Block Swap Algorithm

Block Swap Algorithm

Block swap algorithm for array rotation in C++

Array rotation-IV (Block Swap Algorithm) - Ruby Algorithms

About Swapping Blocks | AutoCAD Electrical 2017 | Autodesk Knowledge Network


The block swapper tool can operate in several different modes:

  • Swap Block: Exchanges one block for another, retaining the scale of the old block, rotation, wire connections, attribute values, and attribute positions (if Retain is selected). For example, use the tool to swap out a red standard pilot light with a green one, or drawing-wide, swap out all standard red pilot lights with red press-test pilot lights.
  • Update: Updates all instances of a given block with an updated version of the same block. Again, all attribute values and wire connections are retained. For example, an old AutoCAD Electrical project set must be used on a new project but the client likes the limit switches drawn a bit differently. Simply make client-specific versions of the limit switch symbols. Then use the Update option; select any limit switch on the drawing, and then reference the path to the new version of the symbol. AutoCAD Electrical quickly replaces all instances of the symbol it finds on the drawings with the new version of the same symbol. The Library mode works the same way as the Update mode, but swaps out all the blocks on the drawings.

When you swap or update a block there may be times when you want the values of certain attributes mapped to different attribute names. For example, you may be doing a Library Update and the library symbols you are swapping out do not use standard AutoCAD Electrical attribute names. You want a quick way to update the library symbols, but you do not want to lose information held on the current attributes.



posted @ 2021-06-22 01:16  papering  阅读(93)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报