
开源、架构、Linux C/C++/python AI BI 运维开发自动化运维。 春风桃李花 秋雨梧桐叶。“力尽不知热 但惜夏日长”。夏不惜,秋不获。@ruiY--秦瑞


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当我尝试向它扔一些奇怪的东西时,Python mosquitto给了我错误TypeError: payload must be a string, bytearray, int, float or None..我已经有一个文件存储在本地目录中,我想将其指定为发布的有效负载.


我要在此处指定图像:mqttc.publish("/v3/device/file", NEED_TO_SPECIFY_HERE)


    f = open("/home/pi/mosq/imagecap/imagefile.jpg", "rb")
    imagebin = f.read()
    mqttc.publish("/v3/device/file", imagebin)

但这没用,mqttc.publish("/v3/device/file", bytearray(open('/tmp/test.png', 'r').read()))





值得注意的是,这是Python 2和Python 3之间可能存在差异的领域之一.

Python 2 file.read()返回str,而Python 3是bytes. mosquitto.publish()处理这两种类型,因此在这种情况下您应该没事,但这是需要注意的.



import mosquitto

def on_publish(mosq, userdata, mid):
  # Disconnect after our message has been sent.

# Specifying a client id here could lead to collisions if you have multiple
# clients sending. Either generate a random id, or use:
#client = mosquitto.Mosquitto()
client = mosquitto.Mosquitto("image-send")
client.on_publish = on_publish

f = open("data")
imagestring = f.read()
byteArray = bytes(imagestring)
client.publish("photo", byteArray ,0)
# If the image is large, just calling publish() won't guarantee that all 
# of the message is sent. You should call one of the mosquitto.loop*()
# functions to ensure that happens. loop_forever() does this for you in a
# blocking call. It will automatically reconnect if disconnected by accident
# and will return after we call disconnect() above.

I am using python-mosquitto to subscribe to my MQTT broker which support file type uploads. I can use it just fine using the -f flag when going from Mosquitto on the command line. However, I can't figure out how to use the client.publish(topic, payload) to specify a file to publish when doing it from within my python script.

Python mosquitto gives me the error TypeError: payload must be a string, bytearray, int, float or None. when I try to throw something weird at it. I have a file stored in local directory already which I want to specify as the payload of the publish.

I'm experienced with MQTT but my python is very rusty, I am assuming I need to do some type of file stream function here, but not sure how to do it.

I want to specify the image here: mqttc.publish("/v3/device/file", NEED_TO_SPECIFY_HERE)

I have tried opening the image by doing:

    f = open("/home/pi/mosq/imagecap/imagefile.jpg", "rb")
    imagebin = f.read()
    mqttc.publish("/v3/device/file", imagebin)

But that didn't work and neither did mqttc.publish("/v3/device/file", bytearray(open('/tmp/test.png', 'r').read()))

The client.publish doesnt throw an error with those, but the file is not received properly by the broker. Any ideas?



It's worth noting that this is one of the areas that can have differences between Python 2 and Python 3.

Python 2 file.read() returns a str whereas Python 3 is bytes. mosquitto.publish() handles both types so you should be ok in that case, but it is something to be aware of.

I've added what I consider some minor improvements to @hardillb 's code below. Please don't accept my answer in preference to his because he wrote it originally and got there first! I would have edited his answer, but I think it's useful to see the difference.


import mosquitto

def on_publish(mosq, userdata, mid):
  # Disconnect after our message has been sent.

# Specifying a client id here could lead to collisions if you have multiple
# clients sending. Either generate a random id, or use:
#client = mosquitto.Mosquitto()
client = mosquitto.Mosquitto("image-send")
client.on_publish = on_publish

f = open("data")
imagestring = f.read()
byteArray = bytes(imagestring)
client.publish("photo", byteArray ,0)
# If the image is large, just calling publish() won't guarantee that all 
# of the message is sent. You should call one of the mosquitto.loop*()
# functions to ensure that happens. loop_forever() does this for you in a
# blocking call. It will automatically reconnect if disconnected by accident
# and will return after we call disconnect() above.
posted on 2021-10-29 11:59  秦瑞It行程实录  阅读(269)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报