
开源、架构、Linux C/C++/python AI BI 运维开发自动化运维。 春风桃李花 秋雨梧桐叶。“力尽不知热 但惜夏日长”。夏不惜,秋不获。@ruiY--秦瑞


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%CTF: 1.00
%FileType: PROF strp "VelocityProfile"
%PROFSpec: 1.00 2006 00 00
%Manufacturer: CODAR Ocean Sensors. RiverSonde
%Site: 0009 "Jiuhua"
%TimeStamp: 2016 11 08 12 00 00
%TimeZone: "GMT" +0.000 0
%ISOTimeStamp: "2016-11-08T12:00:00+00:00"
%TimeCoverage: 15.00 Minutes
%Origin: 30.5918007 117.7695999
%GreatCircle: "WGS84" 6378137.000 298.257223562997
%MeanSemiaxesRadius: 6371008.7714
%%Spherical earth with radius MeanSemiaxesRadius assumed
%AntennaBearing: 121.00
%RiverBearing: 198.00
%UVUnits: "m/s" 1.0
%XYUnits: "m" 1.0
%RangeResolutionMeters: 67.46
%TransmitCenterFreqMHz: 435.00
%DopplerResolutionHzPerBin: 0.0156250
%TransmitBandwidthMHz: 2.2219999
%SpectraRangeCells: 46
%SpectraDopplerCells: 1024
%MaximumCurrentVelocity: 4.00 "m/s"
%MinimumDopplerFrequency: 0.0000 Hz
%MaximumDopplerFrequency: 10.0000 Hz
%PatternUUID: 0C27DEDA-81CE-4F7F-8339-2361A87FBE19
%PatternCalibrationConstants: -0.60 -240.00 0.10 126.00 (dB,deg)
%ReferenceStage: 1.320 m
%StageWarnAge: 2.000 h
%StageDiscardAge: 6.000 h
%StageCorrectionFlags: 0
%AntennaHeightAboveWater: 15.000 m
%DirectionSearchLimits: -90.00 90.00 deg
%DataProcessingDomain: -150.00 100.00 2.00 70.00 m
%ProfileParameters: -150.00 120.00 3.00 70.00 3.00 m
%MeanVelocityParameters: 10.00 50.00 m
%ProfileReverseDirs: 0 0
%NoiseFBFrac: 0.050 (fraction of total frequency bins)
%MinSNR: 10.00 dB
%RelExclFreqs: 0.000 0.000 (fraction of Bragg frequency)
%MeanVecParams: 3 0.500 (number, m/s)
%MedFiltParams: 5.00 1.000 (deg, m/s)
%VelEstParams: -0.929 9.4 (m/s, degCW)
%RSDatabaseFile: "RSC-Test3"
%RSSystemParameterPlistFile: "TMS-20090523SystemParameters"
%RSUserParameterInfoPlistFile: "-- No File Selected --"
%RSUserParameterPlistFile: "TMS4UserParameters"
%userParametersSaveDate: "2015-09-15 03:39:31 +0000"
%userParametersUserName: "rsadmin"
%userParametersVersion: 8
%TableType: PROF PRF1
%TableColumns: 4
%TableColumnTypes: DSYR VLUR VLVR STDV
%TableRows: 16
%% Yr Distance Ur comp Vr comp Std Dev
%% (m) (m/s) (m/s) (m/s)
15.00 -0.3060 0.6313 0.0180
18.00 -0.2871 0.6641 0.0313
21.00 -0.3023 0.7596 0.0744
24.00 -0.2431 0.3102 0.0814
27.00 -0.3481 0.6525 0.0854
30.00 -0.2765 0.4179 0.0468
33.00 -0.3738 0.6334 0.1270
36.00 -0.2614 0.3394 0.1788
39.00 -0.3086 0.2971 0.0958
42.00 -0.4419 0.1786 0.0989
45.00 -0.4843 0.2492 0.2184
48.00 -0.5047 0.1146 0.1105
51.00 -0.5808 0.1432 0.1342
54.00 -0.6496 0.1043 0.1186
57.00 -0.8746 0.0825 0.0789
60.00 -0.8770 0.1177 0.1561
%ProcessedTimeStamp: 2016 11 08 12 08 28
%ProcessingTool: "rivproc1 version 1.0 (build 132)"
%ProcessingTool: "velfit1 version 1.0 (build 132)"
%ProcessingTool: "rivproc22 version 1.1 (build 132)"
%ProcessingTool: "velest1 version 1.0 (build 132)"

posted on 2017-07-18 15:58  秦瑞It行程实录  阅读(207)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报