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This is a preliminary document and may be changed substantially prior to final commercial release of the software described herein.

The Internet Explorer 10 Guide for Developers provides an early look at the developer features coming to the next version of Internet Explorer, as well as the latest HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3 features available to developers of Metro style apps for Windows 8. By using the documentation and samples in this guide, developers and designers can prepare to use these new features.

Important Note

The contents of this guide apply solely to the pre-release version of Internet Explorer 10 included with the Windows 8 Developer Preview, as well as to Metro style apps for Windows 8. The Windows 8 Developer Preview is only available to attendees of the BUILD Conference in Anaheim, California, September 13-16, 2011; to MSDN subscribers; to members of the Internet Explorer Feedback Program at Microsoft Connect; and on the Windows Developer Center.

The pre-release version of Internet Explorer 10 included with the Windows 8 Developer Preview is not yet available for Windows 7, nor are we releasing a new Internet Explorer Platform Preview for Windows 7 at this time. The most recent release for Windows 7 was Internet Explorer Platform Preview Build 2, on June 29, 2011. Therefore, you will notice that the newer features mentioned in this guide are not yet available in the most recent version of Internet Explorer Platform Preview. For a list of changes from Internet Explorer Platform Preview Build 2, see Revision History.

A pre-release version of Internet Explorer 10 will be released for Windows 7 at a future date. At that time, the Internet Explorer 10 Guide for Developers will be updated accordingly.

This topic contains the following sections:

What’s in the Guide

Listed here are new developer features for Internet Explorer 10. In addition to reading the guide, be sure to see the Release Notes for installation information and known issues, as well as the Internet Explorer Test Drive site for new demos and examples. You can also obtain detailed technical information about developer features by visiting the Internet Explorer Developer Center and the MSDN Library.

This pre-release version of Internet Explorer 10—as well as Metro style apps—contains support for the following developer features. Except where noted, these features work identically in Internet Explorer 10 and Metro style apps using HTML.

For more information about changes from previous builds of IE10 Platform Preview, see Revision History.

Compatibility Modes

By default, pages are rendered in Internet Explorer 10 with the latest rendering engine. However, if the page’s markup instructs the browser (via an “X-UA-Compatible” meta tag, a custom HTTP header from the web server, a !DOCTYPE declaration, or a combination of the three) to display it in an older document compatibility mode (for instance, IE9 mode, EmulateIE7 mode, “quirks” mode, and so on), Internet Explorer 10 displays the page in that compatibility mode. (For more information about compatibility modes, see Defining Document Compatibility on MSDN.)

Internet Explorer 10 must be in ”IE10 Standards Mode” to correctly display webpages that take advantage of the new features described in this document. The best way to ensure that Internet Explorer 10 renders your webpages using the latest rendering engine is to include the following !DOCTYPE declaration at the beginning of the page’s HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>

In addition, do not use an “X-UA-Compatible” meta tag on the page or send a custom HTTP header from the web server.

To force a webpage you are viewing in Internet Explorer 10 into a particular document compatibility mode, first open F12 Tools by pressing the F12 key. Then, on the Browser Mode menu, click Internet Explorer 10, and on the Document Mode menu, click Internet Explorer 10 standards.

User-agent String

The user-agent string for the Internet Explorer 10 is the following (new values are in boldface type):

Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; Trident/6.0)

Be aware that “Windows NT 6.2” indicates the browser is on a computer running Windows 8, whereas “Windows NT 6.1” indicates the computer is running Windows 7.

For more information about user-agent strings, see Understanding User-agent Strings on MSDN.

Revision History

April 12, 2011: Created for Internet Explorer Platform Preview Build 10 for MIX, with information about:

  • CSS3 Flexbox
  • CSS3 Grid
  • CSS3 Multi-column
  • CSS3 Gradients (on background images)
  • ES5 strict mode
  • Compatibility View List
  • User-agent string
  • How to send feedback

June 29, 2011: Updated for IE10 Platform Preview 2, with information about:

  • Positioned Floats
  • CSS3 Gradients (on all image types)
  • CSS style sheet limit lifted
  • CSSOM Floating Point Value support
  • Improved hit testing APIs
  • Media Query Listeners
  • HTML5: Support for async attribute on script elements
  • HTML5 Drag and Drop
  • HTML5 File API
  • HTML5 Sandbox
  • HTML5 Web Workers
  • Web Performance APIs:
    • requestAnimationFrame
    • Page Visibility API
    • setImmediate

July 8, 2011: Updated with information about:

  • Channel Messaging

July 12, 2011: Updated with information about:

  • HTML5 Parsing

September 13, 2011: Updated for Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 8 Developer Preview and BUILD Conference with information about:

  • CSS Regions
  • CSS3:
    • 3D Transforms
    • Animations
    • Panning and Zooming
    • Transitions
    • Text (text-shadow property and hyphenation)
  • Pointer and gesture DOM events
  • Improved F12 support:
    • Web workers
    • Multiple script sources
  • HTML5:
    • Application Cache
    • Progress and Range controls
    • History
    • Spellcheck
  • Web Sockets
  • Indexed Database (IndexedDB)
  • SVG Filter Effects
  • Navigation Timing

posted on 2011-09-14 20:59  司徒正美  阅读(2110)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报