802.11 帧的Reason Code 位和Status Code 位(中文+英文)
Reason Code 位
当对方不适合加入网络时,工作站会送出 Disassociation(解除连接)或 Deauthentication(解除身份认证)帧作为应答。这些帧当中包含一个长度 16bit 的 Reason Code(原因代码)位,表示对方的做法有误,如图 4-29 所示。表 4-5 列出了产生原因代码的理由。要完全了解原因代码的用法,必须对各种帧以及 802.11 工作站的状态有所了解。关于这一点,可以查看802.11 帧格式和分类详解
代码 | 含义 |
0 | 保留,未使用( Reserved; unused) |
1 | 未指定( Unspecified) |
2 | 之前的身份认证无效( Prior authentication is not valid) |
3 | 工作站已经离开基本服务区或扩展服务区,目前已经接触身份认证(Station has left the basic service area or extendedservice area and is deauthenticated) |
4 | 闲置计时器超时,且工作站已经解除连接( Inactivity timer expired and station was disassociated) |
5 | 基站资源不足,因此解除连接( Disassociated due to insufficient resources at the access point) |
6 | 从尚未认证的工作站所收到的帧类型或次类型不正确( Incorrect frame type or subtype received from unauthenticated station) |
7 | 从尚未连接的工作站所收到的帧类型或者次类型不正确( Incorrect frame type or subtype received from unassociated station) |
8 | 工作站已经离开基本服务区或扩展服务区,目前已经解除连接( Station has left the basic service area or extended service area and is disassociated) |
9 | 在身份认证完成之前要求连接或者重新连接( Association or reassociation requested before authentication is complete) |
10 | (802.11h) 无法接受 Power Capability 信息元素的设定值,因此解除连接(Disassociated because of unacceptable values in Power Capability element) |
11 | (802.11h) 无法接受 Supported Channels 信息元素的设定值,因此解除连接( Disassociated because of unacceptable values in Supported Channels element) |
12 | 保留( Reserved) |
13 | (802.11i)信息元素不正确( 802.11i 所加入的原因代码, 因此应指 802.11i 的信息元素) Invalid information element (added with 802.11i, and likely one of the 802.11i information elements) |
14 | (802.11i) 数据完整性检验失败( Message integrity check failure) |
15 | (802.11i) 四道密钥磋商超时( 4-way keying handshake timeout) |
16 | (802.11i) 群组密钥磋商超时( Group key handshake timeout) |
17 | (802.11i) 四道磋商信息元素的安全参数与原始参数组合不符( 4-way handshake information element has different security parameters from initial parameter set) |
18 | (802.11i) 群组密码锁不正确(Invalid group cipher) |
19 | (802.11i) 成对密码锁不正确( Invalid pairwise cipher) |
20 | (802.11i) 身份认证与密钥管理协议不正确( Invalid Authentication and Key Management Protocol) |
21 | (802.11i) 未支持的固安网络信息元素版本( Unsupported Robust Security Network Information Element (RSN IE) version) |
22 | (802.11i) RSN IE 的性能项不正确( Invalid capabilities in RSN information element) |
23 | (802.11i) 802.1X 身份认证失败( 802.1X authentication failure) |
24 | (802.11i) 所设定的使用政策拒绝所提议的密钥锁组( Proposed cipher suite rejected due to configured policy) |
25 | 535 保留,未使用( Reserved; unused) |
Status Code 位
状态代码用来表示某项过程成功或失败。 Status Code(状态代码)位,如图 4-30 所示。
如果某项过程成功,该位的值就会被设定为 0,否则设为非零值。表 4-6 列出了标准的状态代码。
代码 | 含义 |
0 | 操作成功( Operation completed successfully) |
1 | 未指定失败原因( Unspecified failure) |
2-9 | 保留,未使用( Reserved; unused) |
10 | 所要求的能力范围过广无法支持( Requested capability set is too broad and cannot be supported) |
11 | 拒绝重新连接; 之前的连接无法辨识与转移( Reassociation denied; prior association cannot be identified and transferred) |
12 | 拒绝重新连接, 原因不在 802.11 标准指定范围内( Association denied for a reason not specified in the 802.11 standard) |
13 | 不支持所使用的身份认证算法( Requested authentication algorithm not supported) |
14 | 超乎预期的身份认证序号( Unexpected authentication sequence number) |
15 | 身份认证被拒绝;回应信息有误( Authentication rejected; the response to the challenge failed) |
16 | 身份认证被拒绝;下一个帧并未出现在预定的期间( Authentication rejected; the next frame in the sequence did not arrive in the expected window) |
17 | 连接被拒绝;基站资源有限( Association denied; the access point is resource-constrained) |
18 | 连接被拒绝; 工作站并未支持 BSS 要求的所有数据传输速率( Association denied; the mobile station does not support all of the data rates required by the BSS) |
19 | (802.11b)连接被拒绝; 工作站并未支持 Short Preamble 功能( Association denied; the mobile station does not support the Short Preamble option) |
20 | (802.11b) 连接被拒绝;工作站并未支持 PBCC 调制技术( Association denied; the mobile station does not support the PBCC modulation option) |
21 | (802.11b) 连接被拒绝;工作站并未支持 Channel Agility 功能( Association denied; the mobile station does not support the Channel Agility option) |
22 | (802.11h)连接被拒绝;需要 Spectrum Management 功能( Association denied; Spectrum Management is required) |
23 | (802.11h)连接被拒绝;不接受 Power Capability( Association denied; Power Capability value is not acceptable) |
24 | (802.11h) 连接被拒绝;不接受 Supported Channels( Association denied; Supported Channels is not acceptable) |
25 | (802.11g)连接被拒绝;工作站并未支持 Short slot Time 功能( Association denied; the mobile station does not support the Short Slot Time) |
26 | (802.11g)连接被拒绝; 工作站并未支持 DSSS-OFDM 功能(Association denied; the mobile station does not support DSSS-OFDM) |
27-39 | 保留( Reserved) |
40 | (802.11i) 信息元素不正确( Information element not valid) |
41 | (802.11i)群组(广播/组播) 密码锁不正确( Group (broadcast/multicast) cipher not valid) |
42 | (802.11i) 成对(单点传播)密码锁不正确( Pairwise (unicast) cipher not valid) |
43 | (802.11i) 身份认证与密钥管理协议不正确( Authentication and Key Management Protocol (AKMP) not valid) |
44 | (802.11i)未支持的固安网络信息元素版本(Robust Security Network information element (RSN IE) version is not supported) |
45 | (802.11i) 不支持 RSN IE 性能( RSN IE capabilites are not supported) |
46 | (802.11i) 密码锁组被使用政策拒绝( Cipher suite rejected due to policy) |
47-63 | 535 保留给未来的标准使用( Reserved for future standardization work) |