Ruby's Louvre



A Comparison of JavaScript Engines

When I was writing the History of JavaScript series I collected a lot of notes about JavaScript interpreters. If you’re wondering why people keep talking about V8 engines, monkeys and rhinos, read on.

Name Type Garbage Collection Security Implemented In
Rhino Compiler and interpreter Java runtime SecuritySupport interface, domain-based Java
SpiderMonkey Compiler and interpreter Mark-and-Sweep, non-conservative (exact) collector Java principals security model C
V8 Virtual machine Generational stop-the-world collector Context-based, with security tokens C++

Engine Types

Rhino and SpiderMonkey can run as compilers or interpreters. They parse JavaScript into an intermediate stage. V8 is different in that it has no intermediate parser — it generates assembler. This makes it sound more like a compiler than anything, but it does include a runtime environment of its own.

Garbage Collection

SpiderMonkey works by recursively searching all properties of all objects in the current scope and deallocating any without references. V8 stops execution to reclaim memory, but it only usually processes part of the heap to reduce the impact of stopping the program. The disadvantage of V8’s approach is that it has to stop the program — imagine a JavaScript program suddenly pausing and beachballing or egg-timering. However, because it’s simple, it’s also fast.

Trace Trees

SpiderMonkey 1.8.1 has a just-in-time compiler that can convert bytecode into machine code to improve performance. This was contributed by Adobe and now co-maintained by Mozilla. The JIT watches for commonly executed code and attempts to optimise the equivalent native code. The Tracing JIT page on Mozilla’s site has more details.

This is one of the reasons that recent performance graphs show Mozilla’s JavaScript engines catching up with V8. V8’s core innovation was compiling straight into native code.


posted on 2010-08-14 20:01  司徒正美  阅读(235)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报