Ali Cloud Linux3 : Installing ImageMagick for PHP 7.4
Step 1: If not already installed, install the php-devel and gcc packages.
$ sudo yum install php-devel gcc
To check if the packages are installed, use the following commands. If either command returns an empty result (or both do), you’ll need to install that package (or both).
$ sudo yum list installed | grep php-devel
$ which gcc
Step 2: Install the ImageMagick packages
$ sudo yum install ImageMagick ImageMagick-devel ImageMagick-perl
Step 3: Compile ImageMagick packages.
$ sudo pecl install imagick
if pecl not installed, run below command to get pecl.
$ sudo yum install php-pear
Step 4: Change the permissions on the compiled module.
$ sudo chmod 755 /usr/lib64/php/modules/
Step 5: Add imagick to the libraries that are loaded when php starts.
$ cd /etc/php.d
$ sudo vim 20-imagick.ini
You can use either vim or nano to create and edit the 20-imagick.ini file. When the file opens, enter the following lines (first line is just a comment describing file purpose).
; Enable ImageMagick extension module
Step 6: Restart the php service (php-fpm in my case), and then restart the web service.
$ sudo systemctl restart php-fpm
$ sudo systemctl restart httpd
If all goes well, you should have ImageMagick installed and running on your server in 5 minutes or less.
$php -m|grep imagick
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