#!/bin/sh . ~/.bashrc home=$(cd `dirname $0`; cd ..; pwd) bin_home=$home/bin config_home=$home/conf logs_home=$home/logs lib_home=$home/lib data_home=$home/data cluster=$1 day=$2 if [ "${cluster}" = "" -o "${day}" = "" ]; then echo "请指定参数集群和日期(例:yth 20191203):" exit 0 fi day_timestamp=`date -d "${day}" +%s` day_timestamp_1=`date -d "${day} +1 day" +%s` day_str0=`date -d @${day_timestamp} "+%Y-%m-%d"` day_str1=`date -d @${day_timestamp} "+%Y/%m/%d"` day_str2=`date -d @${day_timestamp_1} "+%Y-%m-%d"`job_parse_input_path conf=${config_home}/${cluster}.conf flink_home=`cat ${conf} | grep ^flink_home | awk -F"=" '{print $2}'` fsimage_binary_path=`cat ${conf} | grep ^fsimage_binary_path | awk -F"=" '{print $2}'` fsimage_txt_path=`cat ${conf} | grep ^fsimage_txt_path | awk -F"=" '{print $2}'` fsimage_org_hdfs_path=`cat ${conf} | grep ^fsimage_org_hdfs_path | awk -F"=" '{print $2}'` fsimage_detail_hdfs_path=`cat ${conf} | grep ^fsimage_detail_hdfs_path | awk -F"=" '{print $2}'` fsimage_org_hdfs_path=${fsimage_org_hdfs_path}/day=${day}/cluster=${cluster} fsimage_detail_hdfs_path=${fsimage_detail_hdfs_path}/day=${day}/cluster=${cluster} yarn_queue_offline=`cat ${conf} | grep ^yarn_queue_offline | awk -F"=" '{print $2}'` #作业解析参数 job_parse_input_path=`cat ${conf} | grep ^job_parse_input_path | awk -F"=" '{print $2}'` job_parse_output_path=`cat ${conf} | grep ^job_parse_output_path | awk -F"=" '{print $2}'`
#!/bin/sh home=$(cd `dirname $0`; cd ..; pwd) . ${home}/bin/common.sh hdfs dfs -mkdir -p ${fsimage_detail_hdfs_path} hdfs dfs -rm -r ${fsimage_detail_hdfs_path} hadoop jar ${lib_home}/ops-fsimage-detail-2.0-release.jar \ com.djt.fsimage.detail.mrdetail.FsImageLogMR \ -Dmapreduce.job.queuename=${yarn_queue_offline} \ -DinputPath=${fsimage_org_hdfs_path} \ -DoutputPath=${fsimage_detail_hdfs_path} \ -Dday=${day} \ -DreduceCount=20 if [ "${hive_on}" == "true" ] then hive -e "alter table xunshan.dwd_fsimage_detail add partition (day=${day}, cluster='${cluster}') location '${fsimage_detail_hdfs_path}'" fi
#!/bin/sh home=$(cd `dirname $0`; cd ..; pwd) . ${home}/bin/common.sh export HADOOP_HEAPSIZE=20000 fsimage_binary_name=`ls ${fsimage_binary_path} | grep ${cluster} | grep ${day}` fsimage_binary_file=${fsimage_binary_path}/${fsimage_binary_name} fsimage_txt_name=${fsimage_binary_name}.txt fsimage_txt_file=${fsimage_txt_path}/${fsimage_txt_name} hdfs oiv -p Delimited -i ${fsimage_binary_file} -o ${fsimage_txt_file} hdfs dfs -mkdir -p ${fsimage_org_hdfs_path} hdfs dfs -rm ${fsimage_org_hdfs_path}/${fsimage_txt_name} hdfs dfs -put ${fsimage_txt_file} ${fsimage_org_hdfs_path} echo -e "==========> load to hive start ==========>" hive -e "ALTER TABLE xunshan.dwd_fsimage_org DROP IF EXISTS PARTITION(day=${day},cluster='${cluster}');" hive -e "ALTER TABLE xunshan.dwd_fsimage_org ADD PARTITION(day=${day},cluster='${cluster}') LOCATION '${fsimage_org_hdfs_path}';" echo -e "==========> load to hive end ==========>"
#!/bin/sh home=$(cd `dirname $0`; cd ..; pwd) . ${home}/bin/common.sh ${flink_home}/bin/flink run -c com.djt.job.parse.JobMain -m yarn-cluster -yjm 8192 -yn 10 -ys 4 -p 40 -ytm 8192 -yqu ${yarn_queue_offline} \ ${lib_home}/ops-job-parse-2.0-release.jar \ --cluster ${cluster} \ --day ${day} \ --job.input.path ${job_parse_input_path} \ --job.output.path ${job_parse_output_path}
#!/bin/sh home=$(cd `dirname $0`; cd ..; pwd) . ${home}/bin/common.sh ${flink_home}/bin/flink run -c com.djt.yarn.monitor.Main -m yarn-cluster -yjm 1024 -yn 1 -ys 1 -p 1 -ytm 1024 -yqu root.realtime \ ${lib_home}/ops-yarn-monitor-2.0-release.jar \ --clusterNames cluster001 \ --cluster001.hosts ops2:8088,ops2:8088 \ --influxdb.url http://work1:9092 \ --influxdb.username admin \ --influxdb.password admin \ --influxdb.database yarn
########## 今天的苦逼是为了不这样一直苦逼下去!##########