
开源、架构、Linux C/C++/python AI BI 运维开发自动化运维。 春风桃李花 秋雨梧桐叶。“力尽不知热 但惜夏日长”。夏不惜,秋不获。@ruiY--秦瑞


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  • 作为一个守护demo进程来管理你的linux主机上的LXC容器(sudo docker -d)

  • 作为一个命令行的方式来告诉docker进程的程序接口来做什么(docker run ...)

  • 作为一个仓库的客户端让你分享你搭建的环境(docker pull,docker commit)

built and shared in the Docker Hub Registry, a cloud-based collection of applications

Docker Engine consists of two parts: a daemon, a server process that manages all the containers, and a client, which acts as a remote control for the daemon

Docker Hub Registry, a cloud-based collection of application

can find them online at Docker Hub as well through the Docker Engine client command line

Container images can be downloaded easily using docker pull. For images in the Docker Hub Registry, the name you specify is constructed as <username>/<repository>


posted on 2014-08-27 21:56  秦瑞It行程实录  阅读(346)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报