Oracle 笔记本--常用语句

--查询当前数据库名称 10

v$database 10

--查询所有表空间的名称 10

dba_tablespaces 10

--创建永久表空间 10

create tablespace 10

datafile 10

size 10

autoextend on 10

next 10

maxsize 10

--创建临时表空间 10

create temporary tablespace 10

--删除表空间 10

drop tablespace 10

including contents and datafiles 11

drop tablespace 11

--查询所有用户的名称 11

dba_users 11

--创建用户 11

create user 11

identified by 11

default tablespace 11

quota 11

temporary tablespace 11

--更改用户密码 11

alter user identified by 11

alter user 11

--删除用户 11

drop user cascade 11

drop user 11

--查询用户的系统权限 11

user_sys_privs 11

dba_sys_privs 11

--查询用户的对象权限 12

user_tab_privs 12

dba_tab_privs 12

--查询角色 12

dba_roles 12

--创建角色 12

create role 12

--为角色授权 12

grant to 12

grant 12

--为用户授权 13

--查询用户(角色)与角色的关系 13

dba_role_privs 13

--查询角色与权限的关系 13

--删除角色 13

drop role 13

--创建学生信息表 13

create table 13

--添加主键约束确保字段值不能为空且不能重复 13

primary key 13

--添加非空属性确保字段不能为空 14

not null 14

--添加检查约束确保字段只能填写指定数据 14

check 14

unique 14

--添加默认值 14

default 14


--创建课程信息表 14

--创建学生成绩表 15

--添加外键约束 15

foreign key 15

--组合主键 16

--查询当前用户的可用数据表 16

--查询表所有信息 16

select 16

--仅查询多字段信息 16

--带时字段带表达式 16

--简单的数学运算 17

dual 17

--获得当前日期时间 17

sysdate 17

systimestamp 17

current_date 17

current_timestamp 17

--使用字段别名 17

as 17

--查询员工姓名和年收入 17

nvl(comm,0) 17

--字符串连接 18

|| 18

--查询时消除冗余 18

distinct 18

--同时查询部门编号与岗位 18

--带条件的查询 18

where 18

ename='CLARK 18

sal>1500 18

sal>1500 18

ename>'FORD' 19

where sal>=800 and sal<=1500 19

where sal between and 19

is null 19

is not null 19

where sal in (800,1100,1500) 19

-- 模糊查询 20

like ‘%A%’ 20

__A% 20

order by asc 20

desc 20

avg(sal) 21

group by 21

max(sal) 21

--交叉连接 22

cross join 22

--内连接 23

inner join 23

--三个表的嵌套查询 23

--求各个部门薪水最高的员工信息 25

伪列 25

rownum 25

--取出第十条记录之后的数据 25

--按薪水由高至低排列,找出第6-10名的员工信息 26

--保存数据 26

insert into 26

values 26

--同时插入多条记录 26

union all 26

--更新数据 27

update set 27

update 27

rollback; 27

--删除数据 27

delete from 27

commit; 27

--数据控制语言 27

grant 27

revoke 27

--各种函数 27

abs 28

ceil 28

floor 28

trunc 28

round 28

dbms_random.value 28

concat 28

initcap 28

upper 28

lower 28

instr 28

length 28

rpad 29

lpad 29

rtrim 29

ltrim 29

substr 29

replace 29

reverse 29

to_char 29

L9999999.9999999 29

--字符变数字 29

to_number 29

--字符变日期,数字变日期 30

to_date 30

add_months 30

sysdate+1 30

count 30

--行最大值,行最小值 30

greatest 30

least 31

分析函数 decode 31

嵌套查询 31

--行级锁 31

--表级锁 31

in share mode 31

in exclusive mode 31

lock 31

--私有同义词 31

synonym for 31

drop synonym 32

--公有同义词 32

public synonym 32

--序列 32

sequence 32

start with 32

.nextval 32

.currval 32

--视图 32

create view 32

--复制表 32

--索引 33

create index on 33

create index 33

create unique index 33

重建索引 33

删除索引 33

组合索引 33

--PL/SQL 33

主体 33

begin 33

end; 34

--声明 34

declare 34

x number; 34

变量赋值 34

x := 1000; 34

系统输出 34

dbms_output.put_line 34

使用某表某字段的类型 34

sal%type 34

if语句 35

if 35

end if; 35

if elsif 35

return 36

case 36

when then 36

when 36

end case; 36

loop 37

loop 37

end loop; 38

exit when 38

while 38

for 39

for cnt in 1..1000 loop 39

异常处理 39

exception 39

no_data_found 39

too_many_rows 40

自定义异常 抛出异常 40

raise 40

raise_application_error 40

raise 40

raise_application_error 41

隐式游标 41

sql%found 41

sql%rowcount 41

显式游标 42

cursor is 42

cur%notfound 42

cursor 42

open 42

fetch 42

close 42

取余mod 42

变量声明同时赋值 43

当前游标current of 43

procedure 43

as 43

带参数的过程 44

带返回值得过程 44

--根据员工编号求取该员工的姓名和薪水 45

function 46

return number 46

--根据部门编号获取该部门的薪水总和 47

--触发器 47

--语句级触发器 47

trigger 47

after 48

on 48

行级触发器 49

for each row 49

:new.a 49

:old.a 49



select name from v$database;



select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces;


create tablespace MYTABLESPACE

datafile 'D:\oracle_lesson\oradata\orcl\MYTABLESPACE.DBF'

size 100M

autoextend on next 50M

maxsize 500M;


create temporary tablespace MYTEMP

tempfile 'D:\oracle_lesson\oradata\orcl\MYTEMP.DBF'

size 50M

autoextend on

next 10M

maxsize 200M;


drop tablespace

including contents and datafiles

drop tablespace mytablespace including contents and datafiles;

drop tablespace mytemp including contents and datafiles;



select username from dba_users;


create user tom

identified by orcl

default tablespace mytablespace

quota 20M on mytablespace

temporary tablespace mytemp;


alter user identified by

alter user tom identified by orcl;


drop user cascade

drop user tom cascade;




select * from user_sys_privs;

select * from dba_sys_privs;




select * from user_tab_privs;

select * from dba_tab_privs;



select role from dba_roles;


create role student;

create role teacher;

create role director;


grant to

grant select any table to student;

grant student to teacher;

grant insert any table to teacher;

grant teacher to director;

grant update any table to director;

grant delete any table to director;


grant director to tom;

grant connect to tom;



select * from dba_role_privs;


select * from dba_tab_privs;

select * from dba_sys_privs;


drop role director;


create table student


id number(4),

name nvarchar2(4),

gender char(2),

birthday date,

address varchar2(100)



alter table 表名称 Drop column 列名称


alter table 表名称 add column 列名称


primary key

alter table student

add constraint pk_student_id primary key (id);


not null

alter table student

modify name not null;



alter table student

add constraint ck_student_gender check (gender='男' or gender='女');



alter table student

add constraint uq_student_birthday unique (birthday);



alter table student

modify address default ('北京八维研修学院宿舍');


create table course


id number(2),

title varchar2(20),

period number(2)


alter table course

add constraint pk_course_id primary key (id);

alter table course

modify title not null;

alter table course

add constraint ck_course_period check(period>=40 and period<=80);


create table grade


sid number(4),

cid number(2),

mark number(3)



foreign key

alter table grade

add constraint fk_grade_sid foreign key (sid) references student(id);

alter table grade

add constraint fk_grade_cid foreign key (cid) references course(id);


alter table grade

add constraint pk_grade_sid_cid primary key (sid,cid);

alter table grade

add constraint ck_grade_mark check(mark>=0 and mark<=100);


select table_name from user_tables;


select * from emp;

select * from dept;

select * from salgrade;


select empno,ename,deptno from emp;


select ename,12*sal from emp;



select 200+300,12*3 from dual;






select sysdate from dual;

select systimestamp from dual;

select current_date from dual;

select current_timestamp from dual;



select ename as "姓名",12*sal as "年薪" from emp;

select ename "姓名",12*sal "年薪" from emp;


select ename,comm from emp;


Select decode(comm,500,’A’,300,’B’,’C’) from emp ;


select ename "姓名",12*(sal+nvl(comm,0)) "年收入" from emp;



select 'abc'||'def'||'gh' "con" from dual;

select 'Mr.'||ename from emp;



select distinct deptno from emp;


select distinct deptno,job from emp;






select * from emp where deptno=10;


select * from emp where deptno!=10;

select * from emp where deptno<>10;


select * from emp where ename='CLARK';


select * from emp where sal>1500;



select * from emp where ename>'FORD';


where sal>=800 and sal<=1500

where sal between and

select * from emp where sal>=800 and sal<=1500;

select * from emp where sal between 800 and 1500;


is null

is not null

select * from emp where comm is null;


select * from emp where comm is not null;


where sal in (800,1100,1500)

select * from emp where sal=800 or sal=1100 or sal=1500;

select * from emp where sal in (800,1100,1500);


select * from emp where hiredate > '3-12月-1981';


select * from emp where deptno=10 and sal>1000;


select * from emp where deptno=10 or sal>1000;


select * from emp where deptno=10 and (sal=1300 or sal=5000);

select * from emp where deptno=10 and sal in(1300,5000);

-- 模糊查询

like ‘%A%’



select * from emp where ename like '%A%';

select * from emp where ename like '%A';

select * from emp where ename like 'A%';

select * from emp where ename like 'A____';

select * from emp where ename like '__A%';

select * from emp where ename like '%A__';


order by asc

select * from emp order by empno asc;


select * from emp order by empno desc;



select * from emp order by deptno asc,ename desc;


select *

from emp

where deptno!=10

order by empno desc;


select emp.*,12*sal a

from emp

where ename not like '_A%' and sal>800

order by a desc;



group by

select avg(sal) from emp;

select deptno from emp group by deptno;

select deptno,avg(sal) from emp group by deptno;



select max(sal) from emp;

select deptno,max(sal) from emp group by deptno;

select min(sal) from emp;

select sum(sal) from emp;


select * from emp;

select job,deptno from emp group by job,deptno;

select job,deptno,max(sal) from emp group by job,deptno;


select deptno,avg(sal)

from emp

group by deptno

having avg(sal)>2000;



select deptno,avg(sal) av

from emp

where sal>1200

group by deptno

having avg(sal)>2000

order by av desc;


select max(sal) from emp;

select * from emp where sal=5000;

select * from emp where sal=(select max(sal) from emp);


select avg(sal) from emp;

select * from emp where sal>(select avg(sal) from emp);


cross join

select * from emp;

select * from dept;

select * from emp,dept;

select * from emp cross join dept;


inner join on


select ename,dname from emp,dept where emp.deptno=dept.deptno;

select ename,dname

from emp inner join dept on emp.deptno=dept.deptno;


select * from emp;

select employee.ename as "员工",manager.ename as "经理"

from emp employee cross join emp manager

where employee.mgr=manager.empno;

select employee.ename as "员工",manager.ename as "经理"

from emp employee inner join emp manager

on employee.mgr=manager.empno;


select * from emp;

select * from salgrade;

select * from emp cross join salgrade;

select ename as "员工姓名",grade as "薪水等级"

from emp inner join salgrade

on sal between losal and hisal;



select * from emp;

select * from dept;

select * from salgrade;

select * from emp,dept,salgrade;

select *

from emp cross join dept

cross join salgrade;

select ename,dname,grade

from emp cross join dept

cross join salgrade

where emp.deptno=dept.deptno

and emp.sal between losal and hisal

and job!='CLERK';

select ename,dname,grade

from emp inner join dept on emp.deptno=dept.deptno

inner join salgrade on emp.sal between losal and hisal

where job!='CLERK';


select ename,dname,grade

from emp inner join dept on emp.deptno=dept.deptno

inner join salgrade on emp.sal between losal and hisal

where ename not like '_A%';


select deptno,max(sal) from emp group by deptno;

select * from emp;

select ename,deptno,sal

from emp inner join (select deptno d,max(sal) m from emp group by deptno) e

on emp.sal=e.m and emp.deptno=e.d

order by deptno asc;


select * from dept;

select * from emp;

select * from dept cross join emp;

select dept.deptno,dname,ename from dept inner join emp on dept.deptno=emp.deptno;

select dept.deptno,dname,ename from dept left join emp on dept.deptno=emp.deptno;




select rownum,emp.* from emp;


select rownum,emp.* from emp where rownum<=5;


select * from (

select rownum r,emp.* from emp)

where r>10;


select * from

(select rownum r,e.* from

(select *

from emp

order by sal desc) e) e2

where r>=6 and r<=10;


insert into student(id,name,gender,birthday,address)


insert into student(id,name,gender,birthday,address)



insert into student(id,name,gender,birthday,address)

select 1002,'赵六','女','18-2月-1993','北京市东城区小燕胡同' from dual。

union all

select 1003,'张三','男','20-8月-1989','北京市海淀区小燕胡同' from dual;

select * from student;


update set

update student set birthday='26-6月-1992' where id=1001;

update student

set birthday='18-10月-1991',address='北京市朝阳区光明里小区'

where id=1003;



delete from student where id=1003;



grant select on student to tom;

grant insert on student to tom;

revoke select on student from tom;












select abs(-25) from dual;

select ceil(-35.68) from dual;

select floor(-35.68) from dual;

select trunc(12.345678,2) from dual;

select round(12.345678,2) from dual;

select dbms_random.value(10,20) from dual;--包括10,不包括20





select concat('app','le') word from dual;

select concat('Mr.',ename) ename from emp;

select initcap(ename) from emp;

select upper(lower(ename)) from emp;



select instr('aabbaaccaaddaaeeaaff','aa',5,3) from dual;

select ename,length(ename) from emp;








select rpad('abc',8,'*') from dual;

select lpad('abc',8,'*') from dual;

select rtrim('aabbccbbaa','ab') from dual;

select ltrim('aabbccbbaa','ab') from dual;

select substr('abcdefg',3,4) from dual;

select replace('aabbaacc','aa','X') from dual;

select reverse('12345') from dual;




select 123,to_char(123) from dual;

select to_char(1000.12345,'L9999999.9999999') from dual;

select to_char(1000.12345,'L0000000.0000000') from dual;

select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss') from dual;

select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy"年"mm"月"dd"日" hh24:mi:ss') from dual;



select to_number('1200') from dual;

select '1200'+'1300' from dual;



select to_date('2002-12-20','yyyy-mm-dd') from dual;

select to_date(20021220,'yyyymmdd') from dual;




select sysdate,add_months(sysdate,2) from dual;

select sysdate,add_months(sysdate,-12) from dual;

select sysdate,sysdate+1 from dual;

select sysdate,sysdate+1/24/60 from dual;

select months_between(to_date('2014-2-5','yyyy-mm-dd'),

to_date('2013-12-11','yyyy-mm-dd')) from dual;



select ename,comm from emp;

select count(comm) from emp;

select to_char(round(avg(sal),2),'L9999.99') from emp;




select greatest(1,2,3,4,5) from dual;

select least(1,2,3,4,5) from dual;

select user from dual;

分析函数 decode

Select decode(floor(mark/10),10,’优秀’,9,’ 优秀’,8,’良好’,7,’中等’,6,’及格’,’不及格’);


Select * from emp where sal>(select avg(sal) from emp);






select * from emp where for update;


in share mode

in exclusive mode

lock table emp in share mode 共享锁;

lock table emp in exclusive mode 排它锁;



start with



create sequence s0 start with 1000;

select s0.nextval from dual;

create sequence sq_t03 start with 100 increment by 10;

select sq|_to1.currval from dual;


create view v0


select * from(

select rownum r,e.* from(

select * from emp order by sal desc)e)

where r>=6 and r<=10;

select * from v0;


create table emp0


select * from emp;

select * from emp0 where empno=7900;

select * from emp0 where ename='SMITH';

select * from emp0 where empno>7000 and ename<'ZOO'


create index on

create index i0 on emp0 (empno);

create unique index i1 on emp0(ename);

create index i2 on emp0 (empno,ename);


Alter index <索引名> rebuild;


Drop index <索引名>;


Select * from emp0 where empno>7000 and ename<’ral’;

Create index ins2 on emp0 (empno,ename);


posted on 2017-09-19 17:23  不会飞的菜鸟儿  阅读(252)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
