Fluentdata 轻型orm 仅仅一个cs文件
创建并且初始化一个IDbContext. 二选一
public IDbContext Context() { return new DbContext().ConnectionStringName("MyDatabase", new SqlServerProvider()); } public IDbContext Context() { return new DbContext().ConnectionString( "Server=MyServerAddress;Database=MyDatabase;Trusted_Connection=True;", new SqlServerProvider()); }
返回 dynamic类型的List 集合:
List<dynamic> products = Context.Sql("select * from Product").QueryMany<dynamic>();
返回强类型的List 集合
List<Product> products = Context.Sql("select * from Product").QueryMany<Product>();
ProductionCollection products = Context.Sql("select * from Product").QueryMany<Product, ProductionCollection>();
dynamic product = Context.Sql(@"select * from Product where ProductId = 1").QuerySingle<dynamic>();
Product product = Context.Sql(@"select * from Product where ProductId = 1").QuerySingle<Product>();
返回一个DataTable对象,QueryMany< DataTable > and QuerySingle 都可以返回DataTable, 只不过QuerMany返回的是 List< DataTable >
DataTable products = Context.Sql("select * from Product").QuerySingle<DataTable>();
返回一个 int 类型
int numberOfProducts = Context.Sql(@"select count(*) from Product").QuerySingle<int>();
返回一个List< int >
List<int> productIds = Context.Sql(@"select ProductId from Product").QueryMany<int>();
dynamic products = Context.Sql(@"select * from Product where ProductId = @0 or ProductId = @1", 1, 2).QueryMany<dynamic>(); or: dynamic products = Context.Sql(@"select * from Product where ProductId = @0 or ProductId = @1") .Parameters(1, 2).QueryMany<dynamic>();
dynamic products = Context.Sql(@"select * from Product where ProductId = @ProductId1 or ProductId = @ProductId2") .Parameter("ProductId1", 1) .Parameter("ProductId2", 2) .QueryMany<dynamic>();
var command = Context.Sql(@"select @ProductName = Name from Product where ProductId=1") .ParameterOut("ProductName", DataTypes.String, 100); command.Execute(); string productName = command.ParameterValue<string>("ProductName");
List 类型参数,请注意,不要在(…)语法中留下任何空格
List<int> ids = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; dynamic products = Context.Sql(@"select * from Product where ProductId in(@0)", ids).QueryMany<dynamic>();
like 模糊查询:
string cens = "%abc%"; Context.Sql("select * from Product where ProductName like @0",cens);
List<Product> products = Context.Sql(@"select * from Product") .QueryMany<Product>();
ProductionCollection products = Context.Sql("select * from Product").QueryMany<Product, ProductionCollection>();
List<Product> products = Context.Sql(@"select p.*, c.CategoryId as Category_CategoryId, c.Name as Category_Name from Product p inner join Category c on p.CategoryId = c.CategoryId") .QueryMany<Product>();
List<Product> products = Context.Sql(@"select * from Product") .QueryMany<Product>(Custom_mapper_using_dynamic); public void Custom_mapper_using_dynamic(Product product, dynamic row) { product.ProductId = row.ProductId; product.Name = row.Name; }
基于 datareader 的动态的自定义映射
List<Product> products = Context.Sql(@"select * from Product") .QueryMany<Product>(Custom_mapper_using_datareader); public void Custom_mapper_using_datareader(Product product, IDataReader row) { product.ProductId = row.GetInt32("ProductId"); product.Name = row.GetString("Name"); }
如果你有一个复杂的实体类型需要控制它的创建方式,那么可以使用 QueryComplexMany/QueryComplexSingle
var products = new List<Product>(); Context.Sql("select * from Product").QueryComplexMany<Product>(products, MapComplexProduct); private void MapComplexProduct(IList<Product> products, IDataReader reader) { var product = new Product(); product.ProductId = reader.GetInt32("ProductId"); product.Name = reader.GetString("Name"); products.Add(product); }
using (var command = Context.MultiResultSql) { List<Category> categories = command.Sql( @"select * from Category; select * from Product;").QueryMany<Category>(); List<Product> products = command.QueryMany<Product>(); }
List<Product> products = Context.Select<Product>("p.*, c.Name as Category_Name") .From(@"Product p inner join Category c on c.CategoryId = p.CategoryId") .Where("p.ProductId > 0 and p.Name is not null") .OrderBy("p.Name") .Paging(1, 10).QueryMany();
int productId = Context.Sql(@"insert into Product(Name, CategoryId) values(@0, @1);") .Parameters("The Warren Buffet Way", 1) .ExecuteReturnLastId<int>(); int productId = Context.Insert("Product") .Column("Name", "The Warren Buffet Way") .Column("CategoryId", 1) .ExecuteReturnLastId<int>();
Product product = new Product(); product.Name = "The Warren Buffet Way"; product.CategoryId = 1; product.ProductId = Context.Insert<Product>("Product", product) .AutoMap(x => x.ProductId) .ExecuteReturnLastId<int>();
int rowsAffected = Context.Sql(@"update Product set Name = @0 where ProductId = @1") .Parameters("The Warren Buffet Way", 1) .Execute(); int rowsAffected = Context.Update("Product") .Column("Name", "The Warren Buffet Way") .Where("ProductId", 1) .Execute();
Product product = Context.Sql(@"select * from Product where ProductId = 1") .QuerySingle<Product>(); product.Name = "The Warren Buffet Way"; int rowsAffected = Context.Update<Product>("Product", product) .AutoMap(x => x.ProductId) .Where(x => x.ProductId) .Execute();
var product = new Product(); product.Name = "The Warren Buffet Way"; product.CategoryId = 1; var insertBuilder = Context.Insert<Product>("Product", product).Fill(FillBuilder); var updateBuilder = Context.Update<Product>("Product", product).Fill(FillBuilder); public void FillBuilder(IInsertUpdateBuilder<Product> builder) { builder.Column(x => x.Name); builder.Column(x => x.CategoryId); }
int rowsAffected = Context.Sql(@"delete from Product where ProductId = 1") .Execute(); int rowsAffected = Context.Delete("Product") .Where("ProductId", 1) .Execute();
var rowsAffected = Context.Sql("ProductUpdate") .CommandType(DbCommandTypes.StoredProcedure) .Parameter("ProductId", 1) .Parameter("Name", "The Warren Buffet Way") .Execute(); var rowsAffected = Context.StoredProcedure("ProductUpdate") .Parameter("Name", "The Warren Buffet Way") .Parameter("ProductId", 1).Execute();
var product = Context.Sql("select * from Product where ProductId = 1") .QuerySingle<Product>(); product.Name = "The Warren Buffet Way"; var rowsAffected = Context.StoredProcedure<Product>("ProductUpdate", product) .AutoMap(x => x.CategoryId).Execute();
var product = Context.Sql("select * from Product where ProductId = 1") .QuerySingle<Product>(); product.Name = "The Warren Buffet Way"; var rowsAffected = Context.StoredProcedure<Product>("ProductUpdate", product) .Parameter(x => x.ProductId) .Parameter(x => x.Name).Execute();
using (var context = Context.UseTransaction(true)) { context.Sql("update Product set Name = @0 where ProductId = @1") .Parameters("The Warren Buffet Way", 1) .Execute(); context.Sql("update Product set Name = @0 where ProductId = @1") .Parameters("Bill Gates Bio", 2) .Execute(); context.Commit(); }
List<Product> products = Context.EntityFactory(new CustomEntityFactory()) .Sql("select * from Product") .QueryMany<Product>(); public class CustomEntityFactory : IEntityFactory { public virtual object Resolve(Type type) { return Activator.CreateInstance(type); } }