SAP (ABAP) 常用的数学函数

Function func Return value
abs Absolute value of the argument arg (绝对值)
sign Plus/minus sign of the argument arg: -1, if the value of arg is negative; 0 if the value of arg is 0; 1 if the value of arg is positive. (正负号)
ceil Smallest integer number that is not smaller than the value of the argument arg.(向下取整)
floor Largest integer number that is not larger than the value of the argument arg.(向上取整)
trunc Value of the integer part of the argument arg (整数部分)
frac Value of the decimal places of the argument arg (小数部分)
posted @ 2014-08-13 11:37  小鱼儿游  阅读(1486)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报