

第一章 引论

1. What are the two main functions of an operating system?


9. There are several design goals in building an operating system, for example, resource
utilization, timeliness, robustness, and so on. Give an example of two design goals that
may contradict one another.

Consider fairness and real time. Fairness requires that each process be allocated
its resources in a fair way, with no process getting more than its fair
share. On the other hand, real time requires that resources be allocated based
on the times when different processes must complete their execution. A realtime
process may get a disproportionate share of the resources.

15. Consider a computer system that has cache memory, main memory (RAM) and disk,
and an operating system that uses virtual memory. It takes 1 nsec to access a word
from the cache, 10 nsec to access a word from the RAM, and 10 ms to access a word
from the disk. If the cache hit rate is 95% and main memory hit rate (after a cache
miss) is 99%, what is the average time to access a word?

t = (0.95 * 1ns)(命中缓存)
    + (0.05 * 0.99 * 10ns)(没命中缓存但命中内存)
	+ (0.05 * 0.01 * 10ms)(都没命中) = 5001.445 ns

23. A file whose file descriptor is fd contains the following sequence of bytes:
3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5. The following system calls are made:
lseek(fd, 3, SEEK SET);
read(fd, &buffer, 4);
where the lseek call makes a seek to byte 3 of the file. What does buffer contain after
the read has completed?

即1 5 9 2

33. Here are some questions for practicing unit conversions:
(a) How long is a nanoyear in seconds?
(b) Micrometers are often called microns. How long is a megamicron?
(c) How many bytes are there in a 1-PB memory?
(d) The mass of the earth is 6000 yottagrams. What is that in kilograms?


第二章 进程与线程

A computer has 4 GB of RAM of which the operating system occupies 512 MB.
The processes are all 256 MB (for simplicity) and have the same characteristics.
If the goal is 99% CPU utilization, what is the maximum I/O wait that can be tolerated?

题目需要算p(I/O wait)

18. What is the biggest advantage of implementing threads in user space? What is the
biggest disadvantage?


45. Five batch jobs. A through E, arrive at a computer center at almost the same time.
They hav e estimated running times of 10, 6, 2, 4, and 8 minutes. Their (externally determined)
priorities are 3, 5, 2, 1, and 4, respectively, with 5 being the highest priority.
For each of the following scheduling algorithms, determine the mean process
turnaround time. Ignore process switching overhead.
(a) Round robin.
(b) Priority scheduling.
(c) First-come, first-served (run in order 10, 6, 2, 4, 8).
(d) Shortest job first.
For (a), assume that the system is multiprogrammed, and that each job gets its fair
share of the CPU. For (b) through (d), assume that only one job at a time runs, until it
finishes. All jobs are completely CPU bound.

每个进程平均完成时间(10 + (10+8) + (10+8+6) + (10+8+6+4) + (10+8+6+4+2))/5 = 22mins
10 6 2 4 8 (cost 10mins)
8 4 0 2 6 (cost 8mins)
6 2 0 0 4 (cost 6mins)
4 0 0 0 2 (cost 4mins)
2 0 0 0 0 (cost 2mins)
0 0 0 0 0

顺序:6 8 10 2 4
t = (6 + 14 + 24 + 26 + 30) / 5 = 20mins

t = (10 + 16 + 18 + 22 + 30) / 5 = 19.2mins

顺序:2 4 6 8 10
t = (2 + 6 + 12 + 20 + 30) / 5 = 14mins

60. Suppose that a university wants to show off how politically correct it is by applying the
U.S. Supreme Court’s ‘‘Separate but equal is inherently unequal’’ doctrine to gender as
well as race, ending its long-standing practice of gender-segregated bathrooms on campus.
However, as a concession to tradition, it decrees that when a woman is in a bathroom,
other women may enter, but no men, and vice versa. A sign with a sliding
marker on the door of each bathroom indicates which of three possible states it is currently
• Empty
• Women present
• Men present
In some programming language you like, write the following procedures:
woman wants to enter, man wants to enter, woman leaves, man leaves. You
may use whatever counters and synchronization techniques you like.


semaphore mutex = 1;
int flag = 0;
int man = 0, woman = 0;

void man_wants_to_enter()
	while(flag != 1)
		P(mutex), flag = 1;

void woman_wants_to_enter()
	while(flag != 2)
		P(mutex), flag = 2;

void man_leaves()
	if (flag == 1)
		if (!man)
			flag = 0, V(mutex);

void woman_leaves()
	if (flag == 2)
		if (!woman)
			flag = 0, V(mutex);

第三章 内存管理

4.Consider a swapping system in which memory consists of the following hole sizes in
memory order: 10 MB, 4 MB, 20 MB, 18 MB, 7 MB, 9 MB, 12 MB, and 15 MB.
Which hole is taken for successive segment requests of
(a) 12 MB
(b) 10 MB
(c) 9 MB
for first fit? Now repeat the question for best fit, worst fit, and next fit

First fit takes 20 MB, 10 MB, 18 MB. Best fit takes 12 MB, 10 MB, and 9
MB. Worst fit takes 20 MB, 18 MB, and 15 MB. Next fit takes 20 MB, 18
MB, and 9 MB.

先把12MB放入20MB,现在变成10 MB, 4 MB, 8 MB, 18 MB, 7 MB, 9 MB, 12 MB, and 15 MB
再10MB放入10MB,变成0 MB, 4 MB, 8 MB, 18 MB, 7 MB, 9 MB, 12 MB, and 15 MB
最后把9MB放入18MB,变成0 MB, 4 MB, 8 MB, 9 MB, 7 MB, 9 MB, 12 MB, and 15 MB

先把12MB放入12MB,现在变成10 MB, 4 MB, 20 MB, 18 MB, 7 MB, 9 MB, 0 MB, and 15 MB.
再10MB放入10MB,变成0 MB, 4 MB, 20 MB, 18 MB, 7 MB, 9 MB, 0 MB, and 15 MB.
最后把9MB放入9MB,变成0 MB, 4 MB, 20 MB, 18 MB, 7 MB, 0 MB, 0 MB, and 15 MB.

先把12MB放入20MB,现在变成10 MB, 4 MB, 8 MB, 18 MB, 7 MB, 9 MB, 12 MB, and 15 MB.
再10MB放入18MB,变成10 MB, 4 MB, 8 MB, 8 MB, 7 MB, 9 MB, 12 MB, and 15 MB.
最后把9MB放入15MB,变成10 MB, 4 MB, 8 MB, 8 MB, 7 MB, 9 MB, 12 MB, and 6 MB.

先把12MB放入20MB,现在变成(10 MB, 4 MB, )8 MB, 18 MB, 7 MB, 9 MB, 12 MB, and 15 MB
再10MB放入18MB,变成(10 MB, 4 MB,) (8 MB, )8 MB, 7 MB, 9 MB, 12 MB, and 15 MB
最后把9MB放入9MB,变成(10 MB, 4 MB,) (8 MB, )(8 MB, 7 MB,) 0 MB, 12 MB, and 15 MB


19. A computer with a 32-bit address uses a two-level page table. Virtual addresses are
split into a 9-bit top-level page table field, an 11-bit second-level page table field, and
an offset. How large are the pages and how many are there in the address space?


28. If FIFO page replacement is used with four page frames and eight pages, how many
page faults will occur with the reference string 0172327103 if the four frames are initially
empty? Now repeat this problem for LRU.


32. In the WSClock algorithm of Fig. 3-20(c), the hand points to a page with R = 0. If
τ = 400, will this page be removed? What about if τ = 1000?

The age of the page is 2204 − 1213 = 991. 
If τ = 400, it is definitely out of the working set and was not recently referenced so it 
will be evicted.
The τ = 1000 situation is different(991 <= 1000 it is in the working set). Now the page falls 
within the working set (barely), so it is not removed.

36. A computer has four page frames. The time of loading, time of last access, and the R
and M bits for each page are as shown below (the times are in clock ticks):
(a) Which page will NRU replace?
(b) Which page will FIFO replace?
(c) Which page will LRU replace?
(d) Which page will second chance replace?

NRU removes page 2.(优先删R=0,m=0(00)的,然后是01,再是10,最后是11)
FIFO removes page 3.(删载入时间最早的)
LRU removes page 1.(删最近访问时间最早的)
Second chance removes page 2.(

47. We consider a program which has the two segments shown below consisting of instructions
in segment 0, and read/write data in segment 1. Segment 0 has read/execute protection,
and segment 1 has just read/write protection. The memory system is a demand-paged virtual
memory system with virtual addresses that have a 4-bit page number, and
a 10-bit offset. The page tables and protection are as follows (all numbers in the table
are in decimal):
For each of the following cases, either give the real (actual) memory address which results
from dynamic address translation or identify the type of fault which occurs (either
page or protection fault).
(a) Fetch from segment 1, page 1, offset 3
(b) Store into segment 0, page 0, offset 16
(c) Fetch from segment 1, page 4, offset 28
(d) Jump to location in segment 1, page 3, offset 32

(a)不会出错,地址为11100000000011(or 1110 0011 or 0xD3)
(b)保护错误: Write to read/execute segment
(d)保护错误: Jump to read/write segment

第四章 文件系统

21. Name one advantage of hard links over symbolic links and one advantage of symbolic
links over hard links.


23. Consider a 4-TB disk that uses 4-KB blocks and the free-list method. How many block
addresses can be stored in one block?

4TB/4KB = pow(2,30)块,32是比它大又最接近的2进制位(lower_bound),因此每个块地址可以是32位(4Byte).
每个块可以存储4KB/4B = 1024个块地址

36. Consider the idea behind Fig. 4-21, but now for a disk with a mean seek time of 6
msec, a rotational rate of 15,000 rpm, and 1,048,576 bytes per track. What are the data
rates for block sizes of 1 KB, 2 KB, and 4 KB, respectively?

读取一个k个字节的块所需的时间是寻道时间、旋转延迟和传送时间之和:5 + 4.165 + (k/1MB)*8.33

旋转时间(转一圈要花的时间): 60s/15000rpm = 4ms/r
寻道时间 :6ms
每道大小 :1048576B
套公式得: 6 + 4/2 + (k/1048576) * 4

For blocks of 1 KB, 2 KB, and 4 KB(把这3个当成k代入), the access times are about 8.0039 msec, 
8.0078msec, and 8.0156 msec, respectively (hardly any different).

传输1KB需要8.0039ms,那么1s传输1000/8.0039*1 KB/s

40. A UNIX file system has 4-KB blocks and 4-byte disk addresses. What is the maximum
file size if i-nodes contain 10 direct entries, and one single, double, and triple indirect
entry each?

The i-node holds 10 pointers. The single indirect block holds 1024 pointers.
The double indirect block is good for 10242 pointers. The triple indirect block
is good for 10243 pointers. Adding these up, we get a maximum file size of
1,074,791,434 blocks, which is about 16.06 GB.

4KB/4B = 1024块地址/每块



第五章 I/O

13. Explain how an OS can facilitate installation of a new device without any need for
recompiling the OS.


28. Consider a magnetic disk consisting of 16 heads and 400 cylinders. This disk has four
100-cylinder zones with the cylinders in different zones containing 160, 200, 240. and
280 sectors, respectively. Assume that each sector contains 512 bytes, average seek
time between adjacent cylinders is 1 msec, and the disk rotates at 7200 RPM. Calculate
the (a) disk capacity, (b) optimal track skew, and (c) maximum data transfer rate.

容量(disk capacity): 磁头数 * 柱面数 * 扇区数

Capacity of zone 1: 16 × 100 × 160 × 512 = 131072000 bytes
Capacity of zone 2: 16 × 100 × 200 × 512 = 163840000 bytes
Capacity of zone 3: 16 × 100 × 240 × 512 = 196608000 bytes
Capacity of zone 4: 16 × 100 × 280 × 512 = 229376000 bytes
Sum = 131072000 + 163840000 + 196608000 + 229376000 = 720896000

最优磁道斜进(中文书p211): 寻道时间 / 通过每个扇区需要的时间

A rotation rate of 7200 means there are 120 rotations/sec.
In the 1 msec track-to-track seek time, 0.120 of the sectors are covered.//1ms转0.12圈

In zone 1, the disk head will pass over 0.120 × 160 sectors in 1 msec, so, optimal track
skew for zone 1 is 19.2 sectors.(1ms转0.12*160 = 19.2个扇区)

In zone 2, the disk head will pass over
0.120 × 200 sectors in 1 msec, so, optimal track skew for zone 2 is 24 sectors.

In zone 3, the disk head will pass over 0.120 × 240 sectors in 1 msec,
so, optimal track skew for zone 3 is 28.8 sectors.

In zone 4, the disk head will pass over 0.120 × 280 sectors in 1 msec, so, optimal track skew for zone 3 is 33.6 sectors.

	数据传输率=转速 \* 扇区数 \* 每个扇区的大小
	4个柱面转速相同,每个扇区的大小相同,那么扇区数选最大的:120\*280\*512=17203200 Byte/s

31. Disk requests come in to the disk driver for cylinders 10, 22, 20, 2, 40, 6, and 38, in
that order. A seek takes 6 msec per cylinder. How much seek time is needed for
(a) First-come, first served.
(b) Closest cylinder next.
(c) Elevator algorithm (initially moving upward).
(d) 改进的电梯算法
In all cases, the arm is initially at cylinder 20.

	sum = (20-10)+(22-10)+(22-20)+(20-2)+(40-2)+(40-6)+(38-6) = 146ms
	6 * sum = 876 ms
	6 * (2+12+4+4+36+2)=360ms
	顺序:20 22 10 6 2 38 40
	顺序:20 22 38 40 10 6 2
(d)改进:从开始位置先向上遍历完所有上面的请求  再去最低的没有完成的请求处往上遍历
	顺序:20 22 38 40 2 6 10

50. A thin-client terminal is used to display a Web page containing an animated cartoon of
size 400 pixels × 160 pixels running at 10 frames/sec. What fraction of a 100-Mbps
Fast Ethernet is consumed by displaying the cartoon?

consumed = fps * 长 * 宽 * 像素大小 / 带宽 * 100%
	 = 10*400*160* 3Byte(24bit) / (100Mb/s) = 15.36%
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