JBoss OSGi用户指南(第一章:Introduction)
JBoss OSGi User Guide(1)–Introduction
1 Introduction
1.1 本章内容
l 什么是OSGi?
l OSGi框架综述
l OSGi 服务纲要
1.2 什么是OSGi?
The OSGi specifications define a standardized, component-oriented, computing environment for networked services that is the foundation of an enhanced service-oriented architecture.
OSGi 规范定义了一个标准的,面向组件的,为网络服务提供计算环境的增强的面向服务的架构体系。
Developing on the OSGi platform means first creating your OSGi bundles, then deploying them in an OSGi Framework.
如果要在OSGi平台上面开发自己的应用,首先需要创建自己的OSGi bundle,然后将这些bundles部署到你的OSGi平台上面。
What does OSGi offer to Java developers?
OSGi modules provide classloader semantics to partially expose code that can then be consumed by other modules.
The implementation details of a module, although scoped public by the Java programming language, remain private to the module.
On top of that you can install multiple versions of the same code and resolve dependencies by version and other criteria.
OSGi also offers advanced lifecycle and services layers, which are explained in more detail further down.
What kind of applications benefit from OSGi?
Any application that is designed in a modular fashion where it is necessary to start, stop, update individual modules with minimal impact on other modules. Modules can define their own transitive dependencies without the need to resolve these dependencies at the container level.
1.3 OSGi 框架综述
The functionality of the Framework is divided in the following layers:
Security Layer (optional)
Module Layer
Life Cycle Layer
Service Layer
Actual Services
Source: OSGi Alliance
OSGi Security Layer
The OSGi Security Layer is an optional layer that underlies the OSGi Service Platform. The layer is based on the Java 2 security architecture.
OSGi安全层是可选的并位于服务平台的下面。这层的实现基于Java 2安全架构。
It provides the infrastructure to deploy and manage applications that must run in fine grained controlled environments.
The OSGi Service Platform can authenticate code in the following ways:
l By location
l 基于位置
l By signer
l 基于数字签名
For example, an Operator can grant the ACME company the right to use networking on their devices.
例如, 操作者授权ACME公司获取他的设备的网络使用权限。
The ACME company can then use networking in every bundle they digitally sign and deploy on the Operator’s device.
Also, a specific bundle can be granted permission to only manage the life cycle of bundles that are
signed by the ACME company.
Source: OSGi Alliance
The current version of JBoss OSGi does not provide this optional layer. If you would like to see this implemented, let us know on the forums: http://community.jboss.org/en/jbossosgi .
当前版本的JBoss OSGi框架并不提供这部分可选的层。 如果你乐意我们提供这一个实现,请到我们的论坛发帖:http://community.jboss.org/en/jbossosgi。
OSGi Module Layer
OSGi 模块层
The OSGi Module Layer provides a generic and standardized solution for Java modularization.
The Framework defines a unit of modularization, called a bundle. A bundle is comprised of Java classes and other resources, which together can provide functions to end users.
框架定义了一个模块化的单位 --- bundle. Bundle就是一个Java 类和其他资源的压缩包,它是可以为最终用户提供功能的基本单位。
Bundles can share Java packages among an exporter bundle and an importer bundle in a well-defined way.
Once a Bundle is started, its functionality is provided and services are exposed to other bundles installed in the OSGi Service Platform.
A bundle carries descriptive information about itself in the manifest file that is contained in its JAR file. Here are a few important Manifest Headers defined by the OSGi Framework:
Bundle携带有一个描述自身信息的manifest文件,这个文件包含在JAR文件中。下面就描述一些OSGi框架定义的重要的Manifest 头信息:
- class used to start, stop the bundle Bundle-Activator
- Bundle-Activator: bundle启动,停止的入口类
- identifies the bundle Bundle-SymbolicName
- Bundle-SymbolicName:唯一标识bundle
- specifies the version of the bundle Bundle-Version
- Bundle-Version:标识本bundle的版本
- declaration of exported packages Export-Package
- Export-Package:声明了所有需要导出的包列表
- declaration of imported packages Import-Package
- Import-Package:声明了所有需要导入的包列表
The notion of OSGi Version Range describes a range of versions using a mathematical interval notation.
For example
Import-Package: com.acme.foo;version="[1.23, 2)", com.acme.bar;version="[4.0, 5.0)"
With the OSGi Class Loading Architecture many bundles can share a single virtual machine (VM).
Within this VM, bundles can hide packages and classes from other bundles, as well as share packages with other bundles.
For example, the following import and export definition resolve correctly because the version range in the import definition matches the version in the export definition:
例如,下面例子中的导入和导出定义可以被正确的解决, 因为A中包导入的区间包含B中的导出版本号。
A: Import-Package: p; version="[1,2)" B: Export-Package: p; version=1.5.1 |
Source: OSGi Alliance
Apart from bundle versions, OSGi Attribute Matching is a generic mechanism to allow the importer and exporter to influence the matching process in a declarative way. For example, the following statements will match.
除了按照Bundle版本号, OSGi属性匹配是一个通用的机制,它允许导入者和导出者通过声明的方式来影响匹配过程。 例如,下面的语句可以成功匹配:
A: Import-Package: com.acme.foo;company=ACME B: Export-Package: com.acme.foo;company=ACME; security=false |
An exporter can limit the visibility of the classes in a package with the included and exclude directives on the export definition.
Export-Package: com.acme.foo; include:="Qux*,BarImpl"; exclude:=QuxImpl |
OSGi Life Cycle Layer
The Life Cycle Layer provides an API to control the security and life cycle operations of bundles.
A bundle can be in one of the following states:
Source: OSGi Alliance
A bundle is activated by calling its Bundle Activator object, if one exists. The Bundle Activator interface defines methods that the Framework invokes when it starts and stops the bundle.
Bundle通过调用Bundle Activator对象变为Activated状态。当Bundle启动或者停止的时候会调用Bundle Activator接口的实现类中的方法。
A Bundle Context object represents the execution context of a single bundle within the OSGi Service Platform, and acts as a proxy to the underlying Framework.
An object is created by the Bundle Context Framework when a bundle is started. The bundle can use this private BundleContext object for the following purposes:
- Installing new bundles into the OSGi environment
- 安装新的bundle到OSGi环境中
- Interrogating other bundles installed in the OSGi environment
- 对其他已经安装的bundle进行轮询
- Obtaining a persistent storage area
- 获取一个持久化存储区域
- Retrieving service objects of registered services
- 在已经注册的服务中检索服务对象
- Registering services in the Framework service
- 在框架提供的服务中检索服务对象
- Subscribing or unsubscribing to Framework events
- 注册或者注销系统事件
OSGi Service Layer
The OSGi Service Layer defines a dynamic collaborative model that is highly integrated with the Life Cycle Layer.
The service model is a publish, find and bind model.
A service is a normal Java object that is registered under one or more Java interfaces with the service registry.
OSGi services are dynamic, they can come and go at any time. OSGi service consumers, when written correctly, can deal with this dynamicity.
This means that OSGi services provide the capability to create a highly adaptive application which, when written using services, can even be updated at runtime without taking the service consumers down.
The OSGi Declarative Services and OSGi Blueprint specifications significantly simplify the use of services which means that a consumer gets the benefits of a dynamic services model for very little effort.
OSGi声明式服务和OSGi Blueprint规范对服务的使用进行了极大的简化,这个意味着一个服务的消费者只需很少的工作就可以从一个动态的服务模型中获取到需要的服务。
OSGi Services
1.4 OSGi 服务纲要
The OSGi Service Compendium is described in the OSGi Compendium and Enterprise specifications.
It specifies a number of services that may be available in an OSGi runtime environment.
Although the OSGi Core Framework specification is useful in itself already, it only defines the OSGi core infrastructure.
The services defined in the compendium specification define the scope and functionality of some common services that bundle developers might want to use.
Here is a quick summary of the popular ones:
Log Service
Chapter 101 in the Compendium and Enterprise specifications.
The Log Service provides a general purpose message logger for the OSGi Service Platform.
It consists of two services, one for logging information and another for retrieving current or previously recorded log information.
The JBoss OSGi Framework provides an implementation of the Log Service which channels logging information through to the currently configured system logger.
JBoss OSGi框架提供了一种日志服务的实现,它可以通过当前配置的系统日志信息来产生频道日志信息。
Http Service
Chapter 102 in the Compendium and Enterprise specifications.
The Http Service supports a standard mechanism for registering servlets and resources from inside an OSGi framework.
This can be used to develop communication and user interface solutions for standard technologies such as HTTP, HTML, XML, etc.
Configuration Admin Service
Chapter 104 in the Compendium and Enterprise specifications.
The Configuration Admin service allows an operator to set the configuration information of deployed bundles.
Source: OSGi Alliance
The JBoss OSGi Framework provides an implementation of the Configuration Admin Service which obtains its configuration information from the JBoss Application Server configuration data, for instance the standalone.xml file.
JBoss OSGi框架提供了一种配置管理服务的实现,它通过JBoss应用目录下的standalone.xml中的配置数据获取自己的配置信息。
Metatype Service
Chapter 105 in the Compendium and Enterprise specifications.
The Metatype Service specification defines interfaces that allow bundle developers to describe attribute types in a computer readable form using so-called metadata.
元类型服务规范定义了一系列接口, 它允许bundle开发者通过一种计算机可读的方式描述属性类型,也就是所谓的元数据。
This service is mostly used to define the attributes and datatypes used by Configuration Admin Service information.
User Admin Service
Chapter 107 in the Compendium and Enterprise specifications.
Bundles can use the User Admin Service to authenticate an initiator and represent this authentication as an authorization object.
Bundles that execute actions on behalf of this user can use the Authorization object to verify if that user is authorized.
Declarative Services Specification
Chapter 112 in the Compendium and Enterprise specifications.
The Declarative Services (DS) specification describes a component model to be used with OSGi services.
It enables the creation and consumption of OSGi services without directly using any OSGi APIs.
它使得创建和消费OSGi服务而不需要直接使用任何的OSGi API变为可能。
Service consumers are informed of their services through injection.
The handling of the OSGi service dynamics is done by DS. See also the Blueprint Specification.
Event Admin Service
Chapter 113 in the Compendium and Enterprise specifications.
The Event Admin Service provides an asynchronous inter-bundle communication mechanism.
It is based on an event publish and subscribe model, popular in many message based systems.
Blueprint Specification
Chapter 121 in the Enterprise specification.
The OSGi Blueprint Specification describes a component framework which simplifies working with OSGi services significantly.
OSGi Blueprint规范描述了一个极大的精简了调用OSGi服务的组件架构。
To a certain extent, Blueprint and DS have goals in common, but the realization is different.
One of the main differences between Blueprint and DS is in the way service-consumer components react to a change in the availability of required services.
In the case of DS the service-consumer will disappear when its required dependencies disappear, while in Blueprint the component stays around and waits for a replacement service to appear.
Each model has its uses and it can be safely said that both Blueprint as well as DS each have their supporters.
The Blueprint specification was heavily influenced by the Spring framework.
Sping framework是在受到Blueprint规范的深刻影响下产生的。
Remote Services Specifications
Chapters 13 and 122 in the Enterprise specification.
OSGi Remote Services add distributed computing to the OSGi service programming model.
Where in an ordinary OSGi Framework services are strictly local to the Java VM, with Remote Services the services can be remote.
Services are registered and looked up just like local OSGi services, the Remote Services specifications define standard service properties to indicate that a service is suitable for remoting and to find out whether a service reference is a local one or a remote one.
JTA Specification
JTA (Java Transaction Architecture)规范
Chapter 123 in the Enterprise specification.
The OSGi-JTA specification describes how JTA can be used from an OSGi environment.
It includes standard JTA-related services that can be obtained from the OSGi registry if an OSGi application needs to make use of JTA.
JMX Specification
JMX (Java Management Extensions)规范
Chapter 124 in the Enterprise specification.
The OSGi-JMX specification defines a number of MBeans that provide management and control over the OSGi Framework.
OSGi JMX规范定义了一些列的MBean来为通过OSGi框架管理和控制提供服务。
JDBC Specification
JDBC (Java DataBase Connectivity)规范
Chapter 125 in the Enterprise specification.
The OSGi-JDBC specification makes using JDBC drivers from within OSGi easy.
OSGi JDBC规范使得使用JDBC非常的方便,就像在OSGi内部一样。
Rather than loading a database driver by class-name (the traditional approach, which causes issues with modularity in general and often requires external access to internal implementation classes), this specification registers the available JDBC drivers under a standard interface in the Service Registry from where they can be obtained by other Bundles without the need to expose internal implementation packages of the drivers.
JNDI Specification
JNDI (Java Naming and Directlry Interface)规范
Chapter 126 in the Enterprise specification.
The OSGi-JNDI specification provides access to JNDI through the OSGi Service Registry.
Additionally, it provides access to the OSGi Service Registry through JNDI.
The special osgi: namespace can be used to look up OSGi services via JNDI.
JPA Specification
JPA (Java Presistence API)规范
Chapter 127 in the Enterprise specification.
The OSGi-JPA specification describes how JPA works from within an OSGi framework.
Web Applications Specification
Chapter 128 in the Enterprise specification.
The Web Applications specification describes Web Application Bundles. A WAB is a .WAR file which is effectively turned into a bundle.
The specification describes how Servlets can interact with the OSGi Service Registry and also how to find all the available Web Applications in an OSGi Framework.
Additionally, the Web Applications spec defines a mechanism to automatically turn an ordinary .WAR file into a Web Application Bundle.
Chapter 701 in the Compendium and Enterprise specifications.
The Service Tracker specification defines a utility class, ServiceTracker.
The ServiceTracker API makes tracking the registration, modification, and unregistration of services much easier.
ServiceTracker API使得对服务的注册,修改及反注册都变得非常容易。