Nothing but the key 属性全部依赖于主键 third norm form





Designs that Violate 1NF

Customer ID First Name Surname Telephone Number
123 Pooja Singh 555-861-2025, 192-122-1111
456 San Zhang (555) 403-1659 Ext. 53; 182-929-2929
789 John Doe 555-808-9633


Designs that Comply with 1NF

Customer Name
Customer ID First Name Surname
123 Pooja Singh
456 San Zhang
789 John Doe

Customer Telephone Number
Customer ID Telephone Number
123 555-861-2025
123 192-122-1111
456 (555) 403-1659 Ext. 53
456 182-929-2929
789 555-808-9633





Electric Toothbrush Models
ManufacturerModelModel Full NameManufacturer Country
Forte X-Prime Forte X-Prime Italy
Forte Ultraclean Forte Ultraclean Italy
Dent-o-Fresh EZbrush Dent-o-Fresh EZbrush USA
Kobayashi ST-60 Kobayashi ST-60 Japan
Hoch Toothmaster Hoch Toothmaster Germany
Hoch X-Prime Hoch X-Prime Germany





Even if the designer has specified the primary key as {Model Full Name}, the relation is not in 2NF because of the other candidate keys. {Manufacturer, Model} is also a candidate key, and Manufacturer Country is dependent on a proper subset of it: Manufacturer. To make the design conform to 2NF, it is necessary to have two relations:

Electric Toothbrush Manufacturers

Manufacturer Manufacturer Country
Forte Italy
Dent-o-Fresh USA
Kobayashi Japan
Hoch Germany

Electric Toothbrush Models

Manufacturer Model Model Full Name
Forte X-Prime Forte X-Prime
Forte Ultraclean Forte Ultraclean
Dent-o-Fresh EZbrush Dent-o-Fresh EZbrush
Kobayashi ST-60 Kobayashi ST-60
Hoch Toothmaster Hoch Toothmaster
Hoch X-Prime Hoch X-Prime








3-An approximation of Codd's definition of 3NF, paralleling the traditional pledge to give true evidence in a court of law, was given by Bill Kent: "[Every] non-key [attribute] must provide a fact about the key, the whole key, and nothing but the key."[7] A common variation supplements this definition with the oath: "so help me Codd".[8]


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