SignalR + KnockoutJS + ASP.NET MVC4 实现井字游戏
1.1.1 摘要
今天,我们将使用SignalR + KnockoutJS + ASP.NET MVC实现一个实时HTML5的井字棋游戏。
近一、两年來HTML5的发展是沸沸扬扬,在这其中你也许听过HTML5的规划给浏览器与服务器之间进行全双工通讯的WebSocket的通讯协定,并提供了的WebSocket API,这一套完整的API设计,在规格的部分,WebSocket的通讯协定已经于2011年被IETF(国际网路工程研究团队)定为标准的RFC 6455,而的WebSocket API则被W3C定为标准。目前各平台的浏览器的主流版本皆已经支援HTML5的WebSocket / WebSocket API。
WebSocket / WebSocket API企图解决开发者长久以来实现服务器推送技术几乎都依赖于轮询的方式所造成的明显缺点,使得服务器接受到太多请求,导致服务器资源过度占用以及带宽的浪费。
那么,我们使用WebSocket / WebSocket API就可以确保客户端和服务器通讯的稳定性,但我们要面对一个事实是不是每个用户的浏览器都支持HTML5,我们必须提高旧的浏览器支持方案。
SignalR的出现让ASP.NET的开发者得到了救赎,兼容的通讯协议设计将Comet Programming概念和WebSocket技术都放在SignalR整个通讯架构中;SignalR会针对目前执行的浏览器进行判断,找到客户端(浏览器)与服务器最合适的建立链接方式。
SignalR会优先选用WebSocket技术与服务器沟通,开发人员就不需要针对浏览器而做出特殊的处理,所有的代码都通过ASP.NET SignalR高级的API进行信息传递。
图1 SignalR通讯的链接方式
1.1.2 正文
首先,我们将使用ASP.NET MVC和SignalR实现服务端,客户端使用KnockoutJS和Html5获取和绑定数据到页面,具体设计如下图:
图2 井字棋游戏设计
首先,我们创建一个ASP.NET MVC4 Web Application。
图3 ASP.NET MVC4 Web Application
图4 ASP.NET MVC4 Web Application
- install-package Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR
- install-package jQuery
- install-package KnockoutJS
我们知道ASP.NET MVC自带的权限表的创建是在InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute.cs中实现的,所以我们在程序中添加Filters文件夹,然后创建InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute类,具体定义如下:
namespace OnlineTicTacTor.Filters { /// <summary> /// Simple Membership initializer. /// </summary> [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)] public sealed class InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute { private static SimpleMembershipInitializer _initializer; private static object _initializerLock = new object(); private static bool _isInitialized; public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) { // Ensure ASP.NET Simple Membership is initialized only once per app start LazyInitializer.EnsureInitialized(ref _initializer, ref _isInitialized, ref _initializerLock); } private class SimpleMembershipInitializer { public SimpleMembershipInitializer() { Database.SetInitializer<UsersContext>(null); try { using (var context = new UsersContext()) { if (!context.Database.Exists()) { // Create the SimpleMembership database without Entity Framework migration schema ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext.CreateDatabase(); } } WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection("DefaultConnection", "UserProfile", "UserId", "UserName", autoCreateTables: true); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The ASP.NET Simple Membership database could not be initialized.", ex); } } } } }
<connectionStrings> <add name="DefaultConnection" connectionString="Data Source=(LocalDb)\v11.0;Initial Catalog=GamesDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|\GamesDB.mdf" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> </connectionStrings>
图5 GamesDB数据库
由于,我们使用ASP.NET MVC自带的权限表来管理用户账号,这里会使用到表UserProfile和webpages_Membership,当然,如果有更复杂的权限管理,我们可以使用表webpages_Roles和webpages_UsersInRoles等。
/// <summary> /// The DTO for user account. /// </summary> public class LoginModel { [Required] [Display(Name = "User name")] public string UserName { get; set; } [Required] [DataType(DataType.Password)] [Display(Name = "Password")] public string Password { get; set; } [Display(Name = "Remember me?")] public bool RememberMe { get; set; } }
@model OnlineTicTacTor.Models.LoginModel @{ ViewBag.Title = "Login"; } <section> @using (Html.BeginForm(new { ReturnUrl = ViewBag.ReturnUrl })) { @Html.AntiForgeryToken(); @Html.ValidationSummary(); <div class="container"> <div class="content"> <div class="form-group"> @Html.LabelFor(m => m.UserName) @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.UserName, new { @class = "form-control", @placeholder = "UserName" }) @Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.UserName) </div> <div class="form-group"> @Html.LabelFor(m => m.Password) @Html.PasswordFor(m => m.Password, new { @class = "form-control", @placeholder = "Password" }) @Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.Password) </div> <div class="checkbox"> @Html.CheckBoxFor(m => m.RememberMe) @Html.LabelFor(m => m.RememberMe, new { @class = "checkbox" }) </div> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Login</button> </div> <p> @Html.ActionLink("Register", "Register") if you don't have an account. </p> </div> } </section>
图6 登陆页面
@*The Register view.*@ @model OnlineTicTacTor.Models.RegisterModel @{ ViewBag.Title = "Register"; } @using (Html.BeginForm()) { @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @Html.ValidationSummary() <div class="container"> <div class="content"> <div class="form-group"> @Html.LabelFor(m => m.UserName) @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.UserName, new { @class = "form-control", @placeholder = "UserName" }) </div> <div class="form-group"> @Html.LabelFor(m => m.Password) @Html.PasswordFor(m => m.Password, new { @class = "form-control", @placeholder = "Password" }) </div> <div class="form-group"> @Html.LabelFor(m => m.ConfirmPassword) @Html.PasswordFor(m => m.ConfirmPassword, new { @class = "form-control", @placeholder = "ConfirmPassword" }) </div> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Register</button> </div> </div> }
图7 注册页面
/// <summary> /// Logins with LoginModel. /// </summary> /// <param name="model">The user information.</param> /// <param name="returnUrl">The return URL.</param> /// <returns></returns> [HttpPost] [AllowAnonymous] [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public ActionResult Login(LoginModel model, string returnUrl) { if (ModelState.IsValid && WebSecurity.Login(model.UserName, model.Password, persistCookie: model.RememberMe)) { return RedirectToLocal(returnUrl); } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form ModelState.AddModelError("", "The user name or password provided is incorrect."); return View(model); } /// <summary> /// Registers with LoginModel. /// </summary> /// <param name="model">The user information.</param> /// <returns></returns> [HttpPost] [AllowAnonymous] [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public ActionResult Register(RegisterModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { // Attempt to register the user try { WebSecurity.CreateUserAndAccount(model.UserName, model.Password); WebSecurity.Login(model.UserName, model.Password); return RedirectToAction("Login", "Account"); } catch (MembershipCreateUserException e) { ModelState.AddModelError("", ErrorCodeToString(e.StatusCode)); } } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return View(model); }
上面,我们定义了方法Register ()和 Login(),通过Register()方法把用户信息保存到表UserProfile和webpages_Membership中;Login()方法判断该用户信息是否有效。
图8 用户信息表
/// <summary> /// The connection session model /// </summary> public class ConnectionSession { public int Id { get; set; } public string ConnectionId { get; set; } public long ConnectedTime { get; set; } public long DisconnectedTime { get; set; } } /// <summary> /// The user credential model. /// </summary> public class UserCredential { public int Id { get; set; } public string UserId { get; set; } public ConnectionStatus ConnectionStatus { get; set; } // Stores a list of connection session. public List<ConnectionSession> Sessions { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Gets the session length in ticks. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public long GetSessionLengthInTicks() { long totalSession = 0; foreach (var session in Sessions) { if (session.DisconnectedTime != 0) { totalSession += session.DisconnectedTime - session.ConnectedTime; } else { totalSession += DateTime.Now.Ticks - session.ConnectedTime; } } return totalSession; } /// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UserCredential"/> class. /// </summary> public UserCredential() { Sessions = new List<ConnectionSession>(); } }
/// <summary> /// The game details model. /// </summary> public class GameDetails { public Guid GameId { get; set; } public int[,] GameMatrix { get; set; } public string NextTurn { get; set; } public string Message { get; set; } public Status GameStatus { get; set; } public UserCredential User1Id { get; set; } public UserCredential User2Id { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GameDetails"/> class. /// </summary> public GameDetails() { GameMatrix = new int[3,3]; } /// <summary> /// Checks the game status. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private void CheckGameStatus() { string status = CheckRows(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(status)) { status = CheckCols(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(status)) { status = CheckDiagonal(); } Message = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(status) ? status + " wins!" : string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(status)) { status = CheckDraw(); Message = status; } } /// <summary> /// Checks the game is draw or not. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private string CheckDraw() { bool isDefault = false; for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < 3; col++) { if (GameMatrix[row, col] == default(int)) { isDefault = true; GameStatus = Status.Progress; break; } } if (isDefault) { break; } } if (!isDefault) { GameStatus = Status.Draw; } return isDefault ? "In Progress" : "Game Drawn"; } /// <summary> /// Sets the player move step. /// </summary> /// <param name="rowCol">The board cell</param> /// <param name="currentPlayerId">The current player identifier.</param> /// <returns>The step mark</returns> public string SetPlayerMove(dynamic rowCol, string currentPlayerId) { int x = int.Parse(rowCol.row.ToString()); int y = int.Parse(rowCol.col.ToString()); string returnString = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentPlayerId) && GameMatrix[x - 1, y - 1] == default(int)) { if (currentPlayerId == User1Id.UserId) { returnString = "O"; GameMatrix[x - 1, y - 1] = 1; NextTurn = User2Id.UserId; } else { returnString = "X"; GameMatrix[x - 1, y - 1] = 10; NextTurn = User1Id.UserId; } } CheckGameStatus(); return returnString; } /// <summary> /// Checks the game status rows. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected string CheckRows() { for (int r = 0; r < 3; r++) { int value = 0; for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) { value += GameMatrix[r, c]; } if (3 == value) { GameStatus = Status.Result; return User1Id.UserId; } else if (30 == value) { GameStatus = Status.Result; return User2Id.UserId; } } return string.Empty; } /// <summary> /// Checks the game status with cols. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected string CheckCols() { for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) { int value = 0; for (int r = 0; r < 3; r++) { value += GameMatrix[r, c]; } if (3 == value) { GameStatus = Status.Result; return User1Id.UserId; } else if (30 == value) { GameStatus = Status.Result; return User2Id.UserId; } } return string.Empty; } /// <summary> /// Checks the game status in diagonal direction. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected string CheckDiagonal() { int diagValueF = 0; int diagValueB = 0; for (int positonF = 0, positonB = 2; positonF < 3; positonF++, positonB--) { diagValueF += GameMatrix[positonF, positonF]; diagValueB += GameMatrix[positonF, positonB]; } if (diagValueF == 3) { GameStatus = Status.Result; return User1Id.UserId; } else if (diagValueF == 30) { GameStatus = Status.Result; return User2Id.UserId; } if (diagValueB == 3) { GameStatus = Status.Result; return User1Id.UserId; } else if (diagValueB == 30) { GameStatus = Status.Result; return User2Id.UserId; } return string.Empty; } } /// <summary> /// The game status. /// </summary> public enum Status { Progress = 0, Result, Draw }
/// <summary> /// A manager of games (actions to create games) /// </summary> public class Manager { // The single object. private static readonly Manager _instance = new Manager(); private Dictionary<string, UserCredential> _connections; private Dictionary<Guid, GameDetails> _games; /// <summary> /// Prevents a default instance of the class from being created. /// </summary> static Manager() { } /// <summary> /// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="Manager"/> class from being created. /// </summary> private Manager() { _connections = new Dictionary<string, UserCredential>(); _games = new Dictionary<Guid, GameDetails>(); } public static Manager Instance { get { return _instance; } } /// <summary> /// When the challenge started, create a game instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameId">The game identifier.</param> /// <returns>a game instance</returns> public GameDetails Game(Guid gameId) { if (!_games.ContainsKey(gameId)) { _games[gameId] = new GameDetails { GameId = gameId }; } return _games[gameId]; } /// <summary> /// Gets all users in the connection. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public object AllUsers() { var u = _connections.Values.Select(s => new { UserId = s.UserId, ConnectionStatus = (int)s.ConnectionStatus, ConnectionId = s.Sessions[s.Sessions.Count - 1].ConnectionId }); return u; } /// <summary> /// Creates the new user session. /// </summary> /// <param name="userId">The user identifier.</param> /// <param name="connectionId">The connection identifier.</param> private void CreateNewUserSession(string userId, string connectionId) { UserCredential curCred = new UserCredential { ConnectionStatus = ConnectionStatus.Connected, UserId = userId }; curCred.Sessions.Add(new ConnectionSession { ConnectionId = connectionId, ConnectedTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks, DisconnectedTime = 0L }); _connections.Add(userId, curCred); } /// <summary> /// Updates the user session. /// </summary> /// <param name="userId">The user identifier.</param> /// <param name="connectionId">The connection identifier.</param> /// <param name="status">The status.</param> private void UpdateUserSession(string userId, string connectionId, ConnectionStatus status) { UserCredential curCred = _connections[userId]; ExpireSession(curCred); curCred.Sessions.Add(new ConnectionSession { // The connection ID of the calling client. ConnectionId = connectionId, ConnectedTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks, DisconnectedTime = 0L }); curCred.ConnectionStatus = status; } /// <summary> /// Expires the session. /// </summary> /// <param name="curCred">The current cred.</param> private static void ExpireSession(UserCredential curCred) { var curSession = curCred.Sessions.Find (s => s.DisconnectedTime == 0); if (curSession != null) { curSession.DisconnectedTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks; } } /// <summary> /// Updates the cache. /// </summary> /// <param name="userId">The user identifier.</param> /// <param name="connectionId">The connection identifier.</param> /// <param name="status">The status.</param> /// <returns></returns> internal GameDetails UpdateCache(string userId, string connectionId, ConnectionStatus status) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userId) && _connections.ContainsKey(userId)) { UpdateUserSession(userId, connectionId, status); } else { CreateNewUserSession(userId, connectionId); } var gd = _games.Values.LastOrDefault<GameDetails>(g => g.User1Id.UserId == userId || g.User2Id.UserId == userId); return gd; } /// <summary> /// Disconnects the specified connection identifier. /// </summary> /// <param name="connectionId">The connection identifier.</param> internal void Disconnect(string connectionId) { ConnectionSession session = null; if (_connections.Values.Count > 0) { foreach (var userCredential in _connections.Values) { session = userCredential.Sessions.Find(s => s.ConnectionId == connectionId); if (session != null) { session.DisconnectedTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks; break; } } } } internal void Logout(string userId) { ExpireSession(_connections[userId]); // Removes the connection. _connections.Remove(userId); } /// <summary> /// News the game. /// </summary> /// <param name="playerAId">The player a identifier.</param> /// <param name="playerBId">The player b identifier.</param> /// <returns>The GameDetails object</returns> internal GameDetails NewGame(string playerAId, string playerBId) { // Gets the playerA user credential. var playerA = _connections.Values.FirstOrDefault<UserCredential> (c => c.Sessions.FirstOrDefault<ConnectionSession> (s => s.ConnectionId == playerAId) != null); // Gets the playerB user credential. var playerB = _connections.Values.FirstOrDefault<UserCredential> (c => c.Sessions.FirstOrDefault<ConnectionSession> (s => s.ConnectionId == playerBId) != null); // When the game started, created a game instance. var newGame = new GameDetails { GameId = Guid.NewGuid(), User1Id = playerA, User2Id = playerB, NextTurn = playerA.UserId }; // Stores the game instance into cache. _games[newGame.GameId] = newGame; return newGame; } }
Persistent Connection(HTTP持久链接):持久性连接,用来解决长时间连接的能力,而且还可以由客户端主动向服务器要求数据,而服务器端也不需要实现太多细节,只需要处理PersistentConnection内所提供的五个事件:OnConnected、OnReconnected, OnReceived、OnError和OnDisconnect即可。
// specifies the hub name for client to use. [HubName("gameNotificationHub")] [Authorize] public class GameNotificationHub : Hub { /// <summary> /// Challenges the specified connection identifier. /// </summary> /// <param name="connectionId">The connection identifier.</param> /// <param name="userId">The user identifier.</param> public void Challenge(string connectionId, string userId) { // Calls the specified client by connectionId. this.Clients.Client(connectionId).getChallengeResponse(Context.ConnectionId, userId); // The calling client wait user response. this.Clients.Caller.waitForResponse(userId); } /// <summary> /// Acceptes the challenge. /// </summary> /// <param name="connectionId">The connection identifier.</param> public void ChallengeAccepted(string connectionId) { // Creates a game instance. var details = Manager.Instance.NewGame(Context.ConnectionId, connectionId); // Adds the part a and b in the same group by game id. this.Groups.Add(Context.ConnectionId, details.GameId.ToString()); this.Groups.Add(connectionId, details.GameId.ToString()); // Starts the game between connection client. this.Clients.All.beginGame(details); } /// <summary> /// Refuses the challenge. /// </summary> /// <param name="connectionId">The connection identifier.</param> public void ChallengeRefused(string connectionId) { // Refuses the challenge by connectionId. this.Clients.Client(connectionId).challengeRefused(); } /// <summary> /// Games the move. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameGuid">The game unique identifier.</param> /// <param name="rowCol">The row col.</param> public void GameMove(string gameGuid, dynamic rowCol) { var game = Manager.Instance.Game(new Guid(gameGuid)); if (game != null) { string result = game.SetPlayerMove(rowCol, Context.User.Identity.Name); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) { // Calls group to draw the user step. this.Clients.Group(game.GameId.ToString()).drawPlay(rowCol, game, result); } } } /// <summary> /// Creates a connection. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// A <see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task" /> /// </returns> public override System.Threading.Tasks.Task OnConnected() { string connectionId = Context.ConnectionId; string connectionName = string.Empty; GameDetails gd = null; if (Context.User != null && Context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { // Retrieves user session in the cache. // If not found, create a new one. gd = Manager.Instance.UpdateCache( Context.User.Identity.Name, Context.ConnectionId, ConnectionStatus.Connected); connectionName = Context.User.Identity.Name; } if (gd != null && gd.GameStatus == Status.Progress) { // Creates a group. this.Groups.Add(connectionId, gd.GameId.ToString()); //// No need to update the client by specified id. ////this.Clients.Client(connectionId).rejoinGame(Manager.Instance.AllUsers(), connectionName, gd); this.Clients.Group(gd.GameId.ToString()).rejoinGame(Manager.Instance.AllUsers(), connectionName, gd); } else { // Update the user list in the client. this.Clients.Caller.updateSelf(Manager.Instance.AllUsers(), connectionName); } this.Clients.Others.joined( new { UserId = connectionName, ConnectionStatus = (int)ConnectionStatus.Connected, ConnectionId = connectionId }, DateTime.Now.ToString()); return base.OnConnected(); } public override System.Threading.Tasks.Task OnDisconnected() { Manager.Instance.Disconnect(Context.ConnectionId); return Clients.All.leave(Context.ConnectionId, DateTime.Now.ToString()); } public override System.Threading.Tasks.Task OnReconnected() { string connectionName = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Context.User.Identity.Name)) { Manager.Instance.UpdateCache( Context.User.Identity.Name, Context.ConnectionId, ConnectionStatus.Connected); connectionName = Context.User.Identity.Name; } return Clients.All.rejoined(connectionName); } }
- Challenge:客户端浏览器通过调用该方法向其他用户发出游戏请求。
- ChallengeAccepted:被请求用户接受游戏请求并且创建游戏对象。
- ChallengeRefused:被请求用户拒绝游戏请求。
- GameMove:当用户点击canvas中的格时,向游戏双方发送canvas更新操作。
这是由于在服务器端声明的所有hub的信息,一般都会生成JavaScript输出到客户端,.NET则是依赖Proxy来生成代理对象,这点就和WCF/.NET Remoting十分类似,而Proxy的内部则是将JSON转换成对象,以让客户端可以看到对象。
现在,我们已经完成了服务端的功能了,接下来,我们将Knockout JS实现客户端功能,我们创建tictactor-signalr.js文件,具体定义如下:
// The game viem model. var GameViewModel = function () { var self = this; // The connection user information. self.Users = ko.observableArray(); // The user connection. self.UserConnections = []; // Stores the game instances. self.Game = {}; // Gets the current user. self.CurrentPlayer = ko.observable('Game not started'); // If the game started, Challenge is disabled. self.ChallengeDisabled = ko.observable(false); };
$(function () { // Create a game view model. var vm = new GameViewModel(); ko.applyBindings(vm); var $canvas = document.getElementById('gameCanvas'); //$('gameCanvas')[0]; if ($canvas) { var hSpacing = $canvas.width / 3, vSpacing = $canvas.height / 3; } // Declares a proxy to reference the server hub. // The connection name is the same as our declared in server side. var hub = $.connection.gameNotificationHub; // Draws the game with 'X' or 'O'. hub.client.drawPlay = function (rowCol, game, letter) { vm.Game = game; var row = rowCol.row, col = rowCol.col, hCenter = (col - 1) * hSpacing + (hSpacing / 2), vCenter = (row - 1) * vSpacing + (vSpacing / 2); writeMessage($canvas, letter, hCenter, vCenter); if (game.GameStatus == 0) { vm.CurrentPlayer(game.NextTurn); } else { vm.CurrentPlayer(game.Message); alert("Game Over - " + game.Message); location.reload(); } }; // Adds the online user. hub.client.joined = function (connection) { // Remove the connection by userid. vm.Users.remove(function(item) { return item.UserId == connection.UserId; }); vm.Users.push(connection); }; // Gets the challenge response. hub.client.getChallengeResponse = function (connectionId, userId) { vm.ChallengeDisabled(true); refreshConnections(); var cnf = confirm('You have been challenged to a game of Tic-Tac-ToR by \'' + userId + '\'. Ok to Accept!'); if (cnf) { hub.server.challengeAccepted(connectionId); } else { hub.server.challengeRefused(connectionId); vm.ChallengeDisabled(false); refreshConnections(); } }; // Refreshs the user connection. function refreshConnections() { var oldItems = vm.Users.removeAll(); vm.Users(oldItems); } // Stores all connection into the user list, expect the current login user. hub.client.updateSelf = function (connections, connectionName) { for (var i = 0; i < connections.length; i++) { if (connections[i].UserId != connectionName) { vm.Users.push(connections[i]); } } }; // Handles other client refuses the chanllenge. hub.client.challengeRefused = function () { vm.ChallengeDisabled(false); vm.CurrentPlayer('Challenge not accepted!'); refreshConnections(); }; hub.client.waitForResponse = function (userId) { vm.ChallengeDisabled(true); vm.CurrentPlayer('Waiting for ' + userId + ' to accept challenge'); refreshConnections(); }; // Keeps the connection still alive. hub.client.rejoinGame = function (connections, connectionName, gameDetails) { if (gameDetails != null) { vm.ChallengeDisabled(true); refreshConnections(); vm.Game = gameDetails; // Sets the current player. vm.CurrentPlayer(gameDetails.NextTurn); for (var row = 0; row < 3; row++) for (var col = 0; col < 3; col++) { var letter = ''; if (gameDetails.GameMatrix[row][col] == 1) { letter = 'O'; } else if (gameDetails.GameMatrix[row][col] == 10) { letter = 'X'; } if (letter != '') { var hCenter = (col) * hSpacing + (hSpacing / 2); var vCenter = (row) * vSpacing + (vSpacing / 2); writeMessage($canvas, letter, hCenter, vCenter); } } vm.Users = ko.observableArray(); for (var i = 0; i < connections.length; i++) { if (connections[i].UserId != connectionName) { vm.Users.push(connections[i]); } } vm.Users.remove(function (item) { return item.UserId == gameDetails.User1Id.UserId; }); vm.Users.remove(function (item) { return item.UserId == gameDetails.User2Id.UserId; }); } }; // The game begins. hub.client.beginGame = function (gameDetails) { vm.ChallengeDisabled(true); refreshConnections(); if (gameDetails.User1Id.UserId == clientId || gameDetails.User2Id.UserId == clientId) { clearCanvas(); vm.Game = gameDetails; vm.CurrentPlayer(gameDetails.NextTurn); } var oldArray = vm.Users; vm.Users.remove(function (item) { return item.UserId == gameDetails.User1Id.UserId; }); vm.Users.remove(function (item) { return item.UserId == gameDetails.User2Id.UserId; }); }; // Removes the leave user from the user list. hub.client.leave = function (connectionId) { vm.Users.remove(function (item) { return item.ConnectionId == connectionId; }); }; $.connection.hub.start().done(function () { var canvasContext; $('#activeUsersList').delegate('.challenger', 'click', function () { vm.ChallengeDisabled(true); // TODO: var challengeTo = ko.dataFor(this); vm.CurrentPlayer('Waiting for ' + challengeTo.UserId + ' to accept challenge'); hub.server.challenge(challengeTo.ConnectionId, clientId); refreshConnections(); }); if ($canvas && $canvas.getContext) { canvasContext = $canvas.getContext('2d'); var rect = $canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); $canvas.height = rect.height; $canvas.width = rect.width; hSpacing = $canvas.width / 3; vSpacing = $canvas.height / 3; // canvas click event handle. $canvas.addEventListener('click', function (evt) { if (vm.CurrentPlayer() == clientId) { var rowCol = getRowCol(evt); rowCol.Player = 'O'; hub.server.gameMove(vm.Game.GameId, rowCol); } }, false); drawGrid(canvasContext); } // Gets the user clicks on grid row and column position. function getRowCol(evt) { var hSpacing = $canvas.width / 3; var vSpacing = $canvas.height / 3; var mousePos = getMousePos($canvas, evt); return { row: Math.ceil(mousePos.y / vSpacing), col: Math.ceil(mousePos.x / hSpacing) }; } // Gets the user mouse click relative poisition in the canvas. function getMousePos($canvas, evt) { var rect = $canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x: evt.clientX - rect.left, y: evt.clientY - }; } }); // When the game end, clear the canvas. function clearCanvas() { if ($canvas && $canvas.getContext) { var canvasContext = $canvas.getContext('2d'); var rect = $canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); $canvas.height = rect.height; $canvas.width = rect.width; if (canvasContext) { canvasContext.clearRect(rect.left,, rect.width, rect.height); } drawGrid(canvasContext); } } // Draws the grid. function drawGrid(canvasContext) { var hSpacing = $canvas.width / 3; var vSpacing = $canvas.height / 3; canvasContext.lineWidth = "2.0"; for (var i = 1; i < 3; i++) { canvasContext.beginPath(); canvasContext.moveTo(0, vSpacing * i); canvasContext.lineTo($canvas.width, vSpacing * i); canvasContext.stroke(); canvasContext.beginPath(); canvasContext.moveTo(hSpacing * i, 0); canvasContext.lineTo(hSpacing * i, $canvas.height); canvasContext.stroke(); } } // Update the grid with 'X' or 'O'. function writeMessage($canvas, message, x, y) { var canvasContext = $canvas.getContext('2d'); canvasContext.font = '40pt Calibri'; canvasContext.fillStyle = 'red'; var textSize = canvasContext.measureText(message); canvasContext.fillText(message, x - (textSize.width / 2), y + 10); } });
- joined:获取在线用户,保存到User属性中。
- getChallengeResponse:获取用户是否接受挑战请求。
- updateSelf:更新User属性中的在线用户。
- challengeRefused:拒绝游戏请求。
- waitForResponse:等待用户回复请求。
- rejoinGame:保存用户游戏连接状态。
- getRowCol:获取用户点击的单元格位置。
- getMousePos:获取用户鼠标点击相对于Canvas的坐标。
这里我们实现了SignalR JS的done()方法,它用户检测SignalR JS是否加载完毕这相对于jQuery的$.ready()。
我们在里面定义了用户列表和canvas的事件处理方法;当SignalR JS加载完毕后,调用drawGrid()方法绘制井字游戏。
现在,我们已经实现了客户端的通过SignalR和Knockout JS调用服务端的方法,接着我们需要把数据绑定到页面中,首先我们在View中创建Index.cshtml页面,具体定义如下:
<div class="container"> <div class="content"> @{ if (Request.IsAuthenticated) { <!-- Game board START --> <div class="game-container"> <div id="grid" style="height: 400px"> <canvas id="gameCanvas" style="width: 100%; height: 100%"></canvas> </div> </div> <!-- Game board END --> <!-- User list START --> <div class="game-player-container"> <div class="game-player-header">Online Users</div> <div> <ul id="activeUsersList" class="game-player-list" data-bind="foreach: Users"> <li class="game-list-item"> <div style="height: 30px"> <div style="float: left; padding-top: 5px"> <span data-bind="text: UserId"></span> </div> <div class="game-list-item-button"> <div> <button data-bind="attr: { disabled: $parent.ChallengeDisabled() }" class="challenger game-list-button">Challenge</button> </div> </div> <input type="hidden" data-bind="value: ConnectionId"/> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- User list END --> <div style="width: 100%; text-align: center; font-size: 20px";> Next Turn: <label data-bind="text: CurrentPlayer()"></label> </div> } else { <div class="login-placeholder"> <div id="gridNoLogin" style="height: 400px; text-align: center"> <h1><a href="@Url.Action("Login", "Account")">Login</a> </h1> </div> </div> } } </div> </div>
图9 井字游戏
前面,我们说到SignalR在服务器端声明的所有hub的信息,都会一般生成 JavaScript 输出到客户端。
图10 SignalR代理对象
$.hubConnection.prototype.createHubProxies = function () { var proxies = {}; this.starting(function () { // Register the hub proxies as subscribed // (instance, shouldSubscribe) registerHubProxies(proxies, true); this._registerSubscribedHubs(); }).disconnected(function () { // Unsubscribe all hub proxies when we "disconnect". This is to ensure that we do not re-add functional call backs. // (instance, shouldSubscribe) registerHubProxies(proxies, false); }); proxies.gameNotificationHub = this.createHubProxy('gameNotificationHub'); proxies.gameNotificationHub.client = { }; proxies.gameNotificationHub.server = { challenge: function (connectionId, userId) { return proxies.gameNotificationHub.invoke.apply(proxies.gameNotificationHub, $.merge(["Challenge"], $.makeArray(arguments))); }, challengeAccepted: function (connectionId) { return proxies.gameNotificationHub.invoke.apply(proxies.gameNotificationHub, $.merge(["ChallengeAccepted"], $.makeArray(arguments))); }, challengeRefused: function (connectionId) { return proxies.gameNotificationHub.invoke.apply(proxies.gameNotificationHub, $.merge(["ChallengeRefused"], $.makeArray(arguments))); }, gameMove: function (gameGuid, rowCol) { return proxies.gameNotificationHub.invoke.apply(proxies.gameNotificationHub, $.merge(["GameMove"], $.makeArray(arguments))); } }; return proxies; };
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Styles/bootstrap/css").Include( "~/Content/bootstrap-responsive.css", "~/Content/bootstrap.css"));
图10 井字游戏
1.1.3 总结
本文我们通过实现一个实时的井字游戏,介绍了通过ASP.NET MVC构建服务器端,并且提供游戏接口让客户端浏览器调用;然后,通过SignalR的Hub方式确保客户端和服务端链接的有效性;最后我们通过KnockoutJS实现页面的实时更新。
![]() |
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