
开源、架构、Linux C/C++/python AI BI 运维开发自动化运维。 春风桃李花 秋雨梧桐叶。“力尽不知热 但惜夏日长”。夏不惜,秋不获。@ruiY--秦瑞


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1,Running command: env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -q install --assume-yes ca-certificates

2,Running command: apt-get -q update

3,Running command: env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive DEBIAN_PRIORITY=critical apt-get -q -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confnew --no-install-recommends --assume-yes install -- ceph ceph-mds ceph-common ceph-fs-common gdisk

4,Running command: ceph --version

expanding your cluster
once you have a basic cluster up and running,the next step is to expand cluster.add a ceph osd and a ceph metadata server to node1
then add a ceph monitor to node2 and node3 to establish q quorum of ceph mnitor




Ceph storage retrieving object data
to storage object data in the ceph storage cluster, a ceph client must
set an object name
specify a pool
ceph client retrieves the latest cluster map and the crrush algorithm calcuates how to map the object to placement group,and then calculates how to assign the placement group to a ceph osd daemon dynamically to find the object location,all you need is the object name and the pool name
ceph osd map {poolname} {object-name}
osd object storage data
mds  metadata server
Exercise locate an object
as an exercise create an object,specify an object name,a path to a test file containing some object data and a pool name using the rados put command onn the command line

identify the object location
ceph osd map {pool-name} {object-name}
ceph osd map data test-object-1
ceph should output the object's location
remove the test object,simple

use the block device by creating a file system on ceph-client node

配置块设备configure a block device
1,创建块设备镜像create a block device image
rbd create foo --size 4096 [-m {mon-IP}] [-k /path/to/ceph.client.admin.keyring]
2,映射镜像到块设备map the image to a block device
rbd map foo --name client.admin [-m {Mon-IP}] [-k /path/to/ceph.client.admin.keyring]
3,使用块设备创建文件系统use the block device by creating a file system


posted on 2015-12-17 11:07  秦瑞It行程实录  阅读(729)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报