




1. First bad version:

key: using binary search, 

issue: not familiar with the template, e.g., left and right initial values, loop end condition, how to reset left/right (left = mid? left = mid +1? right = mid? right = mid -1?) as well as final result (left? left -1? left+1? right?) 

next step: Need to fully understand the concept for binary search.


2. Jewels and Stones

key: hash set to quickly - O(1), find out wether an element should be included or not.

issue: syntax for hash set (unordered set)'s available APIs, e.g., count, find, insert

next step: Need to review c++ containers APIs


试图解决 remove k digits, however, couldn't sovle it. I was on the right path and considered to use monotonically increasing stack, however, I made a mistake when trying it with an example and gave it up, also am not clear/familiar with this concept.


Goal for the next day:

1. finish remove k digits, and get familiar with monotonically inscreasing stack.

2. finish passdue May questions.


posted @ 2020-05-14 05:03  回到明天  阅读(126)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报