最近一段时间在对卷积神经网络进行量化的过程中,阅读了部分论文,其中对于谷歌在CVPR2018上发表的论文“Quantization and Training of Neural Networks for Efficient Integer-Arithmetic-Only Inference”印象深刻,在工程的应用上由于和tensorflow官方的代码有密切相关,在实际的工程实践上拥有一个良好的框架平台。首先笔者对谷歌发表的论文进行了详细的解读,同时对于其中推理部分原理进行了分析,了解到谷歌的量化方式存储方式为输入特征图input和卷积核filter均为8bit无符号整形存储方式,对于偏置bias为32bit有符号整形存储。典型的应用是在MobileNet网络上的量化,并且官方还提供了相应的模型文件,比如tflite。这种存储方式其实在大部分的推理中已经可以实现足够的精度优势了,但是这里面存在着一些问题,正常来讲tflite的运行是基于现有Tensorflow框架的,官方提供的示意demo包括了基于C++,Java,IOS等平台,依然没能脱离已有的平台限制。
但是实际的应用中,比如在嵌入式微处理器或者微控制器,以及笔者一直研究的FPGA平台加速器等领域,不可能搭建一个Tensorflow框架来运行tflite模型,这样在一定程度上限制了算法的应用领域。所以例如像意法半导体在STM32 Cube里面提供的Cube AI工具包,以及Xilinx提供的DPU完整开发框架,都在某些方面扩展了人工智能算法的适用范围。那么如果从学术、教育、研究的角度去考虑这些问题,我们希望能够基于现有的优秀成果,去理解内部的运行机理,从而提高我们对算法的深层次理解。
接着我们可以在Python里面直接调用tflite文件,对输入图片进行一次分类,对应的运行环境为Ubuntu18.04,Python中所用到的库版本opencv==,tensorflow==1.12.0 或者使用tf_nightly替代tensorflow。具体代码如下:
1 import time 2 import cv2 3 import numpy as np 4 import tensorflow as tf 5 6 model_path = "mobilenet_v1_0.25_128_quant.tflite" 7 inter = tf.contrib.lite.Interpreter(model_path=model_path) 8 inter.allocate_tensors() 9 input_details = inter.get_input_details() 10 output_details = inter.get_output_details() 11 12 img = cv2.imread('test2.png') 13 img = cv2.resize(img, (128, 128)) 14 15 img_exp = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0) 16 print(img_exp.shape) 17 18 inter.set_tensor(input_details[0]['index'], img_exp) 19 20 time_start =time.time() 21 inter.invoke() 22 time_end = time.time() 23 print(time_end-time_start) 24 25 output_data = inter.get_tensor(output_details[0]['index']) 26 print(output_data.shape) 27 result = np.squeeze(output_data) 28 print('np.argmax(result):',np.argmax(result))
接下来就是如何提取tflite中经过训练以后的参数了,在提取权重参数前需要了解Tensorflow在量化方面的相关理论知识,这里参考《Quantization and Training of Neural Networks for Efficient Integer-Arithmetic-Only Inference》这篇论文,其中对于8bit量化感知训练给出了详细的理论推导是具体实现过程。笔者在此处只对其前向推理部分做介绍,对于训练部分没做深入研究。
3.1 量化理论介绍(不关心可直接跳过)
O=A*W+B (1)
W=(weight-Z2)*S2 (2)
output = Z3+(S1*S2/S3)[(input-Z1)x(weight-Z2)+bias] (3)
output = (S1*S2/S3)[(input)x(weight-Z2)+bias] (4)
output = scale*[(input)x(weight-Z2)+bias]
scale=S1*S2/S3 (5)
而在文章《Quantization and Training of Neural Networks for Efficient Integer-Arithmetic-Only Inference》中,对于公式(5)中的scale进行分析,完成单层网络的卷积操作后,在层间数据类型的转换中,依然存在浮点计算操作,因此在文章中进一步采用了32bit定点加移位的表示方法,这样对于不带浮点处理单元的微处理,或对于计算资源敏感的FPGA单元,可以进一步提升计算性能。该方法笔者已在STM32和FPGA上进行了验证,将在后续的博客中单独对此进行介绍,同样完成代码的开源,和不同平台的性能测试结果对比。
3.2 权重数据提取
权重参数的提取需要借助工具netron,在此处非常感谢原作者能够提供这么好的工具。安装方法可以基于Python,也可直接在Windows端安装。笔者采用Ubuntu下Python的pip安装方法。在安装完成以后进入命令行,输入netron -b,此时不要退出命令行,浏览器将会自动打开一个网页,如果网页没有打开,可以自行打开浏览器,输入localhost:8080,进入网页界面,并加载mobilenet_v1_0.25_128_quant.tflite文件。
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 # @Time : 2020.12.13 3 # @Author : wuruidong 4 # @Email : wuruidong@hotmail.com 5 # @FileName: mobilenet_tf.py 6 # @Software: python 7 # @Cnblogs : https://www.cnblogs.com/ruidongwu 8 9 import cv2 10 import numpy as np 11 import tensorflow as tf 12 13 ''' 14 Library Version: 15 python-opencv== 16 tensorflow==1.12.0 or tf_nightly 17 18 ''' 19 20 ''' 21 Location number is obtained by netron (https://github.com/lutzroeder/netron). 22 Thanks the authors for providing such a wonderful tool. 23 # stage 1 (install): pip3 install netron 24 # stage 2 (start with brower): netron -b 25 # stage 3 (enter local ip): http://localhost:8080/ 26 # stage 4 (open tflite file): mobilenet_v1_0.25_128_quant.tflite 27 # stage 5 (record location number) 28 ''' 29 input_location = np.array([88, 7, 33, 37, 39, 43, 45, 49, 51, 55, 57, 61, 63, 67, 69, 73, 75, 79, 81, 85, 9, 13, 15, 19, 21, 25, 27, 0], dtype=np.int) 30 weight_location = np.array([8, 35, 38, 41, 44, 47, 50, 53, 56, 59, 62, 65, 68, 71, 74, 77, 80, 83, 86, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 3], dtype=np.int) 31 bias_location = np.array([6, 34, 36, 40, 42, 46, 48, 52, 54, 58, 60, 64, 66, 70, 72, 76, 78, 82, 84, 10, 12, 16, 18, 22, 24, 28, 30, 2], dtype=np.int) 32 output_location = np.array([7, 33, 37, 39, 43, 45, 49, 51, 55, 57, 61, 63, 67, 69, 73, 75, 79, 81, 85, 9, 13, 15, 19, 21, 25, 27, 31, 1], dtype=np.int) 33 34 ''' 35 load tflite model from local file. 36 ''' 37 def load_tflite(model_path=''): 38 inter = tf.contrib.lite.Interpreter(model_path=model_path) 39 #inter = tf.lite.Interpreter(model_path=model_path) # pip install tf-nightly 40 inter.allocate_tensors() 41 return inter 42 43 ''' 44 load image with img_file name 45 ''' 46 def load_img(img_file=''): 47 img = cv2.imread(img_file) 48 img = cv2.resize(img, (128, 128)) 49 img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0) 50 return img 51 52 ''' 53 This function is network inference with tensorflow library. 54 But it is a black box for education, 55 and I want to analysis the principle of quantization with inference. 56 If the filter/weight/bias/quantization could be exported in cunstom format with tables, 57 so we can deploy user network or basic network on other platforms, 58 not only Android/IOS/Raspberry, 59 but also stm32/FPGA and so on. 60 ''' 61 def tflite_inference(model, img): 62 # get input node information 63 input_details = model.get_input_details() 64 # get output node information 65 output_details = model.get_output_details() 66 # set input data 67 model.set_tensor(input_details[0]['index'], img) 68 # start inference 69 model.invoke() 70 # get output data 71 output_data = model.get_tensor(output_details[0]['index']) 72 return output_data 73 74 ''' 75 This function refers the paper of "Quantization and Training of Neural Networks for Efficient Integer-Arithmetic-Only Inference". 76 Thanks for the contribution of tensorflow. 77 78 In this function, I will implement the quantitative inference. 79 According to the network structure of mobilenet_v1, 80 this function supports depthwise/pointwise/standard convolution, 81 but the stride is only support 1 and 2. 82 83 The main principle is the following equation(1) in the reference paper: 84 output = Z3+(S1*S2/S3)[(input-Z1)x(weight-Z2)+bias] (1) 85 86 "(input-Z1)x(weight-Z2)" is the operation of depthwise/pointwise/standard convolution, 87 Zi is the value of zero offset. 88 Generally, Z3=0, Z1=128(layer0) Z1=0(other layers), Z2>0. 89 If the activation function is relu6, S1=S3. 90 so the equation(1) can be written as: 91 output = (S1*S2/S3)[(input)x(weight-Z2)+bias] (2) 92 93 If scale=(S1*S2/S3) or scale=S2, and the equation(1) can be simplified as: 94 output = scale*[(input)x(weight-Z2)+bias] (3) 95 96 In equation(3), the data type of scale is float32, input is uin8(other layers) or int8(layer0), weight is uint8, 97 (weight-Z2) is int16 or int32. 98 ''' 99 def my_conv(model, input, layer_index, layer_type='depthwise', strides=1): 100 input_index = input_location[layer_index] 101 weight_index = weight_location[layer_index] 102 bias_index = bias_location[layer_index] 103 output_index = output_location[layer_index] 104 105 # input_quant[0]=>S1, input_quant[1]=>Z1 106 input_quant = model._interpreter.TensorQuantization(int(input_index)) 107 # img_tensor = input-Z1 108 img_tensor = input - tf.constant(input_quant[1], dtype=tf.float32) 109 110 # weight_quant[0]=>S2, weight_quant[1]=>Z2 111 weight_quant = model._interpreter.TensorQuantization(int(weight_index)) 112 t_w = model.get_tensor(int(weight_index)) 113 t_w = np.transpose(t_w, (1, 2, 3, 0)) 114 weight_tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(t_w) 115 weight_tensor = tf.cast(weight_tensor, dtype=tf.float32) 116 # weight_tensor = weight-Z2 117 weight_tensor = weight_tensor - tf.constant(weight_quant[1], dtype=tf.float32) 118 # bias_tensor = bias 119 bias_tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(model.get_tensor(int(bias_index)), dtype=tf.float32) 120 # output_quant[0]=>S3(S3=0), output_quant[1]=>Z3 121 output_quant = model._interpreter.TensorQuantization(int(output_index)) 122 # scale=(S1*S2/S3) Note: If the activation function is relu6, then scale=S2. 123 scale = input_quant[0] * weight_quant[0] / output_quant[0] 124 125 if layer_type=='depthwise': 126 conv_res = tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d(img_tensor, weight_tensor, strides=[1, strides, strides, 1], padding='SAME') 127 elif layer_type=='pointwise': 128 conv_res = tf.nn.conv2d(img_tensor, weight_tensor, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') 129 elif layer_type=='standard': 130 conv_res = tf.nn.conv2d(img_tensor, weight_tensor, strides=[1, strides, strides, 1], padding='SAME') 131 else: 132 print('layer_type = depthwise? pointwise? standard?') 133 conv_bias = tf.nn.bias_add(conv_res, bias_tensor) 134 conv_scale = conv_bias * tf.constant(scale, dtype=tf.float32) 135 136 return tf.clip_by_value(tf.round(conv_scale), 0, 255) 137 138 139 ''' 140 Classifier of MobileNet 141 ''' 142 def my_fc(model, input, layer_index): 143 input_index = input_location[layer_index] 144 weight_index = weight_location[layer_index] 145 bias_index = bias_location[layer_index] 146 output_index = output_location[layer_index] 147 148 weight_quant = model._interpreter.TensorQuantization(int(weight_index)) 149 t_w = model.get_tensor(int(weight_index)) 150 t_w = np.transpose(t_w, (1, 2, 3, 0)) 151 weight_tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(t_w) 152 weight_tensor = tf.cast(weight_tensor, dtype=tf.float32) 153 weight_tensor = weight_tensor - tf.constant(weight_quant[1], dtype=tf.float32) 154 155 return tf.matmul(input, weight_tensor) 156 157 158 model = load_tflite("mobilenet_v1_0.25_128_quant.tflite") 159 img = load_img('test2.png') 160 161 print('***********************TFLite inference**************************') 162 tf_res = tflite_inference(model, img) 163 tf_res = np.squeeze(tf_res) 164 print('TFLite result is', np.argmax(tf_res)) 165 166 print('**********Custom inference for principle verification************') 167 168 layer_index=0 169 170 img_tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(img) 171 img_tensor = tf.cast(img_tensor, dtype=tf.float32) 172 conv0 = my_conv(model, img_tensor, layer_index, layer_type='standard', strides=2) 173 layer_index = layer_index+1 174 175 conv1 = my_conv(model, conv0, layer_index, layer_type='depthwise', strides=1) 176 layer_index = layer_index+1 177 conv2 = my_conv(model, conv1, layer_index, layer_type='pointwise', strides=1) 178 layer_index = layer_index+1 179 180 conv3 = my_conv(model, conv2, layer_index, layer_type='depthwise', strides=2) 181 layer_index = layer_index+1 182 conv4 = my_conv(model, conv3, layer_index, layer_type='pointwise', strides=1) 183 layer_index = layer_index+1 184 185 conv5 = my_conv(model, conv4, layer_index, layer_type='depthwise', strides=1) 186 layer_index = layer_index+1 187 conv6 = my_conv(model, conv5, layer_index, layer_type='pointwise', strides=1) 188 layer_index = layer_index+1 189 190 conv7 = my_conv(model, conv6, layer_index, layer_type='depthwise', strides=2) 191 layer_index = layer_index+1 192 conv8 = my_conv(model, conv7, layer_index, layer_type='pointwise', strides=1) 193 layer_index = layer_index+1 194 195 conv9 = my_conv(model, conv8, layer_index, layer_type='depthwise', strides=1) 196 layer_index = layer_index+1 197 conv10 = my_conv(model, conv9, layer_index, layer_type='pointwise', strides=1) 198 layer_index = layer_index+1 199 200 conv11 = my_conv(model, conv10, layer_index, layer_type='depthwise', strides=2) 201 layer_index = layer_index+1 202 conv12 = my_conv(model, conv11, layer_index, layer_type='pointwise', strides=1) 203 layer_index = layer_index+1 204 205 conv13 = my_conv(model, conv12, layer_index, layer_type='depthwise', strides=1) 206 layer_index = layer_index+1 207 conv14 = my_conv(model, conv13, layer_index, layer_type='pointwise', strides=1) 208 layer_index = layer_index+1 209 210 conv15 = my_conv(model, conv14, layer_index, layer_type='depthwise', strides=1) 211 layer_index = layer_index+1 212 conv16 = my_conv(model, conv15, layer_index, layer_type='pointwise', strides=1) 213 layer_index = layer_index+1 214 215 conv17 = my_conv(model, conv16, layer_index, layer_type='depthwise', strides=1) 216 layer_index = layer_index+1 217 conv18 = my_conv(model, conv17, layer_index, layer_type='pointwise', strides=1) 218 layer_index = layer_index+1 219 220 conv19 = my_conv(model, conv18, layer_index, layer_type='depthwise', strides=1) 221 layer_index = layer_index+1 222 conv20 = my_conv(model, conv19, layer_index, layer_type='pointwise', strides=1) 223 layer_index = layer_index+1 224 225 conv21 = my_conv(model, conv20, layer_index, layer_type='depthwise', strides=1) 226 layer_index = layer_index+1 227 conv22 = my_conv(model, conv21, layer_index, layer_type='pointwise', strides=1) 228 layer_index = layer_index+1 229 230 conv23 = my_conv(model, conv22, layer_index, layer_type='depthwise', strides=2) 231 layer_index = layer_index+1 232 conv24 = my_conv(model, conv23, layer_index, layer_type='pointwise', strides=1) 233 layer_index = layer_index+1 234 235 conv25 = my_conv(model, conv24, layer_index, layer_type='depthwise', strides=1) 236 layer_index = layer_index+1 237 conv26 = my_conv(model, conv25, layer_index, layer_type='pointwise', strides=1) 238 layer_index = layer_index+1 239 240 pooling_res = tf.nn.avg_pool(conv26, ksize=[1, 4, 4, 1], strides=[1, 4, 4, 1], padding="SAME") 241 pooling_res = tf.round(pooling_res) 242 243 fc_res = my_fc(model, pooling_res, layer_index) 244 245 with tf.Session() as sess: 246 layer_res = sess.run(fc_res) 247 print(layer_res.shape) 248 print('Custom result is', np.argmax(layer_res))
3.3 注意事项