微信机器人 细腻化
f = 't.txt' l = [] with open(f, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fr: for i in fr: l.append(i) # 导入模块 from wxpy import * # 初始化机器人,扫码登陆 bot = Bot() import time while True: # 机器人账号自身 myself = bot.self # 向文件传输助手发送消息 s = l[0] s = '{}{}'.format(s, time.time()) del l[0] bot.file_helper.send(s) time.sleep(0.3)
f = 't.txt' l = [] with open(f, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fr: for i in fr: l.append(i) # 导入模块 from wxpy import * # 初始化机器人,扫码登陆 bot = Bot() import time while True: # 机器人账号自身 myself = bot.self # 向文件传输助手发送消息 s = l[0] s = '{}{}'.format(s, time.time()) del l[0] # bot.file_helper.send(s) groups_o = bot.groups(update=False, contact_only=False) for i in groups_o: if i.nick_name == '有钱的大群': i.send('早') time.sleep(0.3)