java 查看ssl log
java MyApp
Here are the current options:
all turn on all debugging ssl turn on ssl debugging The following can be used with ssl: record enable per-record tracing handshake print each handshake message keygen print key generation data session print session activity defaultctx print default SSL initialization sslctx print SSLContext tracing sessioncache print session cache tracing keymanager print key manager tracing trustmanager print trust manager tracing handshake debugging can be widened with: data hex dump of each handshake message verbose verbose handshake message printing record debugging can be widened with: plaintext hex dump of record plaintext packet print raw SSL/TLS packets
- To view all debugging messages:
java MyApp
- To view the hexadecimal dumps of each handshake message, you can type the following, where the colons are optional:
java MyApp
- To view the hexadecimal dumps of each handshake message, and to print trust manager tracing, you can type the following, where the commas are optional:
java,handshake,data,trustmanager MyApp
posted on 2015-06-17 11:48 renshaoping 阅读(920) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报