#导出scott的数据,排除 table_a table_b
expdp system/password schemas=scott directory=datadir dumpfile=scott_%U.dmp PARALLEL=2 CLUSTER=no logfile=scott.log exclude=table:\"IN\(\'table_a\'\,\'table_b\'\)\"
select * from dba_directories;
drop user scott cascade;
select * from v$session t where t.USERNAME='scott';
select * from dba_tablespaces;
drop tablespace TS_scott_user_DATA including contents and datafile;
select * from dba_data_files t;
create tablespace TS_scott_user_DATA
datafile '/data/oracle/oradata/transdb/ts_scott_user_data1'
size 8192m
autoextend on next 256m
maxsize unlimited
extent management local
uniform segment space management auto;
create user scott identified by oracle default tablespace TS_scott_user_DATA temporary tablespace TEMP;
grant connect, resource, unlimited tablespace, debug any procedure, debug connect session to scott;
grant create view to scott;
grant create synonym to scott;
select * from dba_directories;
impdp system/password schemas=scott directory=datadir dumpfile=scott_%U.dmp PARALLEL=2 CLUSTER=no logfile=scott.log TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=replace