Core + Log4net + ELK 搭建日志中心
对于这种工具类的东西,第一步就直接到docker的hub中查找了,很幸运,不仅有Elasticsearch,kibana,logstash 单独的镜像,而且还直接 有ELK的镜像。
sudo docker run -p 5601:5601 -p 9200:9200 -p 5044:5044 -d --name log-platform --restart always sebp/elk
这当然能少好多配置,毫不犹豫就选择了elk的镜像, 运行起来!如果没有异常的话相信就很容易的跑起来了(最有可能出现的问题就是虚拟内存不足了,可以百度找解决方案这里就不在详细说了)
因为在.net core 之前就有搭建过日志中心,所以对于appender还记得有一个Log4net.Elasticsearch的dll,但是在查看资料之后发现很久没有更新 也不支持.net standard。在决定自己实现appender之前,抱着侥幸心理去查找了一翻,既然找到一个支持.net core的开源项目log4stash。很幸运,又可以不要造轮子了,哈哈。log4Stash使用很简单,但是配置的东西还挺多的而且作者也没有很好的文档介绍,先不管其他的用起来在说。
- 项目中添加log4stash
Install-Package log4stash -Version 2.2.1
- 修改log4net.config
<appender name="ElasticSearchAppender" type="log4stash.ElasticSearchAppender, log4stash">
<appender name="ElasticSearchAppender" type="log4stash.ElasticSearchAppender, log4stash">
<!-- optional: in case elasticsearch is located behind a reverse proxy the URL is like http://Server:Port/Path, default = empty string -->
<DocumentIdSource>IdSource</DocumentIdSource> <!-- obsolete! use IndexOperationParams -->
<!-- Serialize log object as json (default is true).
-- This in case you log the object this way: `logger.Debug(obj);` and not: `logger.Debug("string");` -->
<!-- optional: elasticsearch timeout for the request, default = 10000 -->
<!--You can add parameters to the request to control the parameters sent to ElasticSearch.
for example, as you can see here, you can add a routing specification to the appender.
The Key is the key to be added to the request, and the value is the parameter's name in the log event properties.-->
<!-- for more information read about log4net.Core.FixFlags -->
<!--Only one credential type can used at once-->
<!--Here we list all possible types-->
<!--For basic authentication purposes-->
<!--For AWS ElasticSearch service-->
<!-- all filters goes in ElasticFilters tag -->
<!-- using the @type value from the previous filter -->
<Value>the type is %{@type}</Value>
<!-- you can load custom filters like I do here -->
<Filter type="log4stash.Filters.RenameKeyFilter, log4stash">
<!-- converts a json object to fields in the document -->
<!-- the separator property is only relevant when setting the FlattenJson property to 'true' -->
<!-- converts an xml object to fields in the document -->
<!-- kv and grok filters similar to logstash's filters -->
<FieldSplit> ,</FieldSplit>
<Pattern>the message is %{WORD:Message} and guid %{UUID:the_guid}</Pattern>
<!-- Convert string like: "1,2, 45 9" into array of numbers [1,2,45,9] -->
<!-- The separators (space and comma) -->
<Seperators>, </Seperators>
<!-- convert given key to string -->
<!-- same as ConvertToArray. Just for convenience -->
<level value="WARN" />
<appender-ref ref="ElasticSearchAppender" />
在kibana建立Index Pattern
Elasticsearch的Index跟关系数据库中的Database挺类似的,虽然我们项目在写了测试数据后,Elasticsearch中就已经有Index了,但是如果我们需要在可视化工具中查询数据的话建立Index Pattern
进入Management - Create Index Pattern,输入我们项目日志配置文件中的Index名称log_test-*(如果有数据,这边应该是会自动带出来的),然后创建,之后就可以在Kibana中浏览,查询我们的日志信息了。