shell脚本read -t 超时输入测试
[root@server0 shellStudy]# cat #!/bin/bash TIMEOUT=3 #超时间隔 echo "What is your name?" echo "Quickly now, you only have $ITMEOUT secconds to answare!" read name if [ -z "$name" ] #未输入任何值 then name="(no answare)" fi echo "your name is $name." echo "input your age,you only have 3 seconds:" read -t $TIMEOUT age #使用-t 参数,限制输入时长 if [ -z "$age" ] #未输入任何值 then echo "you didnt input anything!" else echo "you age is $age" fi exit 0 [root@server0 shellStudy]# ./ What is your name? Quickly now, you only have secconds to answare! rusky your name is rusky. input your age,you only have 3 seconds: 20 you age is 20 [root@server0 shellStudy]#