What is `^M` and how do I get rid of it?

When I open the file in vim, I am seeing strange ^M characters.

Unfortunately, the world's favorite search engine does not do well with special characters in queries, so I'm asking here:

  • What is this ^M character?

  • How could it have gotten there?

  • How do I get rid of it?

he ^M is a carriage-return character. If you see this, you're probably looking at a file that originated in the DOS/Windows world, where an end-of-line is marked by a carriage return/newline pair, whereas in the Unix world, end-of-line is marked by a single newline.

A simpler way to do this is to use the following command:(需要安装该工具:yum install dos2unix)
dos2unix filename
This command works with path patterns as well, Eg
dos2unix path/name*
If it doesn't work, try using different mode:
dos2unix -c mac filename
-c Set conversion mode. Where CONVMODE is one of: ascii, 7bit, iso, mac with ascii being the default.
:e ++ff=dos 

The :e ++ff=dos command tells Vim to read the file again, forcing dos file format. Vim will remove CRLF and LF-only line endings, leaving only the text of each line in the buffer.


:set ff=unix 

and finally


posted on 2019-03-22 00:31  遠離塵世の方舟  阅读(252)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
