1,yum -y install openstack-cinder;
/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/Crypto/Util/number.py:57: PowmInsecureWarning: Not using mpz_powm_sec. You should rebuild using libgmp >= 5 to avoid timing attack vulnerability.
_warn("Not using mpz_powm_sec. You should rebuild using libgmp >= 5 to avoid timing attack vulnerability.", PowmInsecureWarning)
ERROR: An unexpected error prevented the server from fulfilling your request. (H TTP 500)
eystone user-list之类的命令也不能用
export SERVICE_TOKEN=openstak
但dashboard不行了,我去,估计得keystone-manage db sync keystoen;
上面是配置一个Block Storage controll service node的一般步骤,
注册 一个service and endpoint;
注册Block Storage service with the Identity service so that other OpenStack services can locate it;
<2,configure a block storage service node>
various storage systems,LVM