User Login Client Identification


HTTP The Definitive Guide


Rather than passively trying to guess the identity of a user from his IP address, a web server can
explicitly ask the user who he is by requiring him to authenticate (log in) with a username and
To help make web site logins easier, HTTP includes a built-in mechanism to pass username
information to web sites, using the WWW-Authenticate and Authorization headers. Once logged in,
the browsers continually send this login information with each request to the site, so the information is
always available. We'll discuss this HTTP authentication in much more detail in Chapter 12, but let's
take a quick look at it now.
If a server wants a user to register before providing access to the site, it can send back an HTTP 401
Login Required response code to the browser. The browser will then display a login dialog box and
supply the information in the next request to the browser, using the Authorization header.
This is
depicted in Figure 11-2.

To save users from having to log in for each request, most browsers will remember login information for a
site and pass in the login information for each request to the site.

Figure 11-2. Registering username using HTTP authentication headers


Here's what's happening in this figure:

In Figure 11-2a, a browser makes a request from the site.

The site doesn't know the identity of the user, so in Figure 11-2b, the server requests a login
by returning the 401 Login Required HTTP response code and adds the WWW-Authenticate
header. This causes the browser to pop up a login dialog box.

Once the user enters a username and a password (to sanity check his identity), the browser
repeats the original request. This time it adds an Authorization header, specifying the
username and password. The username and password are scrambled, to hide them from casual
or accidental network observers.

As we will see in Chapter 14, the HTTP basic authentication username and password can easily
be unscrambled by anyone who wants to go through a minimal effort. More secure techniques will
be discussed later.

Now, the server is aware of the user's identity. •

For future requests, the browser will automatically issue the stored username and password
when asked and will often even send it to the site when not asked. This makes it possible to
log in once to a site and have your identity maintained through the session, by having the
browser send the Authorization header as a token of your identity on each request to the


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