go excel导入Demo

package main

import (
	_ "github.com/jinzhu/gorm/dialects/mysql"

var Pdb *gorm.DB

type Data struct {
	Rindex         int
	CountryName    string
	Sort           int64
	CountryId      int64
	LineName       string
	LineType       string
	Cname          string //公司名称
	UnitPrice      float64
	UnitGtePrice   float64
	UnitWeight     int64
	LimitWeight    int64
	RegFee         float64
	SpecialFee     float64
	ElectroFee     float64
	HasOversizeFee int64
	OverlenFee     float64
	FuleFeeRate    float64 //燃油附加费比例
	BusyFee        float64
	Cfee           float64
	LowWeight      int64
	ServiceFeeRate float64
	TariffFeeRate  float64
	InsureFeeRate  float64
	DaiyouFee      float64
	WeightRate     float64

var DataMap = make(map[int]Data)

type ZwPackLine struct {
	Id         int64  `json:"id"`
	Name       string `json:"name"`
	Type       string `json:"type"`
	Spot       string `json:"spot"`
	Process    string `json:"process"`
	CreateTime int64  `json:"create_time"`
	UpdateTime int64  `json:"update_time"`

type ZwPackCountryLine struct {
	Id         int64 `json:"id"`
	LineId     int64 `json:"line_id"`
	Sort       int64 `json:"sort"`
	CountryId  int64 `json:"country_id"`
	CreateTime int64 `json:"create_time"`
	UpdateTime int64 `json:"update_time"`

type ZwPackCompany struct {
	Id         int64  `json:"id"`
	LineId     int64  `json:"line_id"`
	Cname      string `json:"cname"`
	Score      int    `gorm:"default:5"`
	IsRec      int    `json:"is_rec"`
	CreateTime int64  `json:"create_time"`
	UpdateTime int64  `json:"update_time"`

type ZwCountries struct {
	Id          int64
	ChineseName string

type ZwPackFareTemplate struct {
	Id           int64   `json:"id"`
	Name         string  `json:"name"`
	UnitPrice    float64 `json:"unit_price"`
	UnitGtePrice float64 `json:"unit_gte_price"`
	UnitWeight   int64   `json:"unit_weight"`

type ZwPackCtemplate struct {
	Id         int64 `json:"id"`
	CompanyId  int64 `json:"company_id"`
	TemplateId int64 `json:"template_id"`
	CreateTime int64 `json:"create_time"`
	UpdateTime int64 `json:"update_time"`

type ZwPackFareCountry struct {
	Id             int64   `json:"id"`
	Tid            int64   `json:"tid"`
	CountryId      int64   `json:"country_id"`
	LowWeight      int64   `json:"low_weight"`
	WeightLimit    int64   `json:"weight_limit"`
	UnitPrice      float64 `json:"unit_price"`
	UnitWeight     int64   `json:"unit_weight"`
	UnitGtePrice   float64 `json:"unit_gte_price"`
	Cfee           float64 `json:"cfee"`
	RegFee         float64 `json:"reg_fee"`
	FuleFeeRate    float64 `json:"fule_fee_rate"`
	BusyFee        float64 `json:"busy_fee"`
	SpecialFee     float64 `json:"special_fee"`
	OverlenFee     float64 `json:"overlen_fee"`
	HasOversizeFee int64   `json:"has_oversize_fee"`
	ElectroFee     float64 `json:"electro_fee"`
	PackageFee     float64 `json:"package_fee"`
	ServiceFeeRate float64 `json:"service_fee_rate"`
	TariffFeeRate  float64 `json:"tariff_fee_rate"`
	InsureFeeRate  float64 `json:"insure_fee_rate"`
	DaiyouFee      float64 `json:"daiyou_fee"`
	VolumeWeight   float64 `json:"volume_weight"`
	WeightRate     float64 `json:"weight_rate"`
	CreateTime     int64   `json:"create_time"`
	UpdateTime     int64   `json:"update_time"`

var typeMap = map[string]string{
	"经济": "economic",
	"快速": "fast",
	"特快": "express",
	"特殊": "special",

var countryId = make(map[string]int64)

func init() {
	var err error
	Pdb, err = gorm.Open("mysql", "root:password@tcp(")
	if err != nil {

func main() {
	f, err := excelize.OpenFile("/Users/DavidWang/goweb/project/excel/template1.28.xlsx")//excel文件路径
	if err != nil {
	// 获取 Sheet1 上所有单元格
	rows := f.GetRows("Sheet1")
	for reindex, row := range rows {
		newData := Data{}
		for index, cell := range row {
			switch index {
			case 1:
				_, cid := getCountryId(cell)
				if cid == 0 {
				newData.CountryName = cell
				newData.CountryId = cid
			case 2:
				val, ok := typeMap[strings.Replace(cell, " ", "", -1)]
				if !ok {
				newData.LineType = val
			case 3:
				newData.Sort = decimalInt(cell)
			case 4:
				newData.LineName = cell
			case 5:
				newData.Cname = cell
			case 6:
				newData.UnitPrice = decimalFloat(cell)
			case 7:
				newData.UnitGtePrice = decimalFloat(cell)
			case 8:
				newData.UnitWeight = decimalInt(cell)
			case 9: //清关费
				newData.RegFee = decimalFloat(cell)
			case 10:
				newData.SpecialFee = decimalFloat(cell)
			case 11:
				newData.ElectroFee = decimalFloat(cell)
			case 12:
				newData.HasOversizeFee = decimalInt(cell)
			case 13:
				if len(cell) == 0 {
					newData.OverlenFee = 0
				} else {
					newData.OverlenFee = decimalFloat(cell)
			case 14:
				newData.FuleFeeRate = decimalFloat(cell)
			case 15:
				newData.BusyFee = decimalFloat(cell)
			case 16:
				newData.Cfee = decimalFloat(cell)
			case 17:
				newData.LowWeight = decimalInt(cell)
			case 18:
				newData.ServiceFeeRate = decimalFloat(cell)
			case 19:
				newData.TariffFeeRate = decimalFloat(cell)
			case 20:
				newData.InsureFeeRate = decimalFloat(cell)
			case 21:
				newData.DaiyouFee = decimalFloat(cell)
			case 22:
				rate := decimalFloat(cell)
				if rate <= 0 {
					rate = 1
				newData.WeightRate = rate
			case 23:
				newData.LimitWeight = decimalInt(cell)

		newData.Rindex = reindex
		DataMap[reindex] = newData
//todo:这里可以使用协程  for _, data := range DataMap { if data.LineName == "" { continue } if data.CountryId == 0 { continue } tx := Pdb.Begin() err, lineId := insertLine(tx, data.LineName, data.LineType) if err != nil { fmt.Println("写入线路表失败", data.LineName, data.LineType, err) tx.Rollback() continue } //国家线路表 err, _ = insertCountryLine(tx, data.CountryId, lineId, data.Sort) if err != nil { fmt.Println("写入国家线路表失败", data.LineName, data.CountryId, err) tx.Rollback() continue } fmt.Println("写入线路表成功", data.LineName) err, companyId := insertCompany(tx, lineId, data.Cname) if err != nil { fmt.Println("写入公司表失败表失败", data.LineName, data.LineType, err) tx.Rollback() continue } fmt.Println("写入公司表成功", data.Cname) err, templateId := insertTemplate(tx, data.CountryName+data.LineName+data.Cname, data.UnitPrice, data.UnitGtePrice, data.UnitWeight) if err != nil { fmt.Println("写入模板表失败表失败", data.Cname, data.LineName, err) tx.Rollback() continue } fmt.Println("写入模板表成功", data.Cname) err1, _ := insertCtemplate(tx, companyId, templateId) if err1 != nil { fmt.Println("写入公司模板关联表失败", companyId, templateId, err1) tx.Rollback() continue } fmt.Println("写入公司模板关联表成功", data.Cname, templateId) err2, _ := insertFareCountry(tx, templateId, data) if err2 != nil { fmt.Println("运费模板关联国家失败", countryId, templateId, err2) tx.Rollback() continue } tx.Commit() fmt.Println("恭喜你成功啦", data.LineName) } return //todo excelize根据指定单元格获取值会有问题(取不到),不建议使用 //var cellTop = []string{"B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "L", "J", "K", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V"} //// 获取工作表中指定单元格的值 //var startPos int64 = 4 //for { // if startPos == 691 { // break // } // newData := Data{} // for _, cell := range cellTop { // index := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", "C", 265) // cellVal := f.GetCellValue("Sheet1", index) // fmt.Println(index, cellVal) // return // switch cell { // case "B": // _, cid := getCountryId(cellVal) // newData.CountryId = cid // case "C": // val, ok := typeMap[strings.Replace(cellVal, " ", "", -1)] // if !ok { // fmt.Println("cellVal", cellVal, startPos) // return // continue // } // newData.LineType = val // } // // //println(cellVal) // } // startPos++ // println("startPos", startPos) // DataMap[startPos] = newData //} //for index, data := range DataMap { // fmt.Println("index,", index) // fmt.Println("LineType,", data.LineType) // fmt.Println("CountryId,", data.CountryId) //} //return // //cell := f.GetCellValue("Sheet1", "B5") //println(cell) //println(strings.Replace("你 好啊 哈 哈", " ", "", -1)) //countryId["美国"] = 1 //countryId["英国"] = 2 //cid, ok := countryId["英国"] //if !ok { // println("not found ", ok) // return //} //println("cid=", cid) //tx := Pdb.Begin() // //tx.Commit() // //return } func insertFareCountry(tx *gorm.DB, templateId int64, newData Data) (error, int64) { if newData.LimitWeight == 0 { newData.LimitWeight = 1000000 } fareCountry := ZwPackFareCountry{ Tid: templateId, CountryId: newData.CountryId, LowWeight: newData.LowWeight, WeightLimit: newData.LimitWeight, UnitPrice: newData.UnitPrice, UnitWeight: newData.UnitWeight, UnitGtePrice: newData.UnitGtePrice, Cfee: newData.Cfee, RegFee: newData.RegFee, FuleFeeRate: newData.FuleFeeRate, BusyFee: newData.BusyFee, SpecialFee: newData.SpecialFee, OverlenFee: newData.OverlenFee, HasOversizeFee: newData.HasOversizeFee, ElectroFee: newData.ElectroFee, PackageFee: 8, ServiceFeeRate: newData.ServiceFeeRate, TariffFeeRate: newData.TariffFeeRate, InsureFeeRate: newData.InsureFeeRate, DaiyouFee: newData.DaiyouFee, VolumeWeight: 1.1, WeightRate: newData.WeightRate, CreateTime: time.Now().Unix(), UpdateTime: time.Now().Unix(), } existFare := ZwPackFareCountry{ Tid: templateId, CountryId: newData.CountryId, } Pdb.Where("tid= ? and country_id = ?", templateId, newData.CountryId).First(&existFare) if existFare.Id > 0 { fareCountry.Id = existFare.Id } err := tx.Table("zw_pack_fare_country").Save(&fareCountry).Error if err != nil { return err, 0 } return nil, fareCountry.Id } func insertCtemplate(tx *gorm.DB, companyId int64, TemplateId int64) (error, int64) { ctemplate := ZwPackCtemplate{ CompanyId: companyId, TemplateId: TemplateId, CreateTime: time.Now().Unix(), UpdateTime: time.Now().Unix(), } Pdb.Where("company_id= ? and template_id = ?", companyId, TemplateId).First(&ctemplate) if ctemplate.Id > 0 { return nil, ctemplate.Id } err := tx.Table("zw_pack_ctemplate").Create(&ctemplate).Error if err != nil { return err, 0 } return nil, ctemplate.Id } func insertCountryLine(tx *gorm.DB, countryId int64, LineId int64, sort int64) (error, int64) { cline := ZwPackCountryLine{ LineId: LineId, CountryId: countryId, Sort: sort, CreateTime: time.Now().Unix(), UpdateTime: time.Now().Unix(), } existLine := ZwPackCountryLine{ LineId: LineId, CountryId: countryId, } Pdb.Where("country_id= ? and line_id = ?", countryId, LineId).First(&existLine) if existLine.Id > 0 { cline.Id = existLine.Id } err := tx.Table("zw_pack_country_line").Save(&cline).Error if err != nil { return err, 0 } return nil, cline.Id } func insertLine(tx *gorm.DB, name string, lineTypeStr string) (error, int64) { line := ZwPackLine{ Name: name, Type: lineTypeStr, Spot: "运输时效快,运费低", Process: "20-30天", CreateTime: time.Now().Unix(), } Pdb.Where("name = ?", name).First(&line) if line.Id > 0 { return nil, line.Id } err := tx.Table("zw_pack_line").Create(&line).Error if err != nil { return err, 0 } return nil, line.Id } func insertCompany(tx *gorm.DB, lineId int64, cname string) (error, int64) { company := ZwPackCompany{ LineId: lineId, Cname: cname, Score: 5, IsRec: 0, CreateTime: time.Now().Unix(), UpdateTime: time.Now().Unix(), } Pdb.Where("line_id= ? and cname = ?", lineId, cname).First(&company) if company.Id > 0 { return nil, company.Id } err := tx.Table("zw_pack_company").Create(&company).Error if err != nil { return err, 0 } return nil, company.Id } func insertTemplate(tx *gorm.DB, tName string, unitPrice float64, UnitGtePrice float64, UnitWeight int64) (error, int64) { template := ZwPackFareTemplate{ Name: tName, UnitPrice: unitPrice, UnitGtePrice: UnitGtePrice, UnitWeight: UnitWeight, } Pdb.Where("name= ?", tName).First(&template) if template.Id > 0 { return nil, template.Id } err := tx.Table("zw_pack_fare_template").Create(&template).Error if err != nil { return err, 0 } return nil, template.Id } /** **根据国家名称获取国家对应的id */ func getCountryId(countryName string) (error, int64) { var country []ZwCountries err := Pdb.Raw("SELECT id,name FROM zw_countries WHERE chinese_name=?", countryName).First(&country).Error if err != nil { return err, 0 } if len(country) == 0 { return err, 0 } return nil, country[0].Id } func decimalFloat(value string) float64 { f, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64) val, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", f), 64) return val } func decimalInt(value string) int64 { i, _ := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64) return i }


posted @ 2021-02-01 14:34  ruanqin  阅读(445)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报