-byte parameters from a 128-bit parameter.
给定mask中16个数字,除以16,余数为索引,然后到a中取对应索引的数值在该位置上 例如mask中第一个元素为0,则取a中第一个元素作为结果中的第一个元素

//// __m128i _mm_setr_epi8 (char b0, char b1, char b2, char b3, char b4, char b5, char b6, char b7, char b8, char b9, char b10, char b11, char b12, char b13, char b14, char b15); Sets the 16 signed 8-bit integer values in reverse order.
r0 := b0 r1 := b1 ... r15 := b15

//// __m128i _mm_loadu_si128 (__m128i *p); Loads 128-bit value.
//// __m128i _mm_loadl_epi64(__m128i const*p); Load the lower 64 bits of the value pointed to by p into the lower 64 bits of the result, zeroing the upper 64 bits of the result. r0:= *p[63:0] r1:=0x0

//// __m128i _mm_subs_epu8 (__m128i a, __m128i b); Subtracts the 16 unsigned 8-bit integers of b from the 16 unsigned 8-bit integers of a and saturates. 
//// r0 := UnsignedSaturate(a0 - b0) r1: = UnsignedSaturate(a1 - b1) ... r15 : = UnsignedSaturate(a15 - b15)

//// __m128i _mm_set1_epi8 (char b); Sets the 16 signed 8-bit integer values to b. r0 := b r1: = b ... r15 : = b
//// __m128i _mm_setzero_si128 (); Sets the 128-bit value to zero. r := 0x0

//// __m128i _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (__m128i a, __m128i b); Interleaves the lower 8 signed or unsigned 8-bit integers in a with the lower 8 signed or unsigned 8-bit integers in b.
//// r0 := a0 ; r1 := b1 r2: = a1; r3: = b1 ... r14 : = a7; r15: = b7
//// __m128i _mm_unpackhi_epi8 (__m128i a, __m128i b); Interleaves the upper 8 signed or unsigned 8-bit integers in a with the upper 8 signed or unsigned 8-bit integers in b.
//// r0 := a8 ; r1 := b8 r2: = a9; r3: = b9 ... r14 : = a15; r15: = b15

//// __m128i _mm_unpacklo_epi16 (__m128i a, __m128i b); Interleaves the lower 4 signed or unsigned 16-bit integers in a with the lower 4 signed or unsigned 16-bit integers in b. //取值时,每个元素为16-bit
//// r0 := a0 ; r1 := b0 r2 := a1 ; r3 := b1 r4 := a2 ; r5 := b2 r6 := a3 ; r7 := b3
//// __m128i _mm_unpackhi_epi16 (__m128i a, __m128i b); Interleaves the upper 4 signed or unsigned 16-bit integers in a with the upper 4 signed or unsigned 16-bit integers in b.
//// r0 := a4 ; r1 := b4 r2 := a5 ; r3 := b5 r4 := a6 ; r5 := b6 r6 := a7 ; r7 := b7

//// __m128i _mm_max_epu8 (__m128i a, __m128i b);Computes the pairwise maximum of the 16 unsigned 8-bit integers from a and the 16 unsigned 8-bit integers from b.
//// r0 := max(a0, b0) r1 := max(a1, b1) ... r15 := max(a15, b15)

//// __m128i _mm_min_epu8 (__m128i a, __m128i b); Computes the pairwise minimum of the 16 unsigned 8-bit integers from a and the 16 unsigned 8-bit integers from b.
//// r0 := min(a0, b0) r1 := min(a1, b1) ... r15 := min(a15, b15)

//// __m128i _mm_unpackhi_epi64 (__m128i a, __m128i b); Interleaves the upper signed or unsigned 64-bit integer in a with the upper signed or unsigned 64-bit integer in b. r0 := a1 ; r1 := b1
//// __m128i _mm_unpacklo_epi64 (__m128i a, __m128i b); Interleaves the lower signed or unsigned 64-bit integer in a with the lower signed or unsigned 64-bit integer in b. r0 := a0 ; r1 := b0

//// __m128i _mm_packus_epi32(__m128i a, __m128i b); This instruction converts four signed 32-bit integers into 8 unsigned 16-bit integers by using unsigned saturation.
r0 := (a0 < 0) ? 0 : ((a0 > 0xffff) ? 0xffff : a0)
r1 := (a1 < 0) ? 0 : ((a1 > 0xffff) ? 0xffff : a1)
r2 := (a2 < 0) ? 0 : ((a2 > 0xffff) ? 0xffff : a2)
r3 := (a3 < 0) ? 0 : ((a3 > 0xffff) ? 0xffff : a3)
r4 := (b0 < 0) ? 0 : ((b0 > 0xffff) ? 0xffff : b0)
r5 := (b1 < 0) ? 0 : ((b1 > 0xffff) ? 0xffff : b1)
r6 := (b2 < 0) ? 0 : ((b2 > 0xffff) ? 0xffff : b2)
r7 := (b3 < 0) ? 0 : ((b3 > 0xffff) ? 0xffff : b3)

//// __m128i _mm_packus_epi16 (__m128i a, __m128i b); Packs the 16 signed 16-bit integers from a and b into 8-bit unsigned integers and saturates.
r0 := UnsignedSaturate(a0)
r1 := UnsignedSaturate(a1)
r7 := UnsignedSaturate(a7)
r8 := UnsignedSaturate(b0)
r9 := UnsignedSaturate(b1)
r15 := UnsignedSaturate(b7)

//// __m128 _mm_cvtepi32_ps (__m128i a); Converts the four signed 32-bit integer values of a to single-precision, floating-point values. r0 := (float) a0 r1 := (float) a1 r2 := (float) a2 r3 := (float) a3
//// __m128i _mm_cvtps_epi32 (__m128 a); Converts the four single-precision, floating-point values of a to signed 32-bit integer values. r0 := (int) a0 r1 := (int) a1 r2 := (int) a2 r3 := (int) a3

//// __m128 _mm_loadu_ps(float * p); r0 := p[0] r1: = p[1] r2 : = p[2] r3 : = p[3] 128 / 4 = 32
//// void _mm_store_ps(float *p, __m128 a ); Stores four single-precision, floating-point values. p[0] := a0 p[1] : = a1 p[2] : = a2 p[3] : = a3

//// __m128 _mm_add_ps(__m128 a , __m128 b ); r0 := a0 + b0 r1: = a1 + b1 r2 : = a2 + b2 r3 : = a3 + b3
//// __m128 _mm_sub_ps(__m128 a , __m128 b ); r0 := a0 - b0 r1: = a1 - b1 r2 : = a2 - b2 r3 : = a3 - b3 Subtracts the four single-precision, floating-point values of a and b.
//// __m128 _mm_mul_ps(__m128 a , __m128 b ); Multiplies the four single-precision, floating-point values of a and b. r0 := a0 * b0 r1 := a1 * b1 r2 := a2 * b2 r3 := a3 * b3
//// __m128 _mm_div_ps(__m128 a, __m128 b ); Divides the four single-precision, floating-point values of a and b. r0 := a0 / b0 r1 := a1 / b1 r2 := a2 / b2 r3 := a3 / b3

//// __m128 _mm_set1_ps(float w ); Sets the four single-precision, floating-point values to w. r0 := r1 := r2 := r3 := w
//// __m128 _mm_shuffle_ps(__m128 a , __m128 b , int i ); Selects four specific single-precision, floating-point values from a and b, based on the mask i. 

//// __m128 _mm_and_ps(__m128 a , __m128 b ); Computes the bitwise AND of the four single-precision, floating-point values of a and b. r0 := a0 & b0 r1 := a1 & b1 r2 := a2 & b2 r3 := a3 & b3
//// __m128 _mm_or_ps(__m128 a , __m128 b ); Computes the bitwise OR of the four single-precision, floating-point values of a and b. r0 := a0 | b0 r1 := a1 | b1 r2 := a2 | b2 r3 := a3 | b3
//// __m128 _mm_andnot_ps(__m128 a , __m128 b ); Computes the bitwise AND-NOT of the four single-precision, floating-point values of a and b. r0 := ~a0 & b0 r1 := ~a1 & b1 r2 := ~a2 & b2 r3 := ~a3 & b3
//// __m128 _mm_xor_ps(__m128 a , __m128 b ); Computes bitwise EXOR (exclusive-or) of the four single-precision, floating-point values of a and b. r0 := a0 ^ b0 r1 := a1 ^ b1 r2 := a2 ^ b2 r3 := a3 ^ b3
//// a ^ b中,^表示异或,即两个输入相同时为0,不同则为1

//// __m128 _mm_max_ps(__m128 a , __m128 b ); Computes the maximums of the four single-precision, floating-point values of a and b. r0 := max(a0, b0) r1 := max(a1, b1) r2 := max(a2, b2) r3 := max(a3, b3)
//// __m128 _mm_min_ps(__m128 a , __m128 b ); Computes the minima of the four single-precision, floating-point values of a and b. r0 := min(a0, b0) r1 := min(a1, b1) r2 := min(a2, b2) r3 := min(a3, b3)

//// __m128 _mm_exp_ps(__m128 x); 返回指数运算结果 VS2019及以上版本自带这个函数

sse中计算某一个数值的绝对值:浮点数字0x 7fff ffff 表示int的最大值,0x表示是16进制,7表示二进制0111,f表示二进制1111
也可以表示为二进制的:0111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111(32bit)
inline __m128 _mm_abs_ps(__m128 v) {
    static const int i = 0x7fffffff;
    float mask = *(float*)&i;
    return _mm_and_ps(v, _mm_set_ps1(mask));


#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

#define __SSE2__

#if defined(__SSE2__)
#include <mmintrin.h>  //mmx
#include <xmmintrin.h>  //sse
#include <emmintrin.h>  //sse2

/*************************** the basic functions for the fusion of infrared and visible images ***************************/
void boxfilter(float* input, float* output, int width, int height, int mask_size);
void array_add(float* a_array, float* b_array, float* output, int width, int height);
void array_add_weighted(float* a_array, float* b_array, float* output, int width, int height, float a_weight, float b_weight);
void array_sub(float* a_array, float* b_array, float* output, int width, int height);
void array_sub_abs(float* a_array, float* b_array, float* output, int width, int height);
void array_dot_mul(float* a_array, float* b_array, float* output, int width, int height);
void array_dot_div(float* a_array, float* b_array, float* output, int width, int height, float eps);
/*************************** the basic functions for the fusion of infrared and visible images ***************************/

/// <summary>
/// boxfilter的sse指令集优化,一次处理8个像素(测试数据长和宽都是8的倍数)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param> 输入图像地址
/// <param name="output"></param> 输出图像地址
/// <param name="width"></param> 图像的列数
/// <param name="height"></param> 图像的行数
/// <param name="mask_size"></param> 滤波矩形尺寸,大小通常为mask_size * mask_size
void boxfilter(float* input, float* output, int width, int height, int mask_size)
    /* ensure the mask_size be odd number greater than 3 */
    if (mask_size < 3 || mask_size % 2 == 0) {
        std::cout << "invalid mask size!" << std::endl;

    int radius = (mask_size - 1) / 2;
    float InvertAmount = 1.0f / (mask_size * mask_size);

    std::vector<float> cache(width * height);
    std::vector<float> colSum(width);
    float* cachePtr = &(cache[0]);

    // sum horizonal
    for (int h = 0; h < height; ++h) {
        //int shift = h * width;

        // 每一行第一个像素初始化为:左侧半径相同值求和 + 右侧半径像素求和
        float tmp = (radius + 1) * input[h * width + 0];

        for (int w = 0; w < radius; ++w) {
            tmp += input[h * width + w];

        // 处理左侧radius个像素的边界
        for (int w = 0; w <= radius; ++w) {

            tmp += input[h * width + w + radius]; // 新加的一个像素
            tmp -= input[h * width + 0]; // 减去的左边像素,这里是左侧边界像素值
            cachePtr[h * width + w] = tmp;

        int start = radius + 1;
        int end = width - 1 - radius;

        for (int w = start; w <= end; ++w) {
            tmp += input[h * width + w + radius];
            tmp -= input[h * width + w - radius - 1];
            cachePtr[h * width + w] = tmp;

        // 处理右侧radius个像素的边界
        start = width - radius;

        for (int w = start; w < width; ++w) {
            tmp += input[h * width + width - 1]; // 加上最右边的新元素,此处为图像最右侧边界的值
            tmp -= input[h * width + w - radius - 1]; // 减去最左侧旧的值
            cachePtr[h * width + w] = tmp;

    // 列指针数值初始化
    float* colSumPtr = &(colSum[0]);

    // 考虑向上的边界,以radius相同的上边界值代替
    for (int indexW = 0; indexW < width; ++indexW) {
        colSumPtr[indexW] = (radius + 1) * cachePtr[0 + indexW]; // h = 0 第一行,第indexW列

    ////__m128 _mm_loadu_ps(float * p); r0 := p[0] r1: = p[1] r2 : = p[2] r3 : = p[3] 128 / 4 = 32
    ////__m128 _mm_add_ps(__m128 a , __m128 b ); r0 := a0 + b0 r1: = a1 + b1 r2 : = a2 + b2 r3 : = a3 + b3
    ////__m128 _mm_sub_ps(__m128 a , __m128 b ); r0 := a0 - b0 r1: = a1 - b1 r2 : = a2 - b2 r3 : = a3 - b3 Subtracts the four single-precision, floating-point values of a and b.
    ////void _mm_store_ps(float *p, __m128 a ); Stores four single-precision, floating-point values. p[0] := a0 p[1] : = a1 p[2] : = a2 p[3] : = a3
    ////__m128 _mm_set1_ps(float w ); Sets the four single-precision, floating-point values to w. r0 := r1 := r2 := r3 := w

    // 列方向向下相加radius个像素值
    for (int h = 0; h < radius; ++h) {
        float* tmpColSumPtr = colSumPtr;
        float* tmpCachePtr = cachePtr + h * width;

        int w = 0;

#if defined(__SSE2__)
        for (; w + 7 < width; w += 8) {
            __m128 _colSum_0 = _mm_loadu_ps(tmpColSumPtr);
            __m128 _colSum_1 = _mm_loadu_ps(tmpColSumPtr + 4);

            __m128 _cache_0 = _mm_loadu_ps(tmpCachePtr);
            __m128 _cache_1 = _mm_loadu_ps(tmpCachePtr + 4);

            __m128 _addTmp_0 = _mm_add_ps(_colSum_0, _cache_0);
            __m128 _addTmp_1 = _mm_add_ps(_colSum_1, _cache_1);

            _mm_store_ps(tmpColSumPtr, _addTmp_0);
            _mm_store_ps(tmpColSumPtr + 4, _addTmp_1);

            tmpColSumPtr += 8;
            tmpCachePtr += 8;

        for (; w < width; ++w) {
            //colSumPtr[w] += cachePtr[h * width + w];
            *tmpColSumPtr += *tmpCachePtr;
        for (; w < width; ++w) {
            //colSumPtr[w] += cachePtr[h * width + w];
            *tmpColSumPtr += *tmpCachePtr;


    // sum vertical
    // 处理上面radius个像素边界
    for (int h = 0; h <= radius; ++h) {
        float* addPtr = cachePtr + (h + radius) * width;
        float* subPtr = cachePtr + 0 * width;  // 最上面的像素以边界值代替
        float* outPtr = output + h * width;

        float* tmpAddPtr = addPtr; float* tmpSubPtr = subPtr;
        float* tmpColSumPtr = colSumPtr; float* tmpOutPtr = outPtr;
        int w = 0;

#if defined(__SSE2__)
        for (; w + 7 < width; w += 8) {
            __m128 _colSum_0 = _mm_loadu_ps(tmpColSumPtr);
            __m128 _colSum_1 = _mm_loadu_ps(tmpColSumPtr + 4);

            __m128 _outTmp_0 = _mm_loadu_ps(colSumPtr);
            __m128 _outTmp_1 = _mm_loadu_ps(colSumPtr + 4);

            __m128 _tmp_0 = _mm_add_ps(_colSum_0, _mm_loadu_ps(tmpAddPtr));
            _tmp_0 = _mm_sub_ps(_tmp_0, _mm_loadu_ps(tmpSubPtr));
            __m128 _tmp_out_0 = _mm_mul_ps(_tmp_0, _mm_set1_ps(InvertAmount));

            __m128 _tmp_1 = _mm_add_ps(_colSum_1, _mm_loadu_ps(tmpAddPtr + 4));
            _tmp_1 = _mm_sub_ps(_tmp_1, _mm_loadu_ps(tmpSubPtr + 4));
            __m128 _tmp_out_1 = _mm_mul_ps(_tmp_1, _mm_set1_ps(InvertAmount));

            _mm_store_ps(tmpColSumPtr, _tmp_0);
            _mm_store_ps(tmpColSumPtr + 4, _tmp_1);

            _mm_store_ps(tmpOutPtr, _tmp_out_0);
            _mm_store_ps(tmpOutPtr + 4, _tmp_out_1);

            tmpAddPtr += 8; tmpSubPtr += 8;
            tmpColSumPtr += 8; tmpOutPtr += 8;

        for (; w < width; ++w) {
            //colSumPtr[w] += addPtr[w];
            //colSumPtr[w] -= subPtr[w];
            //outPtr[w] = colSumPtr[w] * InvertAmount;
            *tmpColSumPtr += *tmpAddPtr;
            *tmpColSumPtr -= *tmpSubPtr;
            *tmpOutPtr = *tmpColSumPtr * InvertAmount;

            tmpAddPtr++; tmpSubPtr++;
            tmpColSumPtr++; tmpOutPtr++;
        for (; w < width; ++w) {
            //colSumPtr[w] += addPtr[w];
            //colSumPtr[w] -= subPtr[w];
            //outPtr[w] = colSumPtr[w] * InvertAmount;
            *tmpColSumPtr += *tmpAddPtr;
            *tmpColSumPtr -= *tmpSubPtr;
            *tmpOutPtr = *tmpColSumPtr * InvertAmount;

            tmpAddPtr++; tmpSubPtr++;
            tmpColSumPtr++; tmpOutPtr++;


    int start = radius + 1;
    int end = height - 1 - radius;

    for (int h = start; h <= end; ++h) {
        float* addPtr = cachePtr + (h + radius) * width;
        float* subPtr = cachePtr + (h - radius - 1) * width;
        float* outPtr = output + h * width;

        float* tmpAddPtr = addPtr; float* tmpSubPtr = subPtr;
        float* tmpColSumPtr = colSumPtr; float* tmpOutPtr = outPtr;
        int w = 0;

#if defined(__SSE2__)
        for (; w + 7 < width; w += 8) {
            __m128 _colSum_0 = _mm_loadu_ps(tmpColSumPtr);
            __m128 _colSum_1 = _mm_loadu_ps(tmpColSumPtr + 4);

            __m128 _outTmp_0 = _mm_loadu_ps(colSumPtr);
            __m128 _outTmp_1 = _mm_loadu_ps(colSumPtr + 4);

            __m128 _tmp_0 = _mm_add_ps(_colSum_0, _mm_loadu_ps(tmpAddPtr));
            _tmp_0 = _mm_sub_ps(_tmp_0, _mm_loadu_ps(tmpSubPtr));
            __m128 _tmp_out_0 = _mm_mul_ps(_tmp_0, _mm_set1_ps(InvertAmount));

            __m128 _tmp_1 = _mm_add_ps(_colSum_1, _mm_loadu_ps(tmpAddPtr + 4));
            _tmp_1 = _mm_sub_ps(_tmp_1, _mm_loadu_ps(tmpSubPtr + 4));
            __m128 _tmp_out_1 = _mm_mul_ps(_tmp_1, _mm_set1_ps(InvertAmount));

            _mm_store_ps(tmpColSumPtr, _tmp_0);
            _mm_store_ps(tmpColSumPtr + 4, _tmp_1);

            _mm_store_ps(tmpOutPtr, _tmp_out_0);
            _mm_store_ps(tmpOutPtr + 4, _tmp_out_1);

            tmpAddPtr += 8; tmpSubPtr += 8;
            tmpColSumPtr += 8; tmpOutPtr += 8;

        for (; w < width; ++w) {
            //colSumPtr[w] += addPtr[w];
            //colSumPtr[w] -= subPtr[w];
            //outPtr[w] = colSumPtr[w] * InvertAmount;
            *tmpColSumPtr += *tmpAddPtr;
            *tmpColSumPtr -= *tmpSubPtr;
            *tmpOutPtr = *tmpColSumPtr * InvertAmount;

            tmpAddPtr++; tmpSubPtr++;
            tmpColSumPtr++; tmpOutPtr++;
        for (; w < width; ++w) {
            //colSumPtr[w] += addPtr[w];
            //colSumPtr[w] -= subPtr[w];
            //outPtr[w] = colSumPtr[w] * InvertAmount;
            *tmpColSumPtr += *tmpAddPtr;
            *tmpColSumPtr -= *tmpSubPtr;
            *tmpOutPtr = *tmpColSumPtr * InvertAmount;

            tmpAddPtr++; tmpSubPtr++;
            tmpColSumPtr++; tmpOutPtr++;



    // 处理下面radius个像素边界
    start = height - radius;
    for (int h = start; h < height; ++h) {
        float* addPtr = cachePtr + (height - 1) * width;  // 最下面边界索引
        float* subPtr = cachePtr + (h - radius - 1) * width; // 最上面旧的一行索引
        float* outPtr = output + h * width;

        float* tmpAddPtr = addPtr; float* tmpSubPtr = subPtr;
        float* tmpColSumPtr = colSumPtr; float* tmpOutPtr = outPtr;
        int w = 0;

#if defined(__SSE2__)
        for (; w + 7 < width; w += 8) {
            __m128 _colSum_0 = _mm_loadu_ps(tmpColSumPtr);
            __m128 _colSum_1 = _mm_loadu_ps(tmpColSumPtr + 4);

            __m128 _outTmp_0 = _mm_loadu_ps(colSumPtr);
            __m128 _outTmp_1 = _mm_loadu_ps(colSumPtr + 4);

            __m128 _tmp_0 = _mm_add_ps(_colSum_0, _mm_loadu_ps(tmpAddPtr));
            _tmp_0 = _mm_sub_ps(_tmp_0, _mm_loadu_ps(tmpSubPtr));
            __m128 _tmp_out_0 = _mm_mul_ps(_tmp_0, _mm_set1_ps(InvertAmount));

            __m128 _tmp_1 = _mm_add_ps(_colSum_1, _mm_loadu_ps(tmpAddPtr + 4));
            _tmp_1 = _mm_sub_ps(_tmp_1, _mm_loadu_ps(tmpSubPtr + 4));
            __m128 _tmp_out_1 = _mm_mul_ps(_tmp_1, _mm_set1_ps(InvertAmount));

            _mm_store_ps(tmpColSumPtr, _tmp_0);
            _mm_store_ps(tmpColSumPtr + 4, _tmp_1);

            _mm_store_ps(tmpOutPtr, _tmp_out_0);
            _mm_store_ps(tmpOutPtr + 4, _tmp_out_1);

            tmpAddPtr += 8; tmpSubPtr += 8;
            tmpColSumPtr += 8; tmpOutPtr += 8;

        for (; w < width; ++w) {
            //colSumPtr[w] += addPtr[w];  // 最下面的像素以边界值代替
            //colSumPtr[w] -= subPtr[w];
            //outPtr[w] = colSumPtr[w] * InvertAmount;
            *tmpColSumPtr += *tmpAddPtr;
            *tmpColSumPtr -= *tmpSubPtr;
            *tmpOutPtr = *tmpColSumPtr * InvertAmount;

            tmpAddPtr++; tmpSubPtr++;
            tmpColSumPtr++; tmpOutPtr++;
        for (; w < width; ++w) {
            //colSumPtr[w] += addPtr[w];  // 最下面的像素以边界值代替
            //colSumPtr[w] -= subPtr[w];
            //outPtr[w] = colSumPtr[w] * InvertAmount;
            *tmpColSumPtr += *tmpAddPtr;
            *tmpColSumPtr -= *tmpSubPtr;
            *tmpOutPtr = *tmpColSumPtr * InvertAmount;

            tmpAddPtr++; tmpSubPtr++;
            tmpColSumPtr++; tmpOutPtr++;


/// <summary>
/// 两幅相同尺寸的图像像素值相加
/// </summary>
/// <param name="a_array"></param> 输入图像,被加数 -- a
/// <param name="b_array"></param> 输入图像,加数 -- b
/// <param name="output"></param> 输出图像
/// <param name="width"></param> 图像的宽
/// <param name="height"></param> 图像的高
void array_add(float* a_array, float* b_array, float* output, int width, int height)
    for (int h = 0; h < height; h++)
        float* a_arrayPtr = a_array + h * width;
        float* b_arrayPtr = b_array + h * width;
        float* outputPtr = output + h * width;

        int w = 0;
#if defined(__SSE2__)
        for (; w + 7 < width; w += 8) {
            __m128 _a_array_0 = _mm_loadu_ps(a_arrayPtr);
            __m128 _a_array_1 = _mm_loadu_ps(a_arrayPtr + 4);

            __m128 _b_array_0 = _mm_loadu_ps(b_arrayPtr);
            __m128 _b_array_1 = _mm_loadu_ps(b_arrayPtr + 4);

            __m128 _output_0 = _mm_add_ps(_a_array_0, _b_array_0);
            __m128 _output_1 = _mm_add_ps(_a_array_1, _b_array_1);

            _mm_store_ps(outputPtr, _output_0);
            _mm_store_ps(outputPtr + 4, _output_1);

            a_arrayPtr += 8; b_arrayPtr += 8; 
            outputPtr += 8;

        for (; w < width; w++) {
            *outputPtr = (*a_arrayPtr) + (*b_arrayPtr);
            a_arrayPtr++; b_arrayPtr++; 
        for (; w < width; w++) {
            *outputPtr = (*a_arrayPtr) + (*b_arrayPtr);
            a_arrayPtr++; b_arrayPtr++;

/// <summary>
/// 两幅相同尺寸的图像像素值相加,并取平均值:/2
/// </summary>
/// <param name="a_array"></param> 输入图像,被加数 -- a
/// <param name="b_array"></param> 输入图像,加数 -- b
/// <param name="output"></param> 输出图像
/// <param name="width"></param> 图像的宽
/// <param name="height"></param> 图像的高
void array_add_weighted(float* a_array, float* b_array, float* output, int width, int height, float a_weight, float b_weight)
    for (int h = 0; h < height; h++)
        float* a_arrayPtr = a_array + h * width;
        float* b_arrayPtr = b_array + h * width;
        float* outputPtr = output + h * width;

        int w = 0;
#if defined(__SSE2__)
        for (; w + 7 < width; w += 8) {
            __m128 _a_array_0 = _mm_loadu_ps(a_arrayPtr);
            __m128 _a_array_1 = _mm_loadu_ps(a_arrayPtr + 4);

            __m128 _b_array_0 = _mm_loadu_ps(b_arrayPtr);
            __m128 _b_array_1 = _mm_loadu_ps(b_arrayPtr + 4);

            _a_array_0 = _mm_mul_ps(_a_array_0, _mm_set1_ps(a_weight));
            _a_array_1 = _mm_mul_ps(_a_array_1, _mm_set1_ps(a_weight));

            _b_array_0 = _mm_mul_ps(_b_array_0, _mm_set1_ps(b_weight));
            _b_array_1 = _mm_mul_ps(_b_array_1, _mm_set1_ps(b_weight));

            __m128 _output_0 = _mm_add_ps(_a_array_0, _b_array_0);
            __m128 _output_1 = _mm_add_ps(_a_array_1, _b_array_1);

            _mm_store_ps(outputPtr, _output_0);
            _mm_store_ps(outputPtr + 4, _output_1);

            a_arrayPtr += 8; b_arrayPtr += 8;
            outputPtr += 8;

        for (; w < width; w++) {
            *outputPtr = (*a_arrayPtr) * a_weight + (*b_arrayPtr) * b_weight;
            a_arrayPtr++; b_arrayPtr++;
        for (; w < width; w++) {
            *outputPtr = (*a_arrayPtr) * a_weight + (*b_arrayPtr) * b_weight;
            a_arrayPtr++; b_arrayPtr++; 

/// <summary>
/// 两幅相同尺寸的图像像素值相减
/// </summary>
/// <param name="a_array"></param> 输入图像,被减数 -- a
/// <param name="b_array"></param> 输入图像,减数 -- b
/// <param name="output"></param> 输出图像
/// <param name="width"></param> 图像的宽
/// <param name="height"></param> 图像的高
void array_sub(float* a_array, float* b_array, float* output, int width, int height)
    for (int h = 0; h < height; h++)
        float* a_arrayPtr = a_array + h * width;
        float* b_arrayPtr = b_array + h * width;
        float* outputPtr = output + h * width;

        int w = 0;
#if defined(__SSE2__)
        for (; w + 7 < width; w += 8) {
            __m128 _a_array_0 = _mm_loadu_ps(a_arrayPtr);
            __m128 _a_array_1 = _mm_loadu_ps(a_arrayPtr + 4);

            __m128 _b_array_0 = _mm_loadu_ps(b_arrayPtr);
            __m128 _b_array_1 = _mm_loadu_ps(b_arrayPtr + 4);

            __m128 _output_0 = _mm_sub_ps(_a_array_0, _b_array_0);
            __m128 _output_1 = _mm_sub_ps(_a_array_1, _b_array_1);

            _mm_store_ps(outputPtr, _output_0);
            _mm_store_ps(outputPtr + 4, _output_1);

            a_arrayPtr += 8; b_arrayPtr += 8; 
            outputPtr += 8;

        for (; w < width; w++) {
            *outputPtr = (*a_arrayPtr) - (*b_arrayPtr);
            a_arrayPtr++; b_arrayPtr++;
        for (; w < width; w++) {
            *outputPtr = (*a_arrayPtr) - (*b_arrayPtr);
            a_arrayPtr++; b_arrayPtr++; 

/// <summary>
/// 两幅相同尺寸的图像像素值相减,并取差值的绝对值
/// </summary>
/// <param name="a_array"></param> 输入图像,被减数 -- a
/// <param name="b_array"></param> 输入图像,减数 -- b
/// <param name="output"></param> 输出图像
/// <param name="width"></param> 图像的宽
/// <param name="height"></param> 图像的高
void array_sub_abs(float* a_array, float* b_array, float* output, int width, int height)
    for (int h = 0; h < height; h++)
        float* a_arrayPtr = a_array + h * width;
        float* b_arrayPtr = b_array + h * width;
        float* outputPtr = output + h * width;

        const int i = 0x7fffffff;
        float abs_mask = *(float*)&i;

        int w = 0;
#if defined(__SSE2__)
        for (; w + 7 < width; w += 8) {
            __m128 _a_array_0 = _mm_loadu_ps(a_arrayPtr);
            __m128 _a_array_1 = _mm_loadu_ps(a_arrayPtr + 4);

            __m128 _b_array_0 = _mm_loadu_ps(b_arrayPtr);
            __m128 _b_array_1 = _mm_loadu_ps(b_arrayPtr + 4);

            __m128 _output_0 = _mm_sub_ps(_a_array_0, _b_array_0);
            __m128 _output_1 = _mm_sub_ps(_a_array_1, _b_array_1);

            _output_0 = _mm_and_ps(_output_0, _mm_set1_ps(abs_mask));
            _output_1 = _mm_and_ps(_output_1, _mm_set1_ps(abs_mask));

            _mm_store_ps(outputPtr, _output_0);
            _mm_store_ps(outputPtr + 4, _output_1);

            a_arrayPtr += 8; b_arrayPtr += 8; 
            outputPtr += 8;

        for (; w < width; w++) {
            *outputPtr = fabs((*a_arrayPtr) - (*b_arrayPtr));
            a_arrayPtr++; b_arrayPtr++;
        for (; w < width; w++) {
            *outputPtr = fabs((*a_arrayPtr) - (*b_arrayPtr));
            a_arrayPtr++; b_arrayPtr++; 


/// <summary>
/// 两幅相同尺寸的图像像素值点乘
/// </summary>
/// <param name="a_array"></param> 输入图像 -- a
/// <param name="b_array"></param> 输入图像 -- b
/// <param name="output"></param> 输出图像
/// <param name="width"></param> 图像的宽
/// <param name="height"></param> 图像的高
void array_dot_mul(float* a_array, float* b_array, float* output, int width, int height)
    for (int h = 0; h < height; h++)
        float* a_arrayPtr = a_array + h * width;
        float* b_arrayPtr = b_array + h * width;
        float* outputPtr = output + h * width;

        int w = 0;
#if defined(__SSE2__)
        for (; w + 7 < width; w += 8) {
            __m128 _a_array_0 = _mm_loadu_ps(a_arrayPtr);
            __m128 _a_array_1 = _mm_loadu_ps(a_arrayPtr + 4);

            __m128 _b_array_0 = _mm_loadu_ps(b_arrayPtr);
            __m128 _b_array_1 = _mm_loadu_ps(b_arrayPtr + 4);

            __m128 _output_0 = _mm_mul_ps(_a_array_0, _b_array_0);
            __m128 _output_1 = _mm_mul_ps(_a_array_1, _b_array_1);

            _mm_store_ps(outputPtr, _output_0);
            _mm_store_ps(outputPtr + 4, _output_1);

            a_arrayPtr += 8; b_arrayPtr += 8; 
            outputPtr += 8;

        for (; w < width; w++) {
            *outputPtr = (*a_arrayPtr) * (*b_arrayPtr);
            a_arrayPtr++; b_arrayPtr++;
        for (; w < width; w++) {
            *outputPtr = (*a_arrayPtr) * (*b_arrayPtr);
            a_arrayPtr++; b_arrayPtr++;

/// <summary>
/// 两幅相同尺寸图像做像素值点除
/// </summary>
/// <param name="a_array"></param> 输入图像 -- a 被除数
/// <param name="b_array"></param> 输入图像 -- b 除数
/// <param name="output"></param> 输入结果
/// <param name="width"></param> 图像的宽
/// <param name="height"></param> 图像的高
/// <param name="eps"></param> 防止除数为0,通常为一个很小的数值
void array_dot_div(float* a_array, float* b_array, float* output, int width, int height, float eps)
    for (int h = 0; h < height; h++)
        float* a_arrayPtr = a_array + h * width;
        float* b_arrayPtr = b_array + h * width;
        float* outputPtr = output + h * width;

        int w = 0;
#if defined(__SSE2__)
        for (; w + 7 < width; w += 8) {
            __m128 _a_array_0 = _mm_loadu_ps(a_arrayPtr);
            __m128 _a_array_1 = _mm_loadu_ps(a_arrayPtr + 4);

            __m128 _b_array_0 = _mm_loadu_ps(b_arrayPtr);
            __m128 _b_array_1 = _mm_loadu_ps(b_arrayPtr + 4);

            // _mm_rcp_ps 
            // Computes the approximations of reciprocals of the four single-precision, floating-point values of a. r0 := recip(a0) 
            // r1: = recip(a1) r2 : = recip(a2) r3 : = recip(a3)

            _b_array_0 = _mm_rcp_ps(_mm_add_ps(_b_array_0, _mm_set1_ps(eps)));
            _b_array_1 = _mm_rcp_ps(_mm_add_ps(_b_array_1, _mm_set1_ps(eps)));

            __m128 _output_0 = _mm_mul_ps(_a_array_0, _b_array_0);
            __m128 _output_1 = _mm_mul_ps(_a_array_1, _b_array_1);

            _mm_store_ps(outputPtr, _output_0);
            _mm_store_ps(outputPtr + 4, _output_1);

            a_arrayPtr += 8; b_arrayPtr += 8;
            outputPtr += 8;

        for (; w < width; w++) {
            *outputPtr = (*a_arrayPtr) * (1 / (*b_arrayPtr + eps));
            a_arrayPtr++; b_arrayPtr++;
        for (; w < width; w++) {
            *outputPtr = (*a_arrayPtr) * (1 / (*b_arrayPtr + eps));
            a_arrayPtr++; b_arrayPtr++;

int main()
    // 读取红外灰度图像和可见光灰度图像
    cv::Mat image_IR = cv::imread("Marne_09_IR.bmp", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
    cv::Mat image_Vis = cv::imread("Marne_09_Vis.bmp", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);

    // 检查图像是否成功读取
    if (image_IR.empty() || image_Vis.empty()) {
        return -1;

    // 检查红外图像和可见光图像的尺寸是否一致
    if ((image_IR.cols != image_Vis.cols) || (image_IR.rows != image_Vis.rows)) {
        return -1;

    // 获取图像宽度和高度
    int width = image_IR.cols; int height = image_IR.rows;

    int64 st = cv::getTickCount();

    cv::Mat median_IR(height, width, CV_8UC1);
    cv::Mat median_Vis(height, width, CV_8UC1);

    cv::medianBlur(image_IR, median_IR, 3);
    cv::medianBlur(image_Vis, median_Vis, 3);

    /****************************** convert the image data into float type *****************************/
    cv::Mat image_IR_float(height, width, CV_32FC1);
    image_IR.convertTo(image_IR_float, CV_32FC1, 1 / 255.0);

    cv::Mat image_Vis_float(height, width, CV_32FC1);
    image_Vis.convertTo(image_Vis_float, CV_32FC1, 1 / 255.0);

    float* image_IR_data = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];
    float* image_Vis_data = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];

    std::memcpy(image_IR_data, image_IR_float.data, width * height * sizeof(float));
    std::memcpy(image_Vis_data, image_Vis_float.data, width * height * sizeof(float));

    cv::Mat median_IR_float(height, width, CV_32FC1);
    median_IR.convertTo(median_IR_float, CV_32FC1, 1 / 255.0);

    cv::Mat median_Vis_float(height, width, CV_32FC1);
    median_Vis.convertTo(median_Vis_float, CV_32FC1, 1 / 255.0);

    float* median_IR_data = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];
    float* median_Vis_data = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];

    std::memcpy(median_IR_data, median_IR_float.data, width * height * sizeof(float));
    std::memcpy(median_Vis_data, median_Vis_float.data, width * height * sizeof(float));
    /****************************** convert the image data into float type *****************************/

    /*************************** calculate the base layers and detail layers ***************************/
    float* base_IR = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];
    float* base_Vis = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];

    int base_kernel = 31;
    boxfilter(image_IR_data, base_IR, width, height, base_kernel);
    boxfilter(image_Vis_data, base_Vis, width, height, base_kernel);

    float* detail_IR = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];
    float* detail_Vis = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];

    array_sub(image_IR_data, base_IR, detail_IR, width, height);
    array_sub(image_Vis_data, base_Vis, detail_Vis, width, height);
    /*************************** calculate the base layers and detail layers ***************************/

    /*************************** calculate the salience maps and wieght maps ***************************/
    float* salience_IR = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];
    float* salience_Vis = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];
    float* salience_Sum = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];

    array_sub_abs(base_IR, median_IR_data, salience_IR, width, height);
    array_sub_abs(base_Vis, median_Vis_data, salience_Vis, width, height);
    array_add(salience_IR, salience_Vis, salience_Sum, width, height);

    float* weight_IR = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];
    float* weight_Vis = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];

    float eps = 0.000001;
    array_dot_div(salience_IR, salience_Sum, weight_IR, width, height, eps);
    array_dot_div(salience_Vis, salience_Sum, weight_Vis, width, height, eps);
    /*************************** calculate the salience maps and wieght maps ***************************/

    /***************** calculate the fusion map for both base layer and detail layer ******************/
    //计算base layer的fusion map
    float* base_layer = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];
    array_add_weighted(base_IR, base_Vis, base_layer, width, height, 0.5, 0.5);

    float* weighted_detail_IR = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];
    float* weighted_detail_Vis = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];
    float* detail_layer = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];

    array_dot_mul(weight_IR, detail_IR, weighted_detail_IR, width, height);
    array_dot_mul(weight_Vis, detail_Vis, weighted_detail_Vis, width, height);
    array_add(weighted_detail_IR, weighted_detail_Vis, detail_layer, width, height);
    /***************** calculate the fusion map for both base layer and detail layer ******************/

    /******************************** calculate the fusion map finally ********************************/
    float* fusion_map = new float[width * height * sizeof(float)];
    array_add(base_layer, detail_layer, fusion_map, width, height);
    /******************************** calculate the fusion map finally ********************************/

    double duration = (cv::getTickCount() - st) / cv::getTickFrequency() * 1000;
    std::cout << "image fusion time delay: " << duration << "ms;" << std::endl;

    cv::Mat fusion_result(height, width, CV_32FC1, fusion_map);
    fusion_result.convertTo(fusion_result, CV_8UC1, 255.0);
    cv::imwrite("fusion_result.png", fusion_result);

    return 0;


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