<一,> ,OpenStack a few Core Compontents integration with openStack-keystone Identity service
keystone user-create --name --pass --email
keystone tenant-create --name (remainers tips, public use service tenant)
1.4,[link user,tenant,role]
keystone user-role-add --user --tenant --role
1.5,create core components service
keystone service-create --name --type --description ""
1.6,create openStack core components service endpoints
eg,neutron network service
keystone endpoint-create --service-id $(keystone service-list | awk '/ network / {print $2}') --publicurl http://ostack.org:9696 --adminurl http://ostack.org:9696 --internalurl http://ostack.org:9696
<二,> openStack core compents,components Names and ports
服务名 项目名称 端口
identity service keystone 35357,5000
image service glance 9292
compute service nova 8774
network service neutron 9696
<三,>openStack core compontents,subcompontents repo packages Names,(for the moment no relation rely on repo packages list,misc systemizing)
3.14,networking components-->neutron
yum -y install openstack-neutron openstack-neutron-ml2 python-neutronclient
core components conf
eg,networking server component conf inc database,authentication mechanism,message broker,topology change notifier,and plug-in
conf networking to use the identity service for authentication