
开源、架构、Linux C/C++/python AI BI 运维开发自动化运维。 春风桃李花 秋雨梧桐叶。“力尽不知热 但惜夏日长”。夏不惜,秋不获。@ruiY--秦瑞


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ceph storage cluster
ceph block device
ceph filesystem
ceph object storage

此篇记录ceph block device,ceph storage cluster见上一篇


Realiable Autonomic Distributed Object Store(可扩展自主分布式对象存储)

long term supported

[ruiy tips Notes]

ERROR: modinfo: could not find module rbd (centos6.4 vm 跑ceph block device 报错actal解决方案)

ceph block
1,install ceph
ceph-deploy install ceph-client_Node_FQDN
2,copy ceph configuration file and the ceph.client.admin.keysting to the ceph-client
一般ceph.client.admin.keystring在你的ceph-deploy 主机上,是你在 ceph-deploy new ceph_Node 时在你执行上面命令的当前路径下生成的一个key
ceph-deploy admin ruiy.cc

configure a block device

1,on the ceph-client node,create a block device image(创建块设备镜像)
rbd create {block device image_Name} --size 4096 (默认单位MB) [-m {mon-IP}] [-k /path/to/ceph.client.admin.keystring]

2,on the ceph-client node,map the image to a block device (映射块设备镜像到块设备)
sudo rbd map {block device image_Name} --pool rbd -name client.admin [-m {mon-IP}] [-k /path/to/ceph.client.admin.keystring]

3,use the block device by creating a file system on the ceph-client node
sudo mkfs.ext4 -m0 /dev/rbd/rbd/foo

4,mount the file system on the ceph-client node

sudo mkdir /mnt/ceph-block-device
sudo mount /dev/rbd/rbd/foo /mnt/ceph-block-device
cd /mnt/ceph-block-device

到此ceph block device 简单体验 一把 搞定,Tech diss联系ruiy

Tel 150 5519 8367


posted on 2014-11-13 16:29  秦瑞It行程实录  阅读(671)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报