进度规划 | 计划用时计划用时 | 实际用时 | 备注 |
实现文件迭代遍历 | 2hour | 2hour | 以前没有写过这种,搜索和学习相关的数据结构的用法花了较长时间, |
统计字符总数、总行数 | 30min | 大概也就20min | 这一步比较简单 |
统计单词总数目 | 0.5hour | 1.5hour | 晚上写的,熬夜效率不高,判断是否为单词的步骤花了时间较多,而且第一次还写的不太对,后来改了 |
统计各个单词的数量 | 0.5hour | 45min | 这里就是学习unordered_map怎么用占时间,这里没用几行代码 |
统计各个词组的数量 | 20min | 20min | 和统计各个单词数量差不多,很快完成 |
排序输出前十个单词和词组 | 20min | 45min | 选择一个好的算法很重要,刚开始想直接把所有的单词和词组排序,后来换成了用十一个缓冲区来选择 |
代码优化 | 120min | 未完 | 已经远超过120min了。。。当然到目前为止优化效果很显著,没有明显的可优化的地方了 |
Linux的问题 | 120min | 未完 | 已经花了50min写了一个能在Linux上跑的程序,就是把遍历文件夹的函数从新写一个就好了,接口改一下,可见低耦合的好处! |
输入文件名以命令行参数传入。需要遍历整个文件夹时,则要输入文件夹的路径。 | 15min | ||
根据命令行参数判断是否为目录 | 15min | ||
收尾工作,测试细节 | 60min | 未完 | 现在虽然已经优化了很长时间了,但是前三个的总数和词组的大小写一直和答案不一样,规则的细节还得细细品味 |
- 需求分析,估计各部分所需时间,给出PSP表格
- 记录实际完成各部分时间
- 对代码质量和性能进行分析
- 测试用例设计和分析过程
- 描述你在次项目中获得的经验
我采用了文件的深度优先遍历,刚开始写是在Windows10下的visual studio2017下写的,查了一下发现Windows下的文件遍历可以用_finddata_t
1 struct _finddata_t 2 { 3 unsigned attrib; //文件属性 4 time_t time_create; //文件创建时间 5 time_t time_access; //文件上一次访问时间 6 time_t time_write; //文件上一次修改时间 7 _fsize_t size; //文件字节数 8 char name[_MAX_FNAME]; //文件名 9 };
1 //深度优先递归遍历当前目录下文件夹和文件及子文件夹和文件 2 void DfsFolder(string path, int layer) 3 { 4 _finddata_t file_info; 5 string current_path = path + "/*.*"; //也可以用/*来匹配所有 6 intptr_t handle = _findfirst(current_path.c_str(), &file_info); 7 //返回值为-1则查找失败 8 if (-1 == handle) 9 { 10 cout << "cannot match the path" << endl; 11 return; 12 } 13 14 do 15 { 16 //判断是否子目录 17 if (file_info.attrib == _A_SUBDIR) 18 { 19 //递归遍历子目录 20 21 int layer_tmp = layer; 22 if (strcmp(file_info.name, "..") != 0 && strcmp(file_info.name, ".") != 0) //.是当前目录,..是上层目录,必须排除掉这两种情况 23 DfsFolder(path + '/' + file_info.name, layer_tmp + 1); //再windows下可以用\\转义分隔符,不推荐 24 } 25 else 26 { 27 //打印记号反映出深度层次 28 //for (int i = 0; i<layer; i++) 29 // cout << "--"; 30 //cout << file_info.name << endl; 31 //这几行用来测试这个函数 32 string filename = file_info.name; 33 string suffixStr = filename.substr(filename.find_last_of('.') + 1);//获取文件后缀 34 NumOfCharsLinesInFile(path + '/' + file_info.name); 35 } 36 } while (!_findnext(handle, &file_info)); //返回0则遍历完 37 //关闭文件句柄 38 _findclose(handle); 39 }
string suffixStr = filename.substr(filename.find_last_of('.') + 1);//获取文件后缀
其中 NumOfCharsLinesInFile 这个函数是处理文件的函数,当时想这个函数只用来统计文件的字数行数和词数,后来五项统计都写在了这个函数里,现在看来名字不太好,可以考虑后面改一下。
1 long long TotalNum_chars = 0; 2 long long TotalNum_lines = 0; 3 long long TotalNum_words = 0;
1 for(int i = 0;i<len;i++) 2 { 3 current_char = buf[i]; 4 if (current_char == '\n') { 5 NumberLines++; 6 } 7 if (current_char < 32 || current_char>126) 8 { 9 current_char = ' '; 10 TotalNum_chars--; 11 } 12 //判断是否为单词 13 if ((!isalpha(last_char)) && (!isdigit(last_char)) && (isalpha(current_char))) 14 { 15 wordbegin = true; 16 current_word = current_char; 17 } 18 else if (wordbegin) 19 { 20 if ((isalpha(current_char)) || (isdigit(current_char))) 21 { 22 //current_word.push_back(current_char); 23 current_word.push_back(current_char); 24 if (i == len-1) { 25 goto panduan; 26 } 27 } 28 else 29 { 30 panduan: wordbegin = false; 31 //Determines whether the current current word meets the word requirement: the first four characters are all letters 32 if (isalpha(current_word[1]) && isalpha(current_word[2]) && isalpha(current_word[3])) 33 { 34 35 //that current_word meets the requirements 36 NumberWords++; 37 EnterMap(last_word, current_word); 38 last_word = current_word; //NumberWords++,word,last_word=current_word 39 current_word.clear(); 40 41 } 42 } 43 } 44 last_char = current_char; 45 }
我是用到了上一个字符和目前的字符,并且设置了一个 wordbegin 变量来表示是否在读单词,只要是间隔符和字母在一起,就读入,读入的单词再通过前四个 char 是不是都是字母来判断是不是单词。
1 void NumOfCharsLinesInFile(string FileLocation) 2 {//Read the file, count the number of characters, lines, and words, and add it to the global variable. The word is processed and added to the map dictionary. 3 //int NumberChars = 0; 4 int NumberLines = 1; 5 int NumberWords = 0; 6 char last_char = ' '; 7 char current_char; 8 bool wordbegin = false; 9 string current_word; 10 string last_word; 11 12 size_t sz; 13 FILE * fp = fopen(FileLocation.c_str(), "rb"); 14 fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END); 15 sz = ftell(fp); // 16 17 rewind(fp); 18 char*buf; 19 buf = (char*)malloc(sz * sizeof(char)); 20 int len = fread(buf, sizeof(char), sz, fp);//用来读文件,经过测试,fread是最快的读文件方式 21 //if (len) { 22 // NumberLines++; 23 //} 24 25 for(int i = 0;i<len;i++) 26 { 27 current_char = buf[i]; 28 if (current_char == '\n') { 29 NumberLines++; 30 } 31 if (current_char < 32 || current_char>126) 32 { 33 current_char = ' '; 34 TotalNum_chars--; 35 } 36 //判断是否为单词 37 if ((!isalpha(last_char)) && (!isdigit(last_char)) && (isalpha(current_char))) 38 { 39 wordbegin = true; 40 current_word = current_char; 41 } 42 else if (wordbegin) 43 { 44 if ((isalpha(current_char)) || (isdigit(current_char))) 45 { 46 //current_word.push_back(current_char); 47 current_word.push_back(current_char); 48 if (i == len-1) { 49 goto panduan; 50 } 51 } 52 else 53 { 54 panduan: wordbegin = false; 55 //Determines whether the current current word meets the word requirement: the first four characters are all letters 56 if (isalpha(current_word[1]) && isalpha(current_word[2]) && isalpha(current_word[3])) 57 { 58 59 //that current_word meets the requirements 60 NumberWords++; 61 EnterMap(last_word, current_word); 62 last_word = current_word; //NumberWords++,word,last_word=current_word 63 current_word.clear(); 64 65 } 66 } 67 } 68 last_char = current_char; 69 } 70 71 free(buf); 72 73 74 TotalNum_chars += sz; 75 TotalNum_lines += NumberLines; 76 TotalNum_words += NumberWords; 77 fclose(fp); 78 fp = NULL; 79 }
这里用到了 unordered_map 这个关联容器,用法很简单,详见C++primer 。
还有就是这两个 map 的定义:
1 struct my_word 2 { 3 string sort_word = "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"; 4 size_t appear_count = 0; 5 }; 6 unordered_map<string, my_word>word_count; 7 unordered_map<string, size_t>phrase_count;
其中 my_word 的 sort_word 是用来存字典序排最前面的格式, appear_count 用来存单词出现的数量。
void EnterMap(string last_word, string current_word) { string simple_last_word; string simple_current_word; size_t len = last_word.length(); string temp_word = last_word; transform(temp_word.begin(), temp_word.end(), temp_word.begin(), ::tolower); bool is_start = false; for (size_t i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (isalpha(temp_word[i])) { is_start = true; simple_last_word = temp_word.substr(0, i + 1); break; } } len = current_word.length(); temp_word = current_word; transform(temp_word.begin(), temp_word.end(), temp_word.begin(), ::tolower); is_start = false; for (size_t i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (isalpha(temp_word[i])) { is_start = true; simple_current_word = temp_word.substr(0, i + 1); break; } } unordered_map<string, my_word> ::iterator got = word_count.find(simple_current_word); if (got == word_count.end()) { word_count.insert({ simple_current_word,{current_word,1} }); } else { got->second.appear_count++; if (current_word<got->second.sort_word) { got->second.sort_word = current_word; } } string simple_phrase = simple_last_word + '_' + simple_current_word; phrase_count[simple_phrase]++; }
开一个11个元素的 my_word 数组作为全局变量
my_word ten_word[11];
然后遍历 word_count ,每个都放入数组的第十一个,然后对这个数组进行一遍冒泡,使得第11个事最小的,然后最后就能筛选出出现次数最多的十个 my_word 。下面事代码。
1 void Getten_word() { 2 3 my_word temporary_word; 4 for (const auto &w : word_count) 5 { 6 ten_word[10] = w.second; 7 for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) 8 { 9 if (ten_word[i].appear_count < ten_word[i + 1].appear_count) 10 { 11 temporary_word = ten_word[i]; 12 ten_word[i] = ten_word[i + 1]; 13 ten_word[i + 1] = temporary_word; 14 } 15 } 16 } 17 sort(ten_word, ten_word + 10, compare); 18 } 19 20 void Getten_phrase() 21 { 22 my_phrase temporary_phrase; 23 for (const auto &w : phrase_count) 24 { 25 ten_phrase[10].appear_count = w.second; 26 ten_phrase[10].sort_phrase = w.first; 27 for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) 28 { 29 if (ten_phrase[i].appear_count < ten_phrase[i + 1].appear_count) 30 { 31 temporary_phrase = ten_phrase[i]; 32 ten_phrase[i] = ten_phrase[i + 1]; 33 ten_phrase[i + 1] = temporary_phrase; 34 } 35 } 36 } 37 sort(ten_phrase, ten_phrase + 10, phrase_compare); 38 } 39 40 bool compare(my_word a, my_word b) 41 { 42 return a.appear_count>b.appear_count; //升序排列 43 } 44 45 bool phrase_compare(my_phrase a, my_phrase b) 46 { 47 return a.appear_count>b.appear_count; //升序排列 48 }
写 main 函数:
1 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 2 { 3 clock_t tStart = clock(); 4 int state = DfsFolder("C:/newsample", 0); 5 if (state) 6 { 7 return 0; 8 } 9 cout << "char_number :" << TotalNum_chars << endl; 10 cout << "line_number :" << TotalNum_lines << endl; 11 cout << "word_number :" << TotalNum_words << endl; 12 Getten_word(); 13 cout <<endl<< "the top ten frequency of word : " << endl; 14 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) 15 { 16 cout << ten_word[i].sort_word << " " << ten_word[i].appear_count << endl; 17 18 } 19 Getten_phrase(); 20 cout <<"\n\n"<< "the top ten frequency of phrase :" << endl; 21 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) 22 { 23 string phrase_now = ten_phrase[i].sort_phrase; 24 string temp1, temp2; 25 int x = phrase_now.length(); 26 int k = phrase_now.find("_"); 27 28 //temp1 = phrase_now.substr(0, k); 29 //temp2 = phrase_now.substr(k + 1, x - k - 1); 30 string xx = phrase_now.substr(0, k); 31 cout << word_count[phrase_now.substr(0, k)].sort_word << ' ' << word_count[phrase_now.substr(k + 1, x - k - 1)].sort_word <<" "<< ten_phrase[i].appear_count << endl; 32 } 33 printf("Time taken: %.2fs\n", (double)(clock() - tStart) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); 34 return 0; 35 }
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <io.h> #include<ctype.h> #include <algorithm> #include <unordered_map> #include <time.h> using namespace std; long long TotalNum_chars = 0; long long TotalNum_lines = 0; long long TotalNum_words = 0; struct my_word { string sort_word = "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"; size_t appear_count = 0; }; my_word ten_word[11]; struct my_phrase { string sort_phrase = "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"; size_t appear_count = 0; }; my_phrase ten_phrase[11]; unordered_map<string, my_word>word_count; unordered_map<string, my_phrase>phrase_count; string transform_word(string raw_word) { size_t len = raw_word.length(); string simple_word; string temp_word = raw_word; transform(temp_word.begin(), temp_word.end(), temp_word.begin(), ::tolower); bool is_start = false; for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (isalpha(temp_word[i])) { is_start = true; simple_word = temp_word.substr(0, i + 1); break; } } return simple_word; } void EnterMap(string last_word, string current_word) { string simple_last_word; string simple_current_word; size_t len = last_word.length(); string temp_word = last_word; transform(temp_word.begin(), temp_word.end(), temp_word.begin(), ::tolower); bool is_start = false; for (size_t i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (isalpha(temp_word[i])) { is_start = true; simple_last_word = temp_word.substr(0, i + 1); break; } } len = current_word.length(); temp_word = current_word; transform(temp_word.begin(), temp_word.end(), temp_word.begin(), ::tolower); is_start = false; for (size_t i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (isalpha(temp_word[i])) { is_start = true; simple_current_word = temp_word.substr(0, i + 1); break; } } unordered_map<string, my_word> ::iterator got = word_count.find(simple_current_word); if (got == word_count.end()) { word_count.insert({ simple_current_word,{current_word,1} }); } else { got->second.appear_count++; if (current_word<got->second.sort_word) { got->second.sort_word = current_word; } } string simple_phrase = simple_last_word + '_' + simple_current_word; string raw_phrase = last_word + '_' + current_word; unordered_map<string, my_phrase> ::iterator got_phrase = phrase_count.find(simple_phrase); if (got_phrase == phrase_count.end()) { phrase_count.insert({ simple_phrase,{raw_phrase,1} }); } else { got_phrase->second.appear_count++; if (raw_phrase < got_phrase->second.sort_phrase) { got_phrase->second.sort_phrase = raw_phrase; } } } void NumOfCharsLinesInFile(string FileLocation) {//读入文件,统计字符数、行数、单词数,并加入到全局变量中。并对单词进行处理,加入map字典中。 //int NumberChars = 0; int NumberLines = 1; int NumberWords = 0; char last_char = ' '; char current_char; bool wordbegin = false; string current_word; string last_word; size_t sz; FILE * fp = fopen(FileLocation.c_str(), "rb"); fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END); sz = ftell(fp); rewind(fp); char*buf; buf = (char*)malloc(sz * sizeof(char)); int len = fread(buf, sizeof(char), sz, fp); //if (len) { // NumberLines++; //} for(int i = 0;i<len;i++) { current_char = buf[i]; if (current_char == '\n') { NumberLines++; } if (current_char < 32 || current_char>126) { current_char = ' '; TotalNum_chars--; } //判断是否为单词 if ((!isalpha(last_char)) && (!isdigit(last_char)) && (isalpha(current_char))) { wordbegin = true; current_word = current_char; } else if (wordbegin) { if ((isalpha(current_char)) || (isdigit(current_char))) { //current_word.push_back(current_char); current_word.push_back(current_char); if (i == len-1) { goto panduan; } } else { panduan: wordbegin = false; //判断现在的current_word是否满足word的要求:前四个字符都是字母 if (isalpha(current_word[1]) && isalpha(current_word[2]) && isalpha(current_word[3])) { //说明current_word满足要求 NumberWords++; EnterMap(last_word, current_word); last_word = current_word; //如果满足word要求,则将NumberWords++,并处理该word,并last_word=current_word current_word.clear(); //将current_word清空 } } } //判断是否为单词结束 last_char = current_char; } free(buf); TotalNum_chars += sz; TotalNum_lines += NumberLines; TotalNum_words += NumberWords; fclose(fp); fp = NULL; // } //深度优先递归遍历当前目录下文件夹和文件及子文件夹和文件 void DfsFolder(string path, int layer) { _finddata_t file_info; string current_path = path + "/*.*"; //也可以用/*来匹配所有 intptr_t handle = _findfirst(current_path.c_str(), &file_info); //返回值为-1则查找失败 if (-1 == handle) { cout << "cannot match the path" << endl; return; } do { //判断是否子目录 if (file_info.attrib == _A_SUBDIR) { //递归遍历子目录 int layer_tmp = layer; if (strcmp(file_info.name, "..") != 0 && strcmp(file_info.name, ".") != 0) //.是当前目录,..是上层目录,必须排除掉这两种情况 DfsFolder(path + '/' + file_info.name, layer_tmp + 1); //再windows下可以用\\转义分隔符,不推荐 } else { //打印记号反映出深度层次 //for (int i = 0; i<layer; i++) // cout << "--"; //cout << file_info.name << endl; string filename = file_info.name; string suffixStr = filename.substr(filename.find_last_of('.') + 1);//获取文件后缀 NumOfCharsLinesInFile(path + '/' + file_info.name); } } while (!_findnext(handle, &file_info)); //返回0则遍历完 //关闭文件句柄 _findclose(handle); } bool compare(my_word a, my_word b) { return a.appear_count>b.appear_count; //升序排列 } bool phrase_compare(my_phrase a, my_phrase b) { return a.appear_count>b.appear_count; //升序排列 } void Getten_word() { my_word temporary_word; for (const auto &w : word_count) { ten_word[10] = w.second; for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) { if (ten_word[i].appear_count < ten_word[i + 1].appear_count) { temporary_word = ten_word[i]; ten_word[i] = ten_word[i + 1]; ten_word[i + 1] = temporary_word; } } } sort(ten_word, ten_word + 10, compare); } void Getten_phrase() { my_phrase temporary_phrase; for (const auto &w : phrase_count) { ten_phrase[10] = w.second; for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) { if (ten_phrase[i].appear_count < ten_phrase[i + 1].appear_count) { temporary_phrase = ten_phrase[i]; ten_phrase[i] = ten_phrase[i + 1]; ten_phrase[i + 1] = temporary_phrase; } } } sort(ten_phrase, ten_phrase + 10, phrase_compare); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) //int main() { clock_t tStart = clock(); //递归遍历文件夹 DfsFolder("D:/newsample", 0); //递归遍历文件夹结束 cout << "characters: " << TotalNum_chars << endl; cout << "words: " << TotalNum_words << endl; cout << "lines: " << TotalNum_lines << endl; Getten_word(); cout << "=====================word=====================" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { cout << ten_word[i].sort_word << " " << ten_word[i].appear_count << endl; } Getten_phrase(); cout << "====================phrase===================" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { cout << ten_phrase[i].sort_phrase << " " << ten_phrase[i].appear_count << endl; } printf("Time taken: %.2fs\n", (double)(clock() - tStart) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); return 0; }